Chapter 4

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"Woah! That's so cool!" Danielle exclaimed in awe at the fluid movements of Haerin's dancing. The dancer smiled shyly as she slumped onto the couch, kicking her legs while hiding her blushing face in her hands. She turned eagerly to Danielle with a smirk on her face.

"Will you show me your singing now?" Haerin asked. Danielle froze for a bit. It's been a while since she last sang in front of an audience but she wanted Haerin to hear it. So she took a deep breath and started singing 'Part of your world' from 'The little mermaid'. Haerin was at a loss of words to describe the beauty of Danielle's voice as she sang. The emotions and the melody was spot on and you could really hear the curiosity the character singing felt.

Once the song was done, Haerin cheered enthusiastically as she clapped and began her endless flow of compliments, ranging from how pretty that was and how talented Danielle was. The singer looked away, trying to keep the stoic expression imprinted on her face, but she couldn't help but smile a little. Just a tiny one.

The brief silence between Haerin's endless complimenting and Danielle shooting back with her own compliments about Haerin's dancing skills was interrupted with the click of the door. Danielle turned to it curiously while Haerin ran without hesitation to the door and jumped into someone's arms. The girl was startled but she quickly hugged Haerin back. Danielle observed from afar at their interaction and she came to the conclusion that this was none other than Haerin's sister. She got up, grabbing the attention of the siblings. Haerin pulled away and grabbed Danielle by the hand and pulled her towards them. 

"Uh...I'm Danielle, Haerin's friend," Danielle awkwardly introduced herself, her monotone voice unwavering. The girl stared at Dnielle for a bit as though analysing the one in front of her. Before she let a shy smile creep onto her face as she nodded in acknowledgement, fiddling with the textbook she was clutching to her chest. She was wearing a different uniform from Haerin, which kind of surprised Danielle because usually siblings go to the same school.

"I'm Hanni, Haerin's adopted older sister," Hanni introduced herself.

"Unnie, why can't you accept yourself?" Haerin pouted. Hanni only let out a giggle that sounded kind of forced as she patted her younger sister on the head and made her way to what appeared to be her bedroom, leaving the two alone. Danielle cleared her throat as she turned to the cat eyed girl, who was now looking at her expectantly.

"I should go now," she said.

"Do you have any plans?" Haerin asked suddenly.

"Eh? No," Danielle replied, confused by the sudden question.

"Then stay," Haerin pouted. "I want to spend more time with you...I like it," she added, surprised by her own boldness. She could never be that straightforward with anyone so this was a first. Danielle felt weird at the words that escaped her friend's mouth. Haerin liked to spend time with her? She felt warm and fuzzy and like she wanted to never leave Haerin's side. She was happy and comfortable, strange for someone you met only recently. 

"Ok, I'll stay Rinrin," Danielle smiled softly, making Haerin jump up and down in excitement. At that moment Hanni returned from her room as she was rubbing her eyes tiredly. She honestly looked like she hadn't slept properly in days because she looked very pale and there were faint eye bags under her eyes.

"Unnie, Can Dani stay for dinner??" Haerin pleaded. 

"Mhm, I'll make dinner, what would you like?" Hanni smiled warmly at Danielle in response.

"Anything's fine," Danielle shrugged.

"The...the...what...chicken noodle soup," Haerin answered, stuttering her words out. Hanni nodded in response before going to the kitchen. 

Danielle and Haerin kept chatting about their lives and Haerin learnt that Danielle was alone in Korea and had two friends and was already in her second year of University studying art, explained the assignment she was complaining about. Haerin wondered what happened to Danielle's parents but she didn't pry. As they were watching a movie, Haerin felt Danielle shift as she turned to Haerin.

"I wan't meant to be born. My parents didn't like me because they didn't intend to have me so they sent me away to Korea when I was 15," Danielle informed. Despite saying what Haerin would define as the saddest thing she's heard, the one saying it looked blank.

"Don't say that, everyone is born for a reason," Haerin said confidently, making a fake angry face. Danielle couldn't help but laugh at how ridiculous her friend looked as she nodded slightly.

"Maybe...after all I wouldn't have been able to meet you if it didn't turn out like this, fate can be weird sometimes," Danielle agreed. She never felt so wanted and accepted in her life. Haerin had just welcomed her with open arms and was already opening up to Danielle about her deepest secrets and scars. It felt nice that someone trusted her enough to tell her such things. She just felt...complete when she was with Haerin. At peace. Haerin nodded as she rested her head on Danielle's shoulder and turned back to the screen.

During dinner, Danielle felt somewhat relaxed. The siblings were talking and playfully teasing each other as she smiled to herself at the exchange. It was unlike her family dinners. Well, it's not like there were many anyway because her parents always went out of their way to avoid her. Haerin tried to include Danielle as she succeeded in her attempts, making Danielle feel the happiest she has felt in years. This was a new feeling and felt a little weird, but she liked it.

"What were you doing on that train anyway?" Haerin asked curiously. Danielle felt her heart stop at the question. She gulped as she mentally battled with herself. She wanted to tell Haerin the truth. She didn't want to lie. But could she trust the kitty? Did Danielle trust Haerin? She ultimately came to the conclusion that she would tell the truth instead of fabricating it.

"I...I heard there was a wanted to jump off kill myself," Danielle admitted truthfully. A elongated silence ensued the table as Haerin's eyes widened as wide as saucers while processing the words she just heard. "You saved me Haerin. You gave me a reason to live and guided me through the tunnel with your light. At first I was planning to just delay it to contribute a little to our friendship...but it's different now," she said with a smile.

Haerin leapt up from her side of the small table and engulfed Danielle into a hug.

"I'm here for you ok?" Haerin said warmly, hugging the other one. Danielle felt tears start to fall. She wasn't sure why, but Haerin encouraged her to cry, and so she did. She cried like there was no tomorrow, her body shaking with the sobs that she had held in for so long. All her emotions came crashing down in this one moment. It hit her like a tsunami destroying a house, a tonne of bricks or a sudden tremor of the earth. But she felt content in Haerin's arms. She felt someone gently grab her hand and caressing it gently to comfort her. Hanni was kneeling there, smiling warmly at Danielle.

"I'm here for you too," she said softly and Danielle sniffled as she pulled back. Haerin was teary eyed too as she sniffled. She put up her pinky finger and gestured it to Danielle.

"Promise me you'll tell me when you're feeling sad," she said. 

"I promise Rinrin," Danielle said intertwining hers with Haerin's as she pulled the other girl in for a hug. She was grateful that the siblings didn't push her to tell them why she wanted to do such a thing and she was just happy for the comfort. She would tell Haerin later. 

NOTE: Should I continue this one? I feel like my writing is quite monotonous...

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