Chapter 6

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Haerin sat in class, time moving at the pace of a tortoise. The voice of her teacher melted into the background as she smiled softly to herself, looking forward to seeing Danielle again today. Recently, Danielle comes over everyday to Haerin's apartment and joined her for dinner. It became a routine over time and Haerin couldn't be happier spending quality time with the two people she loved the most.

"What's got you smiling like that?" Hyein asked quietly. 

"None of your business," Haerin said, sticking her tongue out. Hyein was a friend of Haerin's. They bonded through the fateful pairing for a school project. While Haerin liked spending time with Hyein, nothing beats time with Danielle. Haerin sighed as she realised Danielle is slowly taking over her mind. 

"You're mean," Hyein pouted, writing down notes.

"You're annoying," Haerin shot back with a smirk.

Hyein feigned a fake offended gasp as she looked at Haerin with wide eyes. The other girl just giggled as Hyein resigned, joining Haerin in her little giggle fest. 

Danielle was in her usual spot on the train, waiting for Haerin to get on. Her heart fluttered in anticipation. This feeling was new for Danielle. She had never looked forward to something or someone as much as she looked forward to seeing Haerin. It was a strange experience for her, opening new unknown realms of her heart. Haerin had thawed her frozen heart. Minji's constant teasing accompanied by Taesan made her think. Did she like Haerin? 

No, we're just friends

"Dani!" the voice of the very girl swirling 24/7 rent free in her head plopped down next to Danielle. Haerin rested her head on Danielle's shoulder and sighed as the one whose shoulder she was resting on couldn't help but smile widely at her presence.

The typical train ride of casual exchanges and occassional moments of cuddling went by quickly. Time was really strange. When you want it to go fast, it goes slow. When you want it to go slow, it goes fast. Danielle would love to spend lots of time with Haerin so this aspect of time sort of annoyed her as she followed the cat eyed girl to her apartment.

It was the usual deal. Haerin working on her homework and Danielle revising notes from the day's lecture. A comfortable and familiar silence engulfed the pair as they delved into their world of unwilling studies. 

That night, Danielle slept over at Haerin's as she had been doing everyday for the past few weeks. Haerin disliked being alone and Hanni worked until 2 am everyday to be able to pay for the bills. Danielle was beyond curious as to what the girl did until that late everyday on top of school, but Haerin didn't know either, so it was a mystery to both of them. Danielle noticed as soon as Hanni comes home from work, she would first check on Haerin which she found rather sweet. She had grown to see Hanni as her older sister despite the girl being younger. 

"Dani wake up!" Haerin shook a sleepy Danielle awake. Danielle checked the time on her phone and it was only 9am and it was a Saturday too. She turned over sleepily to look at Haerin with a questioning look. The kitty looked excited as she flashed a smile, reaching over to her phone and finding something on it.

"I'm going to take you to a flower garden!" Haerin exclaimed happily. Danielle's mood instantly was uplifted when she heard she was going to spend time alone with Haerin. They both got ready to the smell of pancakes wafting through the kitchen. On the bench there were two lunch boxes as well, both labelled with 'Danielle' and 'Haerin'. Danielle curiously picked it up as she turned to look at Hanni who gave her a warm smile.

The walk to the bus stop was quite pleasant. The weather twinned with the friends' good mood as they strolled through the streets, anticipating the day ahead. It was nice and warm as they waited for the bus, they honestly didn't realise they were holding hands until they got on the bus and the driver had pointed it out. It was comfy though, so Haerin didn't want to let go. When she was younger she often held her parents' hands while walking and she did so with Hanni as well, so it slowly became a habit. She would often trace shapes on Hanni's hand while they walked and her sister never minded. But intertwining hands with Danielle felt different. If you asked Haerin to explain what she was feeling, she would become a stuttering mess.

Upon arriving at the flower garden the pair immediately took in the beauty of it all. They cherished the fresh air and walked hand in hand through the enigmatic maze of flowers. They were in full bloom and rocked their own unique colours. The lush green that surrounded them provided the perfect backdrop and each other's company was the perfect finish. 

Danielle's passion for flowers surfaced as she detailed the information of every single one she could, excitedly explaining the aspects of the plant. Haerin listened intently as she was quite a curious one and took any opportunity to learn something new.

They took many pictures, posing silly, posing calmly or just goofing around as they laughed at each other through the camera. By the time the sun began to dissolve into the horizon, their hearts were filled with joy and happiness. They felt content on their way back to Haerin's apartment, where they were greeted by it being empty.

Haerin let out a sigh as she pouted, slumping on her bed.

"Unnie really needs to take a break, she works too hard and never ever thinks about herself," Haerin huffed, tracing shapes on Danielle's hand, who was lying next to her.

"I can see that," Danielle agreed.

"By the way, how do you know so much about plants?" Haerin asked curiously, remembering her friend's rapping about flowers during their nature exhibition.

"I've always liked them. I want to be a florist one day, and even own my own shop," Danielle replied.

"You can! I'll be working at a flower shop starting next week!" Haerin excitedly informs. Danielle's eyes widens as she eagerly questions how to apply. Her heart was brimming with joy as she thought of working with Haerin. It was yet another excuse to spend time with her.

I can't wait

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