Chapter 30

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"Babe! I'm home!" Danielle shouted into the hall as she finally arrived in the comfort of her home, throwing off her heels that caused her so much pain today considering the amount of errands she had to run. Being a secretary wasn't easy, especially if your boss has really particular taste in coffee. Jay had sent her off 10 times to get him some coffee due to his inability to decide what coffee he wanted. Normally he'd get it himself but today he had to stay because of a video conference he had to attend. Jay looked as cold as ice on the outside but he was actually the biggest softie you could possibly meet, so feeling bad he allowed Danielle to leave early.

Haerin came running down the hallway, still wearing her work clothes as well as she rushed into Danielle's arms, squealing in happiness as she did so. She pulled away and pecked her wife on the cheek, not bothering to conceal her euphoria upon seeing the latter after a long ass day of not seeing her. Danielle could only giggle at the cat eyed girl's cuteness as she grabbed her hand, leading her to the living room, where they both collapsed on the couch.

They sat in comfortable silence, still having their hands intertwined as they winded down in the tranquility of the night, accompanied by the moon and the stars that sat so proudly in the sky. The last few months following their marriage both girls couldn't be happier with how everything was going. They bought an apartment to live in together and being able to see each other at the end of an exhausting working day was enough to energise both of them. Their dynamic and bond was something that most people could only dream of if you're talking about finding your sweetheart or soulmate in your first love, it was something enviable. 

Danielle had become a successful painter, her works selling for millions and all the tickets her exhibitions in many museums in Korea and even globally always sold out in just a few minutes since being announced. Despite  effortlessly earning millions, Danielle took on an office job as well to balance her life as a famous person with being an ordinary person as well.

Haerin on the other hand had no desire to be famous, but she supported Danielle with her full heart. The cat eyed girl was now a detective and a lawyer, wanting to help people track down criminals and putting those criminals behind the bars. It was a job she was passionate about, keeping people safe and dishing out justice fairly. Perhaps it was because of what happened to her parents, she wanted to make them proud while doing something she loved.

"Are we going to visit them tomorrow?" Danielle broke the silence, looking at the girl beside her with soft eyes.

"Yeah, I miss them, so I want to see them,"

The autumn morning was chilly and unforgiving as it was quite windy. Danielle and Haerin set off to the graveyard, Haerin clutching a bouquet that consisted of roses, her mum's favourite flowers. Danielle held her wife's hand in an attempt to comfort her and it was successful as Haerin slowly became less tense. It had been a long time since she had visited her parents' graves. She had always postponed such depressing visits because she simply couldn't move on, no matter how much she tried to convince herself and others that she had. But with the help of Danielle she was now determined to move on.

The couple arrived at the graves, the concrete slabs with Mr and Mrs Kang's named engraved on it, standing side by side, a symbol of connection even in death. Haerin bent down and placed the roses in front of her mum's grave, looking around for someone. A small smile spread across her face when she caught sight of Minji and her sister walking towards them. 

They all exchanged greetings as Hanni placed her own bouquet of tulips in front of their dad's grave.

"We're sorry we haven't visited in a while," Haerin chuckled, looking down at the flowers. "I'm all grown up now, see? And I'm married to a girl, her name is Danielle and she is the most beautiful person in the whole wide world. Remember when you guys would tell me your love story about how you were high school sweethearts and I would just laugh or cringe? I guess I was wrong, love like that exists," she began recalling those memories as tears brimmed in her eyes. "I'm taking good care of Hanni Unnie too, we're both better now and...we're ready to move on," Haerin turned and looked at Hanni who nodded with a warm smile.

Metro {DAERIN}Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora