Chapter 29

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The sun was out and beaming in the bright blue sky, the grass was as green as ever, birds chirping and dogs barking. Haerin looked out the window of her dressing room, playing around with her fingers nervously. It still hadn't fully sunk in yet, she was just too excited to really process it all yet, and it was happening so soon as well. 

She turned towards the mirror and adjusted her crisp white dress shirt, and smoothed the black suit skirt for the hundredth time that morning. Her heart was beating frantically in her chest as a million different scenarios of what could happen during the ceremony swam around her head.

This was the huge day, the day she had been waiting for. 

Kang Haerin was getting married to Danielle Marsh. It had all happened too fast. A year after they both graduated university, Danielle had proposed to Haerin and they had gotten engaged. After a few months they began planning out their wedding and now, today was the day. It was something Haerin once considered only an impossible dream, but it was now unfolding right in front of her eyes.

High school Haerin would have laughed her ass off if you told her in some years' time, she would fall in love with a random girl on a metro and end up marrying her. High school Haerin never even batted an eye at the aspect of romance, it just simply seemed ridiculous to her, but here she was. She smiled in amusement at her own thoughts. Despite it being unexpected, she wouldn't have it any other way.

"Haerinie! Oh my gosh, you're getting married today, I can't believe it!!" Hanni suddenly barged into the room, slightly startling Haerin in the process. The cat eyed girl turned and gave her sister an annoyed glare, but immediately softened upon seeing the excited sparkly eyed look her sister had on her face.

"Yeah, I can't believe it either, but I'm happy," Haerin grinned, looking down at the engagement ring on her finger that would soon be replaced by the wedding ring. It felt like yesterday that she had received the ring, time really went by fast when you enjoyed it. "You're going to stay right?"

"I wouldn't miss it for anything," Hanni replied with a warm smile, before she began helping Haerin get ready for her wedding.

Danielle glanced in the mirror after she had finished touching up and getting ready. She was wearing a beautiful white gown, her face concealed by a veil. She had a huge grin on her face, excited to finally be getting married to the love of her life.

Danielle hadn't expected that day, that she would live another day, let alone fall in love with that strange girl who had decided that out of all the empty seats on a metro, she wanted to sit next to her. She thought that Haerin would just be yet another unimportant acquaintance, but their relationship bloomed into something way beyond that. It was an unexpected progression in their bond, from just strangers riding the metro of life together, to getting married.

She was glad she didn't chicken out when she came up with the idea to propose. She remembered turning back from the door as she clutched the ring box in her hand. Minji had to give her a pep talk to push her forward, and Danielle was grateful she listened to her best friend.

If you knew Danielle back then, you wouldn't be able to recognise her because of how much she's changed. She was no longer the stereotypical depressed and under pressured girl, but a happy girl who had a loving girlfriend. Haerin was the one who changed her and helped her pull herself out of that abyss she had fallen into, she was glad that they met on that stinky metro.

"Wow, you look nice," Minji came in, nodding her head in approval.

"I always look nice, you're just too blind to see it," Danielle scoffed playfully.

They shared a laugh before a strange atmosphere took over.

"You nervous?" Minji questioned.

"Of course I am," Danielle breathed out.

"You don't have to be, it's just Haerin, I'm sure she is in the clouds knowing she's marrying you," Minji joked.

The door suddenly opened and the pair were told that it was time.

Minji offered her hand as she said, "Let's go?"

Haerin was beyond nervous now, she couldn't stay still. Her body was fidgeting and her legs felt like jelly. She looked around at the sea of faces that had come to see their marriage today. Well it wasn't actually much of a sea, more like a lake. It was mainly friends of her parents and a few of Danielle's other friends. She locked eyes with Hanni who was sitting with Taesan and Leehan. The older girl made a 'fighting!' gesture, instantly making Haerin a little less nervous. 

Haerin averted her gaze to the double doors leading to the church. Any moment now, her future wife would walk through those doors. She gulped nervously, anticipation knocking vigorously at her door. The doors suddenly opened and the sunlight spilt into the church. Haerin squinted at the silhouettes of Danielle and Minji.

As the two walked down the red carpeted aisle, Haerin was thunder struck. Danielle looked like an angel in her elegant white gown, and Haerin wanted nothing more than to see Danielle's face that was hidden under the veil. But nevertheless, Haerin felt lucky to have such a beautiful wife. Hyein was playing the role as the flower girl, sprinkling flower petals as the two made their way down the aisle, she looked like she was thoroughly enjoying herself, after all, playing around with flower petals did look quite fun.

The cat eyed girl herself was wearing a white dress shirt with a black suit skirt, completed by a black blazer and tie. Danielle slowly made her way up to the altar with the help of Minji, and soon they were standing face to face. Thanks to the illumination of the sunlight, Haerin was ab;e to see Danielle's warm brown eyes staring at her lovingly.

In this moment, it seemed like the whole church disappeared and it was only the two. They could hear their hearts beating in sync with each other as they communicated their silent expressions of love through their eyes.

They were brought back to reality by the priest beginning to speak.

"Today we are here to witness the union of Kang Haerin and Danielle Marsh as wife and wife," he began. He then turned to Haerin, making her painfully aware of all the eyes on her at this very moment. She locked eyes with Danielle who gave her a smile of encouragement.

"Do you take Danielle Marsh as your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?"

"I do," Haerin answered confidently, not even a tinge of a quiver in her voice. Normally her voice would shake slightly when forced to speak in front of large crowds, but not today. There was nothing to hesitate about. 

The priest turned to Danielle who confidently, looked at him, waiting for him to ask.

"Do you take Kang Haerin as your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?"

"I do,"

"You may kiss,"

The newly wedded couple did not hesitate to step forward towards each other, Haerin gently removing the veil that concealed Danielle's face as they finally got a proper look at each other. Danielle smiled, making Haerin's heart flutter.

They both leaned in and connected their lips in a soft and loving kiss.

The whole church erupted into cheers and applause, shouts of happiness echoed around the large space as Danielle and Haerin pulled away, looking at each other lovingly, happy that out of all the millions of people in the world, they met and married each other.

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