Chapter 12

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Ever since the court case was closed, Haerin felt more at peace, knowing the justice her parents and her sister deserved had finally been served. She also hoped Danielle would be happier without her parents stabbing her with their cruel words.

And indeed, Danielle was much happier. She felt like she could do more things now, she was more free than she was before. She was smiling more now and Haerin, Minji, Taesan and Hanni couldn't be happier to see the improvement. Haerin really loved Danielle's smile. And she made it her daily mission to get her friend to smile everyday.

"Hey Dani!" Haerin enthusiastically greeted Danielle who was sitting in her usual spot in the train. She let out a sigh as she plopped down and rested her head on Danielle's shoulder, who smiled softly down at her. 

"Rough day?" she asked.

"Nah, I'm just tired," Haerin huffed. "Glad we don't have work today," she added. Danielle nodded in agreement, her own fatigue taking over as she dazedly looked out the window. This was an all too familiar train ride. It appeared quite monotonous to the public, but for Danielle and Haerin, this was a warming symbol of their friendship that many saw the potential of, to bloom into something even more beautiful. 

Hopping off onto the train platform, Danielle decided she wanted to take Haerin somewhere special. She gently grabbed the other one's wrist and led her to another platform. Haerin was somewhat confused but she didn't question. She trusted Danielle, so there was no need to question.

Once the train came they boarded it.

The world slowed down, tranquility washing over it, bathing in the moonlight when they arrived at the destination. Their shadows followed behind them, as their footsteps softly hit the ground. Danielle stopped abruptly, causing Haerin to bump into her.

"Just need to walk this hill," Danielle sighed, the wind brushing against her skin.

"What?" Haerin whined in disbelief. 

"Come on Rinrin, I promise it's worth it," Danielle smiled, holding out her hand for Haerin to take. Haerin let out a little sigh and she grabbed ahold of her friend's hand and let herself be led up the grassy hill. Instead of feeling tired, she felt more energetic as she and Danielle climbed the hill, the wind aggressively blowing at them and ringing like wind chimes in their ears. The entire time, they did not let go of their intertwined hands.

After what felt like forever, the pair finally reached the top of the hill. Haerin felt her breath be taken away from her as she gasped at the view before her. You could clearly see the stars, decorating the night sky like white paint splattered everywhere, an unintended looking piece of art, yet so beautiful. The moon beamed proudly on the park landscape below. Shades of blue and black mixed together in the sky. Haerin was beyond astonished.

She understood now what Danielle meant when she was told that the walk would be worth it. She turned to the other girl and let a wide smile appear on her face. Danielle just smiled back and sat down on the grass, gesturing for Haerin to do the same. It was a nice and well needed break for the two. No cars, no chattering, no stress, no school. Just them and the stars. Just them and the moon. Just them and the wind. 

"This place is special to me, because I found it on my first day in Korea," Danielle broke the silence, causing Haerin to avert her gaze from the sky. "I was conflicted with my feelings and I decided to take a walk...and I found this place, it became my comfort zone," she continued, her voice soft and full of emotion as she spoke. "You're the first person I've ever taken here," Danielle finally turned to look at Haerin, her eyes becoming crescent shaped as she smiled.

Haerin found Danielle's eyes even prettier than the stars above. She could see the stars in Danielle's eyes. She felt herself tearing up a little at the explanation as she smiled back, feeling honoured to be the first one to be introduced to this place.

"Anyway, we should go back," Danielle abruptly got up, dusting herself off and offering her hand for Haerin to help her up. They both made their way down the hill and once they got to the bottom, they were plunged back into the reality of the world. 

All of a sudden, Danielle ran away, leaving Haerin in shock.

"Race me!" Danielle shouted, giggling at the stunned look on Haerin's face.

"I'm tired Dani!" Haerin whined, pouting and refusing to run.

"Too bad!" Danielle stuck her tongue out and continued running, giggling when she heard Haerin groan in annoyance and run after her, shouting for Danielle to slow down. Running through the night, the wind hitting their faces, adrenaline pumping through their veins, giggling together and just letting lose. 

By the time they reached the train station they were both exhausted, yet energetic at the same time. 

Danielle fell asleep on Haerin's shoulder on the ride home. Haerin looked down at a sleeping Danielle, who seemed at peace, as she snored softly. Haerin let out a shaky sigh as she tried to figure out the strange feeling in her heart. Something was happening to her. She felt extremely happy whenever she saw Danielle and she would find her thoughts trailing off to the girl whenever she had time, and she would always anticipate the next time they met.

Her heart felt all warm and fuzzy whenever Danielle smiled at her or complimented her, and she found herself blushing a lot around the other girl. Haerin was beyond confused but she also had an idea of what it was. 

I think I like you, Danielle

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