Chapter 11

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The entire courthouse was dead silent. 

Namjun's blank and mysterious face was not helping the suspense slowly building within the hearts of both the spectators and the people involved.

"I sentence Mr and Mrs Marsh to 10 years of jail," he finally let the words escape from his lips, causing mixed reactions amongst everyone present in the courthouse. Danielle felt a huge wave of euphoria and relief settle in her. It felt like solving an escape room or finding light in a dark place. It was over. They had won the case. It almost felt unreal as Haerin immediately pulled Danielle into a hug, squealing happily at their newfound victory. 

Hyein happily joined the celebration jumping up and down, feeling happy for her friend. Minji went over and patted Danielle on the head and then turned to Hanni and hugged her. Taesan was beyond happy at the turn of events, however he just watched fondly from the side, a huge smile plastered across his face.

While celebration was happening on one side, the other side was plunged into a feeling of grim loss. Mr and Mrs Marsh were absolutely furious upon hearing the squeals of celebration coming from the group. They were absolutely furious at the smirk on Sakura's face when she made eye contact with them.

Without warning, they stormed angrily over to their opposition's side and went over to Hanni, who was just pulling away from a hug with Minji. Mr Marsh grabbed the girl by her collar and pulled her to his face. So close, that she could smell the smoothie he had had that morning for breakfast. 

"You stupid useless girl, do you know what a bad luck charm you are?? You're ruining everyone's lives! If it hadn't been for you, Haerin's parents wouldn't have died, and our daughter wouldn't have opted to kill herself. And now you're taking away 10 years from our lives!" he snarled into her face, his grip on her collar slowly advancing to her throat and squeezing. Mrs Marsh simply watched her husband as she was held back by security guards, smirking at the scene before her. It was quite satisfying to see her husband in power once more.

Meanwhile, Hanni was struggling to breathe as she processed the words being thrown at her. She felt like her heart had been stabbed with shards of ice. Her heart rate had increased to a dangerously high rate, making it 10X more harder to get any oxygen.

"You don't deserve to smile, you don't deserve to live, I hope you die!" Mr Marsh yelled right in her ear, pushing her roughly as he let go and slapped her, crisp strong sound coming from the contact. The security guards immediately restrained him as his angry protests echoed throughout the grand room. Hanni was in a state of pure shock and sadness. She gasped for air while wiping her tears. Haerin was immediately at her side as she helped her sister up from the ground.

The group quickly left the courthouse, not wanting to stay there any longer. They filed into the car, along with Ms Nakamura who Sakura said was a good friend of hers. The car ride was silent except for Hanni's quiet sniffling. Danielle was really mad at her parents, but she was also happy that justice had finally been served. She turned to Haerin who was looking at her sister with concern as Minji comforted her.

"Are you ok?" Danielle asked quietly.

"Yeah, I'm happy how it turned out...I'm just concerned for Hanni Unnie...but I know she'll pull through, she's strong," Haerin replied, giving Danielle a warm smile. "Are you ok?" she added.

Danielle nodded silently as she returned to looking out the window. The shops and buildings whizzed by in a blur as Sakura drove, chatting to Ms Nakamura while keeping her eyes on the road. Once they reached a traffic light she turned to the rest of them at the back.

"Do you all want to stop by a cafe? I know a very relaxing cat cafe nearby," Sakura questioned, her eyes sparkling, basically begging for them to say yes.

"Oh! Yes! yes!" Haerin exclaimed, looking very excited at the mention of cats.

"I don't mind, need to take my mind off stuff," Taesan approved of the proposal.

"I want to see the cats!" Hyein squealed, sitting up from her lousy position.

Minji smiled as she nodded, she was holding Hanni's hand gently as the latter was sleeping quietly, tear stains on her face. There were also angry red hand marks on her neck from when she was choked.

The cat cafe was small but very cozy. Cats roamed around the small building, some sleeping on their beds or some wandering around in search of friends or people to play with. The cats were all situated to one side where their little world was. Toys, beds, food bowls and structures to climb on littered the left side.

After ordering, Hyein immediately went over to the cats and befriended an orange cat within a matter of a minute. She giggled as the cat jumped into her lap and made himself at home, nuzzling her hand that she reached out. Haerin and Danielle managed to befriend a grey and black striped cat who seemingly was on the more playful side as she was full of energy, pouncing on the toy that Danielle was dangling in the air. Haerin patted the cat, as she turned to Danielle, smiling. The way they looked into each other's eyes was very endearing and Taesan, who had joined Hyein with the orange cat couldn't help but notice this. He seriously thought they'd make a good couple.

Danielle kept playing around with the cat until she accidentally brushed her hand against Haerin's while trying to select another toy. Once again they made eye contact, staring into each other's eyes, exploring the universe that their eyes held. Haerin was the first one to break away, blushing as she retracted her hand. But Danielle, feeling a little confident, instead of grabbing the toy, she took hold to Haerin's hand and reached for the toy with the other.

They stayed like that for a while, Haerin's blushing face unknown to Danielle. It wasn't until the latter turned, she saw how red Haerin's cheeks were. She frowned as she tilted her head in confusion.

"Are you ok?" Danielle asked.

"Y...Yeah," Haerin said. She then let her head fall on Danielle's shoulder, burying her face into the crook of her neck, seeking refuge from the embarrassment.

"Oooh," Minji smirked while cooing at the two. Danielle turned to her best friend, giving her an annoyed glare. Minji was sitting not too far away from them stroking at cat walking by as Hanni traced shapes on Minji's other hand, seemingly a little calmer than before. But Danielle could tell she still had a lot on her mind, but perhaps this would help Hanni take her mind off the stressful stuff.

Minji only laughed as she blew kisses and made love dovey expressions towards the pair, each one more exaggerated than the last. This earnt laughter from Hyein and Taesan, both of them struggling to keep upright because of how hard they were laughing. Sakura and Kazuha (Ms Nakamura) watched the scene as they ate their food, smiling and giggling at it all. Danielle by now was beyond embarrassed let out a sigh as she turned away, however she couldn't help the smile that crept on her face. Hanni was finally smiling again as she giggled a little, a small smile on her face while looking at the two friends warmly.

Haerin was struggling not to internally combust. She buried her face further into Danielle's shoulder, feeling her face become even warmer than before. You'd think with a friend that loved nothing more than to tease her, she would be used to this, but no. Each time she was no less embarrassed. 

"Ok guys, we should probably eat now," Sakura announced.

Haerin immediately shot up as she and Danielle exchanged awkward glances before walking over to the table.


Yaay, I got ideas :)

I'm not sure I'm getting any better though, but I'm trying, I hope this snowstorm will be over soon (metaphorical snow storm) :/

To be honest, I kind of base Hanni's character off my character. It's more metaphorically though.

I use a lot of analysis stuff to help me understand myself.

Anywayy, hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Until I write again

-Hanaerin 15

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