Chapter 18

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Minji felt like a tonne of bricks had just crashed down on her head. Suddenly all background noises seemed to dissolve into nothing, and the only sound was the loud beat of her heart echoing in her ears like a desperate shout from inside a cave.

She slowly took hold of Hanni's shoulders gently and pulled away. The pair stared into each other's eyes for a while, each of them trying to read the look behind those brown orbs. 

"S...Say that again," Minji whispered, her eyes beginning to tear up.

"H...Huh?" Hanni felt her heart break at the tears welling up in the girl's eyes.

"Say that again!" Minji exclaimed, slightly shaking Hanni's shoulders.

"I like you," Hanni repeated shakily.

At this Minji could no longer contain her emotions. The tears broke free from their prison and flowed down her cheeks as a stupidly wide grin spread across her face. She pulled Hanni into a hug and started sobbing loudly. 

She was so happy that it couldn't be put into words. She could only blubber and feel the euphoria swelling up in her chest like a balloon. 

"M...Minji?" Hanni whispered in concern.

"I...I like you too Han," 

Haerin's cat eyes were wide with surprise as she processed what she had just learnt. She scrunched her eyebrows in confusion as though her sister was a complex math problem that she had to solve, or an annoyingly strong opponent in a chess game that seemed to have no end. Then it hit her, the answer, or more like she finally was able to process what had been said.

Haerin let her hands fly to her mouth as a shamelessly loud gasp escaped it. 


Hanni felt heat rising in her cheeks and she was sure her face kind of looked like a thermometer detecting a high temperature. She buried her face in her hands and whined a little before looking at her younger sister with a 'I'm so done with you' look.

Haerin only like her sinister and cheeky grin take over as she toppled over laughing.

"Well, it's not like it isn't true, you will eventually," she reasoned. "I mean you're dating so~"

"That's the same for you and Dani," Hanni shot back, enjoying the look on Haerin's face when she said those words.

Haerin gave the older girl an annoyed look before rolling her eyes and slumping on the sofa. She took out her phone and scrolled through all her pictures with Danielle. They had a lot of pictures and Haerin cherished them a lot. Normally Haerin wouldn't be much of a fan of having her picture taken but if it was Danielle she didn't mind.

She looked down at the bracelet and Hanni's words from earlier came to her mind again, banging at her door like an unwelcome guest. Her cheeks turned a bright red at the thought of marrying Danielle and the bracelet wasn't really helping. She had never thought that far before and now she was starting to regret making that joke, after all, as a couple, they haven't even had their first kiss.

Haerin what are you thinking???!!

BZZT!! Haerin jolted at the sound of a notification and she held her chest, trying to calm her beating heart.

My sunshine 

My sunshine: Heeyy :D

Wassup my love ;)

My sunshine: You're so flirty now that we're together :/

Do you not like it?? :(

My sunshine: I do like it, It's adorable :)

Only for you sweetie 

My sunshine: Eww


My sunshine: Ok, ok, I wanted to ask you something

Sure, what is it babe?

My sunshine: Come with me to see the cherry blossoms together??

My sunshine: Pwwweeeaaasseee 

I sure will :D


My sunshine: Friday

The little jolts in the train from an uneven bump, the buzz of chattering people and the buzz from the engine. The familiar smell of modern day train interior and the crisp appearances of work people and the whir of the air conditioning.

Haerin and Danielle were on their way to the cherry blossom park, eagerly awaiting their time together watching the famous flowers. They talked and laughed all throughout the ride, some might say they were the definition of love at first sight. You would think so by the way they looked at each other and gave their utmost attention to each other.

Reaching the cherry blossom park, they walked in hand in hand as they were immediately blinded by pink. There were tall trees with millions of the bright yet soothing flowers with the colour pink. The sun shone down on them, illuminating the otherwise invisible patterns on the petals. There were also petals dancing elegantly in the sky, floating down to the ground and creating piles like autumn leaves. The pink canopies looked like sweet  cotton candy. 

Some smaller baby trees stood gathered around a lake that shimmered like a morning dew in the sunlight and had some petals swimming in its cool waters. Haerin and Danielle were in awe at it as the crossed the bridge over the river. It was tempting to just jump in.

After a few hours of wandering, they settled down underneath a tree for lunch. This felt like deja vu. The very first time they became intimate with each other, feeding each other and Minji teasing them. Back then they didn't know that the girl was actually right. That eventually, they would become each other's partners.

"Say aah~" Danielle cooed. 

Haerin accepted the piece of sandwich and she was once again overwhelmed with embarrassment.

"You never change do you??" Danielle giggled.

Upon finishing lunch, they wandered some more, enjoying the pink trees and the beautiful sights it had to offer. However, Haerin became kind of distracted half way through their exhibition. At first it was just a few glances at Danielle's beautiful features, but then she found her gaze travelling to...her lips.

When the cat eyed girl stared for a minute too long. Danielle couldn't help but feel someone's gaze on her. She turned to see Haerin's eyes trained solely on her lips. She found this amusing. She snapped her fingers in Haerin's face which caused the other girl to look up.

Danielle smiled at the flustered look on her girlfriend's face. Haerin realised what she had been doing and she quickly averted her gaze. Her face was on fire right now and she really wanted to jump in that lake now. 

"Haerin ah," Danielle whispered, gently grabbing Haerin's chin and guiding her to look at her. 

At this moment Haerin was sure her heart was about to jump out from her chest. She was completely at a loss for words seeing the ethereal beauty of Danielle up close. She stared and got lost in those beautiful eyes that shone like the sun, but she was snapped back to reality when she felt a finger brush her lip gently.

Danielle didn't know what got into her. She really didn't know. But all she knew was that she wanted to kiss Haerin. They had never kissed before in their two years of dating and now she found herself wanting to finally take their relationship to that level. It was quite shameless to do it so publicly, yet it also felt like the right moment.

It was like time had stopped. Sound was muted, everything around them became a blur. The only sounds was their hearts beating in sync, and the only sight was each other.

Just Haerin and Danielle.

Just Danielle and Haerin. 

Just Daerin. 

Danielle leant in, pulling Haerin closer into her embrace...

I want to kiss you Haerin

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