Chapter 15

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Danielle carefully packed everything into her bag, not wanting to mess anything up. Today was going to be perfect. She really hoped everything would be perfect. Today was the day. She was going to confess her feelings to Kang Haerin. 

She let out a shaky sigh of nervousness. It was now or never. While she was confident that Haerin had feelings for her as well from the reassurance Minji and Hanni gave her, a part of her knew there was always the possibility that they misinterpreted Haerin's actions or expressions. And perhaps, today was going to go very wrong. But she held onto the hope as she slung her bag on her shoulder and exited the bedroom. 

Minji caught her eye and gave an encouraging smile and thumbs up.

"Good luck Dani!!" she shouted as her friend acknowledged her and went out the door. Minji was not worried at all. While she may not be a love expert it was obvious that the two would make a good couple and that there was no doubt they harboured feelings for each other.  

And talking about feelings, someone suddenly came to Minji's mind. She groaned as the smile faded from her face and her cheeks heated up. 

Haerin frantically rushed around the house, making sure she looked good and she wasn't forgetting anything. She hastily munched on a piece of toast as she fixed her hair the 10th time that morning. Her heart was already racing despite not even setting a foot out of the house yet,  as this was very very nerve wracking, more than a school presentation or test. Because, frankly Haerin didn't care about that, but she did care about Danielle Marsh.

She finally got herself ready and with sweat palms, she gripped the door knob and swung it open. But before she left she glanced back at her sister, seeking some sort of encouragement.

"Go for it Haerinie," Hanni said, smiling warmly.

Danielle waited outside Haerin's apartment building, a place she had treaded on so many times before. But this time felt different. This time she was potentially going to open a new realm, and she wasn't sure whether Haerin would be coming with her. 

"Dani!!" Haerin shouted, snapping Danielle out of her thoughts. She let a grin spread on her face as she caught sight of her friend, looking beautiful, well she was always, but today she seemed to shine like the moon in the dark. It appeared Haerin had put more effort than usual in her appearance today and Danielle found it cute, but it made her wonder what the special occasion was. Haerin had just asked her to come to the flower garden with her again, but something told her this was no regular flower exhibition.

The two made their way to the bus in silence, each wondering what would await them in the near future. Haerin took a deep breath as she stepped onto the bus, hoping that the flower garden wouldn't be a place of dread for her soon if Danielle were to reject her. It was a constant cycle of worrying.

Soon they arrived and they took the same path as last time, except somehow, the atmosphere seemed different. Haerin knew exactly why, but Danielle had no clue about what was to come. They showed their awe at the flowers together, which seemed to have bloomed more since they last saw them. They took pictures and had a good time, but Haerin's butterflies was becoming increasingly hard to ignore as they reached the end of the exhibition, where there was a patio just before the exit.

"Let's rest here for a bit," Haerin suggested, climbing up the short flight of stairs and pulling Danielle by her hand with her. Without knowing what was going to come next, Danielle nodded tiredly, plopping down on the stone floor with her friend. She absent-mindedly looked up at the blue sky, the clouds floating across it. It was then she noticed the sudden change in the colour of the clouds. It was a little darker all of a sudden and that made her nervous.

"Dani," Haerin's voice brought her back down to Earth as she tilted her head slightly, facing Haerin. She noticed the nerves etched on the other girl's face and she was immediately overcome with concern. 

"What's up Rin?" she asked.

Haerin's heart was threatening to jump out of her chest at this point. She gulped and took a deep breath before reaching into her bag and pulling out a bouquet of flowers and something else that she hid from Danielle for the time being. Danielle was quite confused at this sudden action, but then her heart started racing and it felt like her whole world was shaken, when Haerin let the words tumble out of her mouth.

"Danielle...I like you, be my girlfriend,"

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