Chapter 2

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Danielle was back on the subway again, in hopes of perhaps seeing Haerin. She knew it was quite dumb because she didn't know anything but the two girls hadn't exchanged contact numbers and Danielle for some reason looked forward to seeing Haerin again. 

She was in the same spot, in the same position, listening to the same playlist again. But this time with different intentions. The outside world zoomed past the windows, dissolving into nothing more than a blur. Danielle zoned out, immersing herself into the melodies. She jolted in surprise when she felt someone tap her shoulder.

Danielle turned to see the very person she'd been looking for, Haerin. This time, Haerin was not wearing her black face mask and was smiling widely as she happily greeted Danielle. The latter nodded awkwardly, adjusting her white face mask as she turned away, trying to hide her happiness upon seeing Haerin again. But she realised she probably needed to get the girl's contact details.

Taking a deep breath after thinking her approach over, Danielle handed her phone to a rather confused Haerin. 

"Your number," Danielle requested nonchalantly, keeping her cool demeanour. Haerin nodded enthusiastically as she gently grabbed the phone and typed in her number, stopping every now and then, probably trying to remember it or something.

"Here, I think that's correct," Haerin finally handed Danielle back her phone with a sheepish smile. Haerin didn't quite know what drew a shy girl like her to approach the intimidating and moody looking Danielle, but she felt that it was the right thing to do, considering the girl looked really sad behind her stoic expression. 

"Do you ride this metro regularly?" Danielle asked, observing the uniform of the girl. 

"Yeah, it's my ride home," Haerin replied, playing on her phone. She showed the screen to Danielle with a small excited smile. It was a cat game. Danielle found it rather coincidential considering the one playing looked like a cat herself. It was her unique eyes. Haerin went on talking about her love for cats and frogs. She was surprisingly talkative which shocked Danielle who had rightfully been led to believe that the kitty was rather reserved. 

Haerin finally stopped her rant about the animals she found interesting and blushed from embarrassment. She could get really talkative when talking about things she liked. It was just introvert vibes you know? Unexpected sides they could hide. Only a few people got to see this side of her. Actually, only her adopted sister and Danielle knew such side of her. Haerin really felt comfy around Danielle, because usually it would take time before she showed you the more extroverted side of her. 

"Has anyone told you that you're very cute?" Danielle giggled, a small smile appearing. She was surprised by her own action. Did she just compliment someone she barely knew so shamelessly and...she was smiling. Danielle Marsh was actually smiling after such a long time. The one brought it out? This mysterious cat eyed cutie. Haerin raised her eyebrow as she felt a surge of confidence run through her veins.

"Are you flirting with me Danielle?" she teased, smirking. Danielle turned bright red and quickly shook her head, embarrassment written all over her face. Despite the mask, the embarrassment was as obvious as a giraffe standing in the middle of the street. Haerin let out a giggle as she shook her head and turned away.

The trip continued in comfortable silence. Haerin quite enjoyed talking to Danielle and felt like they had known each other for ages despite just having a really brief meeting the day before. She still didn't know what possessed her to ask to be friends with the strange Danielle. She had always been a big supporter of the saying 'stranger danger'. But Danielle didn't emit that energy for her.

Danielle felt the same as Haerin. It was like Haerin was the light at the end of a dark tunnel. An escape from her monotonous and pointless life. Sure, she had Minji and Taesan, but for some reason, Haerin resonated with her more. It was really confusing, but it was a good confusing. The warmth of Haerin's presence gave a sense of purpose to Danielle. It was like fate had sent Haerin to her. The fact that they met the day Danielle decided she really wanted to leave for good only solidified this warm feeling that spread through the girl the second she laid eyes on Haerin.

"This is my stop," Haerin interrupted the thoughts of the girl next to her. She slipped her backpack over her shoulder as she cleared her throat. "Um...see you tomorrow?" she asked hesitantly. Danielle only nodded in response. The train would take a loop back home so Danielle would be able to get back home.

Haerin hopped off the train and walked back home, a slight spring to her steps. She arrived at her front door of her apartment that she shared with her adopted sister and opened the door. It was empty. Haerin sighed as she went in and dropped her bag onto the floor. Her sister would still be at school doing student council stuff. Besides, the older one's school was even further away than Haerin's. Haerin was grateful their apartment was small other wise she would've felt really lonely. She was used to this by now but still couldn't help but feel lonely.

Haerin took out her homework as she began to work through it, stopping every once in a while to give herself a break. She was eating an apple when a buzz from her phone jolted her, causing the writing on the page to go slightly haywire.

Hanni Unnie

Hanni Unnie: Haeriniiieee! I'm sorry you're at home all alone, I'm coming back soon and I bought your favourite to make up for it, I love you Kitty Kang :)

Haerin felt her heart warm at the message as she giggled at her sister's silliness.

Thank you Unnie! Come home soon, I'm dying of loneliness :(

Haerin put her phone down and was about to continue writing when another message came in. It was from an unknown number.


Unknown: Hey Haerin, this is Danielle from the train

Haerin couldn't help but let out a laugh at the 'Danielle from the train'. She was going to use that against the girl. She saved the number and texted Danielle back.

Is 'Danielle from the train' your new slogan or something?

Dani: No, I'm just specifying you know?


Dani: I'm bored, stupid university assignment. I'm drawing a complete blank :(

What do you need to do?

Dani: Draw a picture of something meaningful

Dani: I'm not sure...

Is there anything that makes you happy recently?

Danielle thought for a bit and then the answer came to her. She smiled lightly as she texted Haerin back.

You are a genius Rinrin!

Haerin: Rinrin? I thought nicknames wait until later?

Nah, not to me

Haerin: Ok, good. I saved your name as Dani

Haerin: Danielle is too long

It's not that long, you must have a lazy ass :/

Haerin: I do not :(

Haha, I was just kidding. Anyway I should get to work now.

Haerin: Okie, bye!

Bye bye Rinrin :)

"Who's got you smiling like that hmm?" Minji questioned, a smirk on her face. Danielle rolled her eyes as she focused her eyes on the blank sketch book page. Minji laughed at the reaction. She was happy that her friend seemed to actually be smiling again, it was good progress and she missed the other one's smile a lot.

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