Chapter 13

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Haerin laid awake in bed, smiling widely like an idiot as she replayed that night with Danielle. She didn't even realise how wide she was smiling as she rolled over, burying her blushing face into her pillow. This was exactly how it was described in those romance books Haerin read once in a while. A feeling a euphoria so overwhelming you find yourself kicking and squealing in joy at the mere thought of the person. A warm and fuzzy feeling.

There was just one slight problem. Haerin didn't know what to do with these feelings. She by now, knew exactly what she felt for Danielle. She liked her and she wanted to spend as much time as possible with her. She wanted to be in her arms 24/7 and go through the ups and downs in life together. Most people would say this was just a short time crush, but Haerin was sure it wasn't.

But Danielle and Haerin were just friends. They were just friends. And Haerin didn't want to risk whatever they had now. She couldn't bear the thought of losing Danielle because her confession made it awkward between them. But at the same time, she had hopes that perhaps Danielle felt the same way.

"Minji Unnie!" Danielle whined as she collapsed onto her bed, lazily looking up at her friend who was working on an assignment. Minji swivelled around on her chair and raised an eyebrow. Danielle sat up, crossing her legs as she sighed, her mind working full time to get her words together.

"I think I like Haerin," she admitted in a whisper.

"And?" Minji didn't look the least bit surprised. Her tone  carried a hint of boredom in it, not a single bit of awe or shock was heard.

"A...Aren't you surprised?"

"Dani, the way you smile around her and the way you care for her and always hold hands with her, only a fool wouldn't know you like Haerin," Minji smirked, enjoying the shock and embarrassment that  settled within Danielle. "Anyway, why'd you tell me?" she added, curiosity taking over her.

Danielle fiddled with her fingers and looked out the window, that showed the busy night in the city. The array of lights and the cars zooming past on the road. Te stars obscured above by the pollution that emitted from below.

"I...I don't know how to tell her...or if I should even tell her," Danielle sighed.

"Just be honest with her," Minji replied like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"And what if she says no?! Then I'll lose her as a friend and I really really can't imagine a life where Haerin isn't in it!" Danielle protested.

"I'm sure she feels the same way Dani," Minji smiled, turning back to her laptop. "Trust me,".

Danielle was left to her own thoughts, as she sat on the bed, the only sound in the room being Minji typing on her keyboard. the gentle clicks and clacks filling the room. Danielle felt like Haerin was her other part. A part of her that was very important. She had never felt complete until Haerin, with her cat eyes and adorable smile appeared in front of her. They had been through a lot together and Haerin was always there before. Unknowingly, Danielle had naturally started gravitating towards this stranger from the train and eventually developed feelings for her.

Danielle wanted nothing more than to spend the rest of her life with Haerin. And the night on the hill really helped her realise that. She wanted to see Haerin's smile everyday and when she rested her head on Haerin's shoulder she felt safe and like she was at home. But...she wasn't sure she wanted to risk their friendship.

Minji watched as Haerin and Danielle fooled around in the park, laughing, holding hands and just enjoying their time. She really couldn't believe it took them this long to realise their feelings, it was really obvious. Just the way they both seemed brighter when they saw each other gave it away for Minji. She turned away from them and caught sight of Hanni sitting on the bench next to her, smiling softly as she watched her sister and Danielle inspect a flower.

Minji felt her heart flutter at that smile.


She let out a groan and turned her blushing face back to her friend and Haerin. Danielle seemed confused when she saw Minji in a state of a blushing mess, but she soon let an annoying smirk spread across her face as she wriggled her eyebrows, looking between Minji and Hanni.

Danielle made kissy gestures and hearts before turning back to Haerin.

Minji was dumbfounded. But for some didn't bother her at all. She was annoyed at Danielle's teasing, but she didn't mind it for once. Did that mean...she....

Minji shook her head, her face heating up at her own thoughts. But a part of her called out to that thought, trying to get it to show.

"Are you ok?" Hanni's soft voice snapped Minji out of her thoughts. Hanni was looking at her with concern, and that melted Minji. Hanni was cute without even trying...wait...WHAT IS SHE THINKING?! She found herself staring into Hanni's eyes, admiring the beauty it held, until she realised what she was doing.

"Y..yeah I'm ok," Minji stuttered, her heart racing. She never stutters. Minji is a confident speaker and even when she's faced with intimidating figures, she doesn't stutter. So what is it about Hanni that makes her so nervous?

All of a sudden Hanni leant forward and placed her hand gently on Minji's forehead to feel her temperature.

"You don't have a fever...why are you so red though?" Hanni asked, the concern still etched in her features. At this point Minji felt like she was going to explode. Her heart was pounding like a drum and her palms were clammy. It felt like her mouth was sealed shut. Now she understood exactly what Haerin was talking about.

"I..I'm fine, don't worry," Minji managed to say, before getting up. "I'm going to go and get something for us to eat, do you have anything you'd like to get?" she steered the subject away from her red face.

"Can I come with you?" Hanni asked, getting up as well, pushing her bangs to the side as it was getting in her eyes.

"Uh...yeah sure," Minji answered without thinking and she clasped her hand over her mouth, processing what she just did.

"Yay!" Hanni smiled, going over to Haerin and Danielle to let them know. As they walked away, Minji saw Danielle whispering something to Haerin and Haerin seemed shocked but then she giggled while Danielle winked at Minji and made a heart shape with her hand.

We're just're wrong Dani

Note: In a previous chapter I mentioned the ages of Danielle and Haerin, however I have removed that. I'm sorry if it makes you uncomfortable, I just don't think about that type of context when I'm writing.

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