Chapter 4: The Pair of Prodigies

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"Follow me," beckoned the sensei.

As they ascended the stairs leading to the teaching building, another instructor meticulously examined the entrance exam notices of the two individuals, giving a subtle nod of approval before guiding them up to the next level.

Upon reaching the landing of the second-floor staircase, Tatsuma astutely observed that the waiting students in the corridor were predominantly war orphans, interspersed with a handful of children from more conventional backgrounds.

Continuing their ascent to the third floor, the corridor now hosted a mix of students from ordinary families, accompanied by those donned in Ninja gear, and a select few from prestigious ninja clans.

Upon arriving at the fourth floor, the guiding sensei came to a halt. Tatsuma surveyed the corridor and immediately noted the sparse presence of individuals awaiting their turn. Those in view belonged to esteemed ninja clans and were adorned with a complete array of Ninja gear.

The other sensei stationed at the classroom entrance registered a hint of surprise upon spotting Tatsuma and Minato. Their unexpected presence on this floor suggested an exceptional performance in the Ninja Tool Throwing test, with an average score of nine or higher.

For the descendants of ninja clans, achieving such a score was par for the course, given their early initiation into training, often starting two or three years prior. However, Tatsuma and Minato bore unmistakable signs of war orphans—evident markers of their challenging circumstances and financial constraints.

Even if they weren't war orphans, Tatsuma and Minato hailed from impoverished families. Children in similar situations seldom had the chance to engage in Ninja Tool Throwing, rendering their presence here quite unexpected.

Not only were the senseis from the ninja school observantly appraising them, but the children from esteemed ninja clans were also casting curious glances at the duo. Truth be told, these scrutinizing gazes unsettled Tatsuma to some extent. Despite his circumstances, he had not yet reached the point of becoming indifferent to such judgments, unlike someone more seasoned and mature.

In contrast, Minato appeared unfazed. His eager anticipation for enrollment seemed to overshadow any concern about the onlookers, showcasing a resilience and determination that set him apart.

Leading Minato, Tatsuma came to a halt right at the classroom door nearest to the stairs. Noticing the presence of non-ninja clan children in the vicinity, Tatsuma opted not to impose and refrained from entering the area where the direct descendants of ninja clans were assembling.

Given that the teams had not been officially formed, and new social circles hadn't yet taken shape, there was no urgency to immerse themselves in the burgeoning commotion.

After a brief wait, the senseis stationed in front of the classroom doors, seemingly receiving some cue, synchronized in action. Simultaneously, they swung open the doors and guided the new students into their respective classrooms.

"For this round, we'll evaluate your Chakra refining proficiency. I assume all of you have at least mastered the Chakra refining technique, right?" the sensei from the ninja school quipped, a half-smile playing on his lips as the new students settled into their designated positions.

Upon hearing this, Minato sported a confident smile, but in the next moment, his gaze shifted to Tatsuma, a trace of concern flickering across his expression.

Tatsuma, catching Minato's glance, nodded reassuringly at him. The Chakra refining technique had been included in the enrollment notices, and over the past month, Tatsuma had dedicated himself to continuous practice. While the efficiency might not have reached an exceptional level, it was certainly not lacking.

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