Chapter 25: Panel Upgrade

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"Hey, you two, what's with the serious faces? Holidays are meant for relaxation and rest, you know. It's the final day, so why not enjoy a well-deserved break?"

Within the confines of the third training ground, Ino-Shika-Cho trio lounged with their refreshing drinks, observing the duo jogging along the river. Shikaku, leaning back lazily, remarked, "It's the last day of the break, and even on this mildly warm autumn afternoon, it can be a bit tiring."

On this beautiful day, he ought to have been comfortably at home, immersed in studying game records amidst the cool embrace of air conditioning. However, for the past month, his routine had been disrupted, banished from the sanctuary of his house daily. The culprits? None other than the mischievous duo, Tatsuma and Minato, wreaking havoc at the training ground.

Had it not been for the relentless efforts of these two troublemakers, the lethargy of fellow students during the holidays wouldn't have been so glaringly apparent. He wouldn't find himself ousted from his air-conditioned refuge in the midst of this sweltering summer.

Down by the river, the pair, having just completed a grueling 400-meter run, floated at the water's surface, adjusting their breath. In response to Shikaku's grumbling, Tatsuma casually remarked, "You know, you don't have to join us at the training ground. Taking a leisurely stroll down the comercial street might not be a bad idea."

Reclining with a nonchalant expression, Shikaku uttered wearily, "You talk about hitting the comercial street, and my old lady has the same notion. Our three clans have a significant presence in that area. If we dare step foot there, she'll have it figured out within two hours."

"The cursed wealth gap," Tatsuma bemoaned. He hesitated even to consider adding an egg to his humble bowl of ramen, contrasting sharply with those whose family industries seamlessly formed an intricate network.

"Why not join us for some training? It might not be as dreadful as you think."

Minato, devoid of sentimentality, inquired earnestly. Shikaku responded with an eye roll, stating, "I manage to get to school on time, and now you're suggesting I should put in extra training? Or is it that our body structures are worlds apart, and your sessions don't leave you drenched in sweat with muscles screaming in protest?"

Inoichi and Choza concurred with nods. The idea of training was akin to torture for them, and they couldn't fathom why Tatsuma and Minato derived such enjoyment from it.

"Training is demanding, but as a destined ninja, I must endure challenges beyond the capacity of ordinary individuals. In the path of a ninja, I'll inevitably face formidable adversaries. Instead of pleading for mercy from enemies, I aspire to wield greater strength, preventing any disadvantageous situations. Therefore, I willingly embrace the pain of rigorous training."

Tatsuma grinned. In all honesty, the hardships he had encountered in the past year surpassed the cumulative struggles of nearly thirty years in his previous life. Nevertheless, having chosen the path of a ninja, he understood the necessity to endure it all.

In contrast to individuals like Shikaku, belonging to the Nara clan meant that his options were more limited. His parents, prominent figures in the village and skilled ninjas, cast a predetermined path for him from birth, laden with expectations.

Minato, a war orphan, opted to enroll, fueled by his dream of becoming a ninja, even though the costs were unclear at the time. However, it was a decision he made on his own terms.

And what about Shikaku and his peers? Their elders didn't bother inquiring about their future aspirations; it was tacitly assumed that they would inevitably follow the path of becoming ninjas.

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