Chapter 27: Mito's Advice

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Fortuitously, Minato Namikaze continued to be the shining beacon of the ninja world, and Kushina's demeanor did little to dim his benevolence. As the clock struck noon, Minato's concern flared when he observed a group of male classmates encircling Kushina.

Instinctively, Minato reached for Tatsuma's sleeve and whispered, "Tatsuma, should we intervene?"

Tatsuma cast a discerning gaze at the situation, where Kushina found herself amidst a group of male classmates. He responded, "Intervene for whom?"

"The new student."

Caught off guard by Tatsuma's unexpected question, Minato paused briefly before comprehension dawned. Tatsuma shook his head and remarked, "That girl appears to possess more strength than any of us. If you genuinely want to assist, ensure those guys keep their distance from Kushina. Otherwise, they might find themselves grappling with psychological repercussions."

At this juncture, the boys enveloping Kushina hailed from ninja lineage, yet lacked the prestigious background of a specific ninja clan. It appeared they were oblivious to Kushina's true worth.

'whar are individuals like InoShikaCho, Inuzuka, and Aburame, or even the typically haughty Uchiha Tenko and Hyuga Sento, all currently occupying their seats obediantly as if nothing is happening?'

Despite lingering concern, Minato, heeding Tatsuma's counsel and recalling Jiraiya's earlier advice, opted to remain seated and observe.

"Tomato~ Tomato~ Red hair, round face. Henceforth, I dub thee Tomato, hahaha!"

"Hahaha~ That nickname suits you perfectly, you're the pesky Tomato!"

"Agreed. Whenever I have a salad with tomatoes, I always make sure to pick them out."

As these comments echoed from the group of boys, Kushina lowered her head, her fists tightly clenched, her face turning a shade of red. Minato furrowed his brow, ready to rise and intervene.

However, just as he was about to stand, a boy extended his hand and grabbed a handful of Kushina's hair, pointing at her flushed face, jeering, "Look at that, the tomato is ripe and ready for picking!"

In a surprising turn, Kushina raised her hand and seized the wrist of the boy who had grabbed her hair. She frowned and fixed a determined stare at the somewhat bewildered boy, retorting, "Who are you calling a tomato? Just so you know, I absolutely detest tomatoes!"

Upon uttering those words, the force in Kushina's grip surged unexpectedly. The boy winced in pain, attempting to retract his hand, but Kushina afforded him no reprieve. With a swift motion, she seized his hand and swung it, connecting with several boys encircling her.

Without hesitation, disregarding the presence of the others, Kushina promptly seated herself directly on the back of the boy who had grasped her hair. Both hands raised, she unleashed a barrage of punches, reducing the boy to pleading for mercy.

Observing that Kushina was in no way at a disadvantage, Minato's tension eased, a smile gracing his face. Yet, at this very moment, Kushina seemed to catch sight of Minato, glared at him, and demanded, "What are you finding amusing?!"

Upon hearing her words, Minato's smile vanished. He anxiously straightened his posture, his peripheral vision remaining fixed on Kushina.

The boy, thoroughly thrashed and still whimpering, departed with ongoing mutters about "blood-red chili peppers."

Come afternoon, the absentee from the earlier skirmish failed to show up in class. After a cursory inquiry, Atoma-sensei chose to remain silent. Given the limited number of classes on the first day, the decision to attend or skip had minimal repercussions.

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