Chapter 100: Hiruzen's Shock

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Ignoring the distant calls, Tatsuma saw Hoshi actually grabbing his shoulder, his face showing a hint of madness, making his heart skip a beat involuntarily.

However, he quickly reacted, launching Rasengan directly, and blasting it onto Hoshi's chest.



In the distance, the Sand Ninja ordered by Chiyo to support Hoshi, seeing this scene, turned red with anger, veins popping on his face one after another. He wanted to save Hoshi, but... he was too far.

He watched helplessly as a hole, larger than a head, opened in Hoshi's chest, and a buzzing sound rang in his ears.

He knew his future prospects were bleak. Now the only thing he could do was to capture Tatsuma, the murderer who somehow managed to kill Hoshi and reduce his own responsibility.

The Sand Ninja quickly rushed towards Tatsuma, who was now also in a crisis. At this moment, Hoshi's skin kept swelling, something seemed to be moving beneath the surface, and it could burst out at any moment.


Tatsuma, unable to free himself from Hoshi's grasp, simply tore apart the clothes Hoshi was holding onto. Just as he finally broke free and attempted to Body Flicker away, he stumbled underfoot.


At that moment, from within Hoshi's lifeless body, there suddenly came a sound. Tatsuma's eyes clearly saw several pitch-black bird beaks pecking through Hoshi's skin, about to emerge.

"Revolving Heaven!"

Just as those strange birds were about to peck towards Tatsuma as they emerged from Hoshi's body, Tatsuma suddenly felt his body weightless.

When he came to his senses, he found himself being grabbed by the back of his neck by someone, while the person's other hand pushed forward creating a sphere of Chakra that protected the two of them inside.

It was precisely this sphere that isolated those strange birds outside, and Hoshi's body was also pushed far away.

"Damn it!"

Suddenly, Tatsuma seemed to hear a grumbling full of resentment. Then, several figures landed in front of him, landing before the sphere created by Revolving Heaven

Almost simultaneously, several flames ignited, and those birds caught fire. They fluttered in the air for a moment before falling to the ground.

"Damn it! Break through and kill them!"

The Sand Ninja shouted at the people who came to support him. In an instant, ninja tools and Ninjutsu flew towards Tatsuma.

Hyuga Itsuki frowned, about to expand the range of Revolving Heaven and strengthen its intensity, but this time, Uchiha Fugaku finally acted faster.


Fugaku shouted, nodding to a Ninja several years older than him beside him, who gestured with his hand. Suddenly, the Uchiha team spread out, flames igniting on each person's hands.

"Uchiha Flame Formation!"

Several Uchiha Ninja almost simultaneously clapped their hands toward the ground, directing the flaming Chakra on their hands towards the earth. In the instant before the Sand Ninja's attacks reached them, the ground in front of Uchiha Fugaku suddenly emitted a bright light.


A crimson firewall rose up, engulfing all Ninjutsu that collided with it, while the ninja tools that entered the firewall were instantly burned into molten iron, evaporating completely before they could even touch the ground.

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