Chapter 26: Tatsuma Never Breaks Character

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In Tatsuma's self-assessment, he gauged his present strength and the exclusive Ninja Tool Throwing technique bestowed by Minato. With ample "firepower," confronting a Chunin posed no significant challenge.

Indeed, Tatsuma's proficiency in Ninja Tool Throwing surpassed the conventional standards. He confidently opined that even an average Jonin might not match his expertise in this particular skill.

However, it's crucial to note that this evaluation pertains solely to skill. In terms of sheer power, Tatsuma acknowledges that he still has much to learn and experience.

However, at the tender age of six, he has just embarked on his second year. Judging by his current progress, there's a possibility he could ascend to the rank of Chunin or its equivalent before his eighth birthday. While not necessarily classified as exceptionally gifted, such rapid advancement is undeniably noteworthy.

This accelerated growth might also extend to Minato under his influence, potentially outpacing the trajectory of the original narrative. The prospect of Minato, endowed with talents that could manifest sooner, graduating ahead of schedule remains uncertain.

Tatsuma, however, harbors reservations about this outcome. He fervently wishes for the timely arrival of Kushina Uzumaki to captivate Minato, a boy exhibiting precocious emotional intelligence, in the hope of averting such an accelerated trajectory.

Tatsuma's sentiments toward Kushina? If she were of age, perhaps certain reflections would arise, but Tatsuma is resolute in not allowing himself to descend into inappropriate behavior. He staunchly rejects the notion of becoming a person who fosters unwarranted connections.

In the early stages of romantic inclinations, particularly within the generally precocious world of Naruto, youthful relationships are not uncommon. However, there exist instances of childhood sweethearts navigating a relationship marked by innocence and purity. In Tatsuma's previous life, during primary school, he harbored admiration for a young girl. Yet, during that time, the intricacies of falling in love and the nuances between boys and girls were beyond his understanding.

Following his enlightenment, Tatsuma found himself forever distanced from the pure, innocent sentiments of childhood. Since arriving in this world, he's been determined to approach young girls with a mature understanding of love, steering clear of any inappropriate tendencies.

In essence, Tatsuma's preference leans towards young ladies of 18 years and above. There's an additional rationale behind this choice—his current demeanor doesn't draw the attention or affection of younger girls, given its somewhat unconventional nature.

Typically, girls of that age bracket are drawn to cool, composed individuals or handsome boys who captivate them at first glance. Tatsuma, however, embodies warmth, sincerity, adept social skills, and an inherent initiative—qualities that the older generation perceives as virtues in a young man.

Furthermore, garnering affection at Tatsuma's current age proves to be quite challenging. A prime example unfolded during Valentine's Day earlier in the year, where Minato's desk overflowed with chocolates, and Uchiha Tenko and Hyuga Sento received even more lavish displays of affection.

Even Shikaku and Inoichi found themselves recipients of chocolates, while Tatsuma's experience was notably different. His involvement extended only to Minato querying whether he desired chocolates, a gesture prompted by Minato's concern that he couldn't consume them all.

Tatsuma, adamant in maintaining the facade of disliking chocolates, consistently asserted his aversion. In an effort to uphold this image over the past six months, he went to the extent of removing chocolate toppings from ice cream in front of Minato and others before indulging.

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