Chapter 52: Tsunade's Doubts

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"Is this the territory of the Senju Clan? It's not quite what I pictured," Tatsuma remarked, casting a curious eye over the surroundings. The emptiness of the place felt oddly distinct to him. Minato shared his sentiment, puzzled by the apparent scarcity of Senju Clan members in their own domain.

Jiraiya offered an explanation, "Many members of the Senju clan have departed from their ancestral lands and forsaken the 'Senju' surname. Take Tsunade and her brother, Nawaki, for instance; they've moved on from the clan name."

It appeared that following the village's establishment, children bearing the Senju surname became a rarity. Nevertheless, there were still occasional bursts of activity within the Senju territory each year."

However, Jiraiya opted not to delve into further explanation. After highlighting this observation, he resumed leading the group forward. After a while, he halted abruptly, or more accurately, he hesitated to proceed any farther.

For on the other side of the gate, Tsunade was demolishing a stone stool with her bare hands. Her expression conveyed extreme displeasure, as if she had been deceived by her parents who had promised playtime but instead assigned her homework. She vented her frustration akin to a helpless and enraged student screaming into a pillow.


Despite Jiraiya halting his steps, Tsunade's sharp eyes caught sight of him. Her initial dissatisfaction swiftly morphed into anger as she exclaimed, "Why aren't you in confinement?!"

"Huh?! What confinement? Sensei said you returned to practice a special technique, didn't he? what does it have to with me?"

Jiraiya felt a pang of injustice. He hadn't erred in any way; in fact, he was assisting Tsunade with her prospective students. Yet here he was, suddenly scolded.

"Isn't being held until I learn a form of confinement? why can you and that snake be free!"

Tsunade's anger remained palpable. Jiraiya took a deep breath and said, "Tsunade, I understand you're in a rush, but let's not act hastily. I came today to see Lady Mito, and perhaps I can inquire about your situation."

Upon hearing Jiraiya's words, Tsunade furrowed her brows before declaring, "You'd better persuade Grandma to let me go, or else you'll be stuck here too."

"Not leave?"

A sudden blush stained Jiraiya's cheeks, but before he could indulge in his daydream, Tsunade interjected, "Stay and be my sparring partner!"


Jiraiya had no doubt that Tsunade would follow through with her threat. After all, the only time he'd sustained serious injuries was at her hands, albeit provoked by his own act of peeping.

"I'll do my best!"

With those words, Jiraiya dashed past Tsunade, heading straight for the inner sanctum where Uzumaki Mito resided.

Tatsuma and Minato exchanged glances, feeling somewhat abandoned by their sensei.

At that moment, Tsunade glanced at the two. She had heard from Hiruzen that she and Jiraiya were to each select a disciple.

Though Tsunade didn't object to Hiruzen's mentorship method, which absolved her of responsibility and obligation, she couldn't help but scrutinize the two candidates unconsciously.

Even though she wasn't required to shoulder the burden of teaching disciples, and even if they turned out to be mediocre, she could always shift the blame onto Jiraiya, their actual sensei. However, Tsunade wasn't inclined to accept a disciple with average abilities.

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