Chapter 11: Nara Clan's Ultimate Technique

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Following the initial round of examinations, Tatsuma and Minato found themselves in a favorable position, courtesy of the bonus points earned through their adept Senbon throwing skills. Unfortunately, their optimism waned when they realized the second round involved a practical test, leaving them regretful for not opting for an afternoon examination.

During the practical test, two classmates were chosen at random for evaluation. Each participant had to undergo three practical tests, engaging with different classmates in order to garner a comprehensive score.

Tatsuma hit the jackpot in the draw for the practical test, landing Nara Shikaku as his opponent. A shared glance and knowing smiles passed between them, a silent acknowledgment of their mutual understanding. On the flip side, Minato found himself facing off against Akimichi Choza.

The initial bout unfolded between Minato and Choza. The clash was intense, lasting a full five minutes, and culminating with Choza's potato chips scattered beyond the ring's boundaries. As he hurried to retrieve them, Minato clinched a narrow victory in the opening round.

Subsequently, it was Tatsuma's turn to face Shikaku. Stepping into the arena, Shikaku maintained a serious demeanor, declaring, "Sakamoto Tatsuma, I shall unveil the ancestral ultimate technique of the Nara Clan!"

Tatsuma nodded affirmatively, remarking, "The Nara Clan's ultimate technique, huh? I'm genuinely eager to see it in action. Nevertheless, even if you've mastered a formidable ultimate technique, I am confident I will still emerge victorious!"

Sarutobi Atoma observed the two students, both poised and tense in anticipation of the impending confrontation. With excitement, he declared, "Commence the Seal of Confrontation!"

"I concede!"

The moment Sarutobi Atoma uttered those words, Shikaku voiced his surrender with a hint of reluctance. Supporting his knees with both hands, he mumbled, "Too strong. I actually lost."

Tatsuma, also catching his breath, chimed in, "Indeed, the Nara Clan's ultimate technique. Even I could only secure the win by a stroke of luck."

"Ding~ [Wisdom+5]"

"Sakumo Hatake! Take a look! Witness the inheritor of the Nara Clan, so astute and generous!" Tatsuma exclaimed with such excitement that he nearly shed tears. In this poignant moment, the two stood as heroes who shared a profound understanding and respect.

Sarutobi Atoma, initially brimming with anticipation for a fierce battle, now wore a completely darkened expression. Gritting his teeth, he directed his frustration at the pair:

"The Nara Clan's ultimate technique, huh? Winning by a stroke of luck, huh? Get out of here!"

Observing the furious Sarutobi Atoma merely yelling at them without escalating the situation, the two breathed sighs of relief. They then strolled casually, shoulder to shoulder, towards the waiting area.

Back at the waiting area, they caught sight of Minato's resentful gaze. He was embroiled in a heated battle with Choza, and had Choza not prioritized snacks over victory, Minato might have lost the first round.

And what about our two protagonists? With exchanged glances and a subtle understanding reflected in their eyes, they schemed the potential outcome of their match. It was truly unbelievable!

In the second round of practical tests, whether by coincidence or Sarutobi Atoma seeking revenge, Shikaku and Inuzuka Tsume found themselves in the same group. Tatsuma was paired with Uchiha Tenko, and Minato Namikaze was grouped with Hyuga Sento.

Minato muttered, '??? Can I not catch a break!'

Shikaku donned an expression of despair, his eyes reflecting the cruel reality of exams. Assigned to be the first to step forward, he reluctantly dragged his weakened body to the center.

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