Chapter 22: The significance of Invinting Someone to a meal

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In the clandestine realm of ninja existence, the shadowy dance of social distinctions lingers subtly, weaving its threads even where they aren't explicitly acknowledged. In a world marked by unmistakable class divisions, the nuances of privilege and hardship persist.

For those fortunate enough to have been handed silver spoons since birth, the struggles of less fortunate children remain a mystery.

The daily battles faced by impoverished youngsters, who must patiently bide their time for an entire year just to savor the simple delight of a hamburger, are beyond the comprehension of the privileged few.

It is only on the occasion of their birthdays that these underprivileged souls are escorted to the opulent domain of the so-called "fast-food restaurant" for their inaugural experience.

Tatsuma's origins in his previous life weren't exactly privileged; he barely hovered within the bounds of the middle-class spectrum. During his college stint, a roommate hailing from a well off familly shared his living space.

In a moment of apparent financial distress, Tatsuma, thinking his roommate was struggling for sustenance, generously extended a loan of 6000 yen to help him through the tough times. However, upon probing further, Tatsuma uncovered that the roommate's financial struggle wasn't as dire as it seemed—he merely had 60000 yen left.

Adding a twist to the tale, the very same affluent roommate later invited Tatsuma to partake in a meal, creating a déjà vu scenario reminiscent of the past incident. This time, it was an extravagant self-service steakhouse—a place Tatsuma had never dared to venture before, deeming it too opulent for his taste.

Tatsuma found the prospect of spending 1500 yen on a single meal rather steep. Throughout the dining experience, his mind was preoccupied with calculating his daily budget after leaving, factoring in the substantial deduction of 3000 yen for this meal. Consequently, the full enjoyment of the first steak eluded him.

When the moment arrived to settle the bill, the affluent roommate promptly took charge, leaving Tatsuma without an opportunity to contribute. It was only after entering the workforce and slowly amassing some savings that Tatsuma came to a realization — sometimes, asking others to treat you to a meal is merely a pretext for gathering and socializing.

However, the dynamics also hinge on the individual. Some are genuinely seeking a complimentary meal, aiming to exploit the generosity of others.

Tatsuma, too, has employed this pretext on multiple occasions. Engaging in discussions about career planning and personal aspirations with colleagues or new recruits, he seizes the chance to offer guidance to newcomers. Sometimes, it's nothing more than a casual get-together.

Nevertheless, Tatsuma never allows others to foot the bill on his behalf. His proactive suggestion for someone else to treat him is merely a means to assess his standing in their eyes.

So, when the trio proposed this, Tatsuma discerned the motivations behind it easily. Well, to be precise, he comprehended Shikaku's intentions; Choza was just genuinely eager to enjoy a good meal.

Tatsuma strategically allowed Minato to take the lead in the conversation. After all, if Minato harbored reservations about the situation's worth or faced financial constraints, Tatsuma could seamlessly step in to navigate the discussion and prevent any potential unraveling.

These nuances in handling situations, while within the grasp of Minato's intelligence and precocious nature, are aspects best comprehended through firsthand experience. Tatsuma, ever the mentor, doesn't mind shedding light on such matters for him.

Upon reaching Minato's abode, Tatsuma affably patted his shoulder and offered, "Don't overthink it. From today onward, we can officially consider ourselves friends with Shikaku and the others. Would you prefer heading home to rest, or shall we make our way directly to the training ground?"

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