Chapter 40: Tatsuma and Minato VS Orochimaru

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Sarutobi Atoma didn't reappear until close to noon. It was apparent that, in addition to guiding Kushina back, he had briefed the Hokage on the earlier events.

As Orochimaru cast a scrutinizing gaze at the duo, he dryly remarked, "Looks like your break time is done."

At this point, both individuals had replenished their chakra, yet their physical stamina hadn't fully rebounded. Minato was in relatively better shape, whereas Tatsuma grappled with more noticeable fatigue. Nevertheless, Orochimaru remained resolute, displaying no inclination to grant them the luxury of a nap before resuming the assessment.

The duo rose to their feet, discreetly edging a bit farther away from Orochimaru. While unaware of the specific nature of Orochimaru's assessment, the decision to increase the distance was a strategic move to allow for better reaction time—a prudent choice.

Observing their subtle maneuver, Orochimaru acknowledged their alertness. He lifted his hand, commencing the formation of hand seals. Noticing Orochimaru's deliberate pace, Tatsuma briefly brightened, entertaining the hopeful notion that Orochimaru might be taking it easy on them.

"Wind Release: Wind Cutter Technique!"

However, Tatsuma's optimism proved unfounded. The moment Orochimaru completed the hand seals, Tatsuma's keen eyes detected distortions in the space around Orochimaru. Witnessing this unfold, Tatsuma instinctively unleashed his own chakra outward.

Although he hadn't systematically mastered techniques for utilizing Sensory-type chakra, his innate Sensory talent enabled him to effortlessly discern changes in chakra within his surroundings.

Within Tatsuma's heightened sensory perception, several wind blades assailed them, with Minato, at that moment, maintaining his vigilance, oblivious to the impending danger.

Swiftly forming hand seals, Tatsuma mobilized chakra to his legs, activating the Body Flicker Jutsu instantaneously. Closing the gap, he maneuvered toward Minato, executing and threw him to the ground.


"Boom boom~"

As the two descended to the ground, the positions they had previously occupied, along with the tree stumps and boulders behind them, all appeared as if they had been sliced through by invisible blades.

"Indeed, I didn't make a mistake. It is indeed a Sensory talent" Orochimaru remarked, observing the unfolding scene. Having witnessed Tatsuma's Sensory prowess in the recent clash with Kushina, the trial now confirmed it.

"Orochimaru-sama, as expected from you." Tatsuma replied with a grim look

Upon seeing the havoc caused by Orochimaru, Sarutobi Atoma became uneasy. However, as he began to speak, Orochimaru fixed his gaze on him, rendering him speechless. A calm expression curved Orochimaru's lips as he coldly uttered:

"Sarutobi Atoma, you are merely a witness. I am the examiner."

"Yes, Orochimaru-sama," Sarutobi Atoma reluctantly nodded, casting a concerned glance toward the two students who had narrowly avoided harm, hoping they could persevere.

Minato also grasped the gravity of the situation and whispered, "Thanks, Tatsuma. Are you okay?"

Tatsuma shook his head and replied, "Use chakra to sense changes around you, Wind Release isn't as visually apparent as other jutsu; you need to observe more carefully."

Minato nodded, saying, "I understand."

Although the exchange between the two was brief, it presented Orochimaru with ample opportunities to launch multiple attacks. Surprisingly, he remained motionless, observing the two with keen interest.

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