Chapter 64: Can You Even Pay?

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"Am I really a narrow-minded person at heart?"

Kushina lowered her head, recalling her biases against Tatsuma and Minato. Feeling a bit guilty, but she was touched on the back of her head by Mito, who said, "No one is without narrow-mindedness.

Just like Minato, his narrow-mindedness makes him prefer to see the bright side in everything, or Tatsuma, his narrow-mindedness makes him persistently focus on winning or losing. An open heart is not something ordinary people can possess."

Mito subtly shifted the concept, but Kushina seemed not to have noticed. She just nodded and then enviously said, "Grandma Mito, I envy your ability to understand others' emotions."

Upon hearing this, Mito instinctively touched her lower abdomen and looked at Kushina, who still seemed innocent. Although there was a smile on her face, there was also a hint of helplessness.

"Envy? Sometimes, that can be a burden too."

Mito murmured softly, her voice so low that even Kushina beside her couldn't hear clearly. Kushina looked at Mito, intending to ask what she had said.

However, Mito gently pushed Kushina's back, simultaneously retracting the Chakra enveloping her. She then smiled and said, "It's time for your training too, or else you'll be drifting further away from them."

Thinking that Mito was referring to the gap in strength between her and the other two, Kushina snorted in disagreement and rushed towards the observing Minato.

"Minato Namikaze! I'll be your opponent!"

Minato was momentarily puzzled. What did she mean by being his opponent? He hadn't made any moves against anyone, so what was with this tone of coming to the rescue in the face of injustice?

Before he could figure it out, Kushina's fist was already in front of him. Minato quickly dodged and then said, "Let's start with the Seal of Confrontation."

"Such a hassle!"

Although saying this, Kushina also stopped and formed the Seal of Confrontation.

Mito chuckled as she watched, but her smile gradually faded as she witnessed Nawaki and Kushina being repeatedly thrown to the ground by Tatsuma and Minato.

After all, they were her own grandchildren. Despite Tatsuma and Minato being good kids and as much as she liked the two of them, they were still the ones beating up her grandchildren.

When Mito's smile completely disappeared, she didn't want to watch any longer. She stood up and headed towards Tsunade's room.

Her brother and future disciple were both diligently training at this time. As the older sister and future sensei, Tsunade was still sleeping, it was really unacceptable!


Approaching nine o'clock, Tatsuma and the others finished their training and gathered outside Mito's house, ready to receive a Sealing Jutsu lesson from her.

At this point, Nawaki had accumulated enough chakra to start learning Sealing Jutsu. Although he had missed many lessons before, Mito would explain, and Tatsuma and Minato would make up for his missed classes so he could catch up quickly.

But today, something seemed off. Tsunade, who had never visited this room before, was sitting outside, her eyes vacant, as if she were practicing some form of meditation.

However, with her disheveled appearance, it didn't look like a state conducive to training.

"Don't mind her, come inside for class."

At this moment, Mito's voice came from inside the house. Tatsuma reluctantly shifted his gaze away from Tsunade and stepped into the room, starting another day of Sealing Jutsu lessons.

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