Chapter 119: One Must Look Forward

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"Tatsuma, the downstream Sensory work is entrusted to you."

In the Land of Rain, within the rainforest where the sun is never seen, a team of ninjas gathered by a river, both for resupply and to scout the surrounding environment.

Even the giant dogs, which some people fear, remain quiet at this moment, their paws landing carefully, ensuring no sound even as they tread on wet fallen leaves.

These Nin-Dogs continuously sniffed the surrounding scents, their canine faces displaying human-like wrinkled brows in thoughtful contemplation, seemingly discerning the types and sources of the smells.

Beside each Nin-Dog, there is a member of the Inuzuka Clan performing the same actions. Ninjas resembling dogs, ninjas resembling dogs - this is something only seen within this clan.

On the side, there are also some Aburame Clan ninjas dressed in long raincoats, their hoods pulled down low. These ninjas, wearing sunglasses even in the dim rainforest, continuously emit special insects from their bodies.

Beside a pair of silver-haired and golden-haired youths, a fully wrapped Aburame ninja lowered his tone, quietly conversing with Sakamoto Tatsuma, the silver-haired one.

Tatsuma nodded, then approached the riverbank. Forming a hand seal with both hands, he then altered the seal with his right hand, connecting his thumb to his little finger while keeping the other three fingers relaxed.

This is a special kind of hand seal, part of a systematic series called the "Mudra" hand seal system. This system emphasizes that each finger corresponds to a specific Chakra element, which is quite similar to Tatsuma's past life.

The thumb represents fire, and the little finger represents water, yet the hand seal is named the "Water Seal," symbolizing the harmonization of water and fire, signifying communication and openness. It was applied by Senju Tobirama in Sensory Jutsu with remarkable effectiveness.

Tatsuma inserted his right hand into the river. As the water flows over his fingers, his Chakra attaches to the flowing water.

This type of Sensory technique doesn't have a fast sensory speed; rather, its speed depends on the water flow. Of course, if the water flow is too rapid, it won't work well. It might cause splashing, disrupting the flow, and the Chakra may not tightly adhere or interconnect with each other.

Fortunately, it's September now, and although the rainy season in the rainforest is in its late stages, it hasn't completely ended yet. Therefore, the speed of the river here is much faster than usual.

The Aburame ninja also knows that Tatsuma's Sensory efficiency isn't fast, but it excels in safety. If there are Sensory-type ninjas among the enemies, then whether it's the Nin-Dogs, insects, or even ground and air Sensory, they could be detected.

However, hardly any ninja would care whether Chakra is attached to the constantly flowing water because it's too difficult to detect, and very few have devised such means.

As a covert support team, Tatsuma and his group are not pressed for time, so they need this safest method to perform Sensory detection on the distant situation. They need to ensure they are not discovered.

After nearly half an hour, Tatsuma withdrawed his hand from the river and says, "Five kilometers downstream, there is residual Ninja Chakra. They should be traveling on the water, heading further downstream."

The Aburame ninja nodded and said, "Still the same caution. Even in their own territory, these Land of Rain ninjas are so careful to conceal their tracks."

Shaking his head, he continued, "But since the direction is further downstream, our tracks shouldn't be discovered in the short term. Let's rest here for now. I'll contact the other teams."

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