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branch's pov:

"did you lose them??" i gasped as the car continued to zoom forward.

carlos looked into the rearview mirror. "yeah i think so."

he turned back to me. "who are they?"

i let out a sigh. "my family."

"what??? come on man, you can't ditch them like that!-" he began.

"they ditched me first." i growled.

clearly i didn't want to continue that conversation, so carlos laid off the topic.

we began driving silently.

silence was good sometimes. it helped me think.

but that was all interrupted when he turned up the music.

"where are we going?" i huffed.

"well buddy.. i was thinking that we could tag along at a party. it's in this direction, so might as well." he shrugged.

i hated parties. there was way too much noise. too many trolls, too many flashing lights,... just too much.

"i don't do good with parties." i groaned.

a smirk appeared on carlos' face. "it's not one of those parties."

what other type of parties are there?? the only kind i know are the ones that involve glitter, lights, and a whole lot of noise. but my thoughts were cut off there.

"you ever tried the big C?" he chuckled.

i furrowed my eyebrows. "the big C??"

carlos rolled his eyes. "cocaine stupid!!"

ohhhhh. it's one of those parties.

"yeah, yeah i have." i lied.

"good." he smiled before pulling into a parking lot stuck behind an alleyway.

the car shut off as me and carlos both stepped out the vehicle.

i've never been at this side of town before?? well, except for when i bought those ring pops from tiny diamond. i still have some more at home actually.

"just follow me little buddy." carlos whispered before trailing off to a door stuck to one of the trees.

there were no windows.

he knocked 5 times over before pausing, and then knocking two times. it must have been some sort of special code, because a troll opened an eye slot in the door for him to peek out of.

"name?" he whispered in one of the raspiest voices i've ever heard.

"carlos. and a friend of mine." he grumbled.

the troll behind the door paused for a bit before closing the peephole.

were we locked out??

my doubts were washed away when the door clicked open.

"come in." the troll smiled; opening the door wide for us to enter.

my mouth literally dropped.

this place was sick.

the only lights in the room were purple LED lights hanging from the sides of the wall. there was a machine at the side spewing smoke out into the room. there was a coffee table stacked with booze and pipes and white crystals of all types. the moody music was set down low; giving a mystifying vibe to the whole thing.

"wow." i gasped.

"cool. right?" carlos raised an eyebrow.

i nodded my head enthusiastically. "cool."

me and him both separated. carlos trailed over to the cooler and i walked over to the couch. there were a few other trolls sitting down and chatting.

" 'sup." one of those trolls nodded their head to greet me.

"sup." i said; trying to sound casual.

before the other guy could reply a loud sniffing noise emanated from the table. i turned my head to find some troll snorting up some crack.

"you want some?" the troll asked stuffily before picking his head up off the table.

why not?

"sure." i smiled before leaning my head down just like he did.

i covered one of my nostrils and snorted a line of crack with ease.


the other trolls began cheering as i blinked away the woozy feeling i got. wow that was good!! stronger than the ring pops for sure.

"good job blue." one of the trolls chuckled before taking his own turn with the crack.

a new nickname????? sick.

carlos walked over to join me on the couch.

"looks like little buddy isn't that little after all." he grinned before downing a bottle of beer.

i replied with a laugh as i began cheering on the next troll.

why hadn't i done something like this sooner? god this was fun.

suddenly a hand was placed on my leg; sending shivers down my spine.

one of the female trolls was looking at me and flapping her eyes.

"want to have some fun?" she smirked.

i was high.

i wouldn't betray poppy like that. ever.

"no thanks." i mumbled before pushing her hand off.

"playing hard to get?" she giggled; placing her hand back on my thigh.

"no. i'm just not interested." i growled while trying to push it back off.

but this time her grip was firm.

why wasn't anyone doing anything???

"awh come on.." she whispered.

no way. i had enough.

i shoved her hand off for the last time before jumping off the couch. the girl troll blinked up at me.

"where are you going babe?" she whined.

she was definitely high.

"i'm not your babe." i huffed.

without waiting for a reply i stormed out of the building and back into the parking lot.

i walked around a bit; holding my head with shock.

i'm never doing this again.

who knows what would have happened if i were more high??


my thoughts were cut back when the door swung open to reveal none other than that same female troll.

"you don't want to play?" she giggled.

i started stepping backwards in fear.

until i blacked out.

thats the end of the chapter!! 😓

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