Summary of the Prequels

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They are written the way that it is enough information to read this sequel. The summaries tell the important plot parts of the prequels from beginning to end.

It might be a little undiluted in this form, but I believe this story will be worth it

If you have read the beginning of the sequels before

-from Three (+ Little Bird summary): you can continue reading here from Eight (Wreny)

-from Little Bird (+ Three summary): you can begin at the start, but later skip chapters Eight and Nine

-from both : you can skip to chapter Ten (Wreny)

If you have not read either, you can understand this story after reading both the summaries



Main character: Three (Gol D. Ann)

Important family members, relationships:

Eustass Kid - lover

Portgas D. Ace - brother

King - step-father

Promise - best friend (deceased)

Devil Fruit: Yume Yume No Mi - The power of dreams

Allows the user to see into the past and the future, by accessing a place called the 'ocean of dreams'. The fragments of time move in a colorful orb in a form of waves, and by touching one, it's possible to enter the vision as a spectator.

The Devil Fruit can't be controlled fully, and it doesn't let the user to choose freely what time to see. It seems to have a strange will, and at special occasions, a wave can 'call' for a human, if it is something that she or he has to see. It's possible to bring an outsider to this place.

Even as regular dreams, the user sees real visions of future and past, but at that state, there is absolutely no control over them. The power never lies, and what it reveals, always happens or has happened.

The ability is not present in the book of Devil Fruits, and most of its potential, usage, and phenomenons are yet to be understood. As its Awakening, it grants the wish that the user wants most through his or her life. This wish can't be chosen by free will.

Before the Awakening, the user forgets most of her dreams, as normal people do. After Awakening, the user has more control, and is able to create places in the world of dreams, and meet other ones there on her will, also remembering almost everything that happens.

Plot summary:

Stage One - Udon Prison

A nameless woman is thrown to Eustass Kid's cell after being tortured by water. Thinking she might help to get away, Kid doesn't hurt her. He helps her against her sentence, and gives her the name Three, after the number of their cell.

She was raised by King since she was a child, who trained her and made her dream, searching for his lost lover. Instead, Three saw Laugh Tale's place, and since she refused to tell it to Kaido, she was sent to the prison for torture. Kid respects her decision, and accepts her silence. She has a vision of Kid bleeding, and a sword striking down at the prison.

After they realize that she has been visiting Eustass' dreams ever since their childhood, and never let him have a nightmare, they escape the prison together. They retrieve a necklace (together with a note saying 'Proof') that Promise, her childhood best friend left behind to her. The little boy fell ill, and Three traded her freedom for his treatment.

Gold and Red [Law × Reader, Kid × Reader]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat