Eleven (Three)

160 11 6

Kid's side

He has sat by Killer's bed ever since he regained consciousness. The blonde is still sleeping at a distant place where nobody can reach him, away from his barely breathing body.

The amber eyes are wide open, burning from the tears he doesn't allow to escape. Ace watches him worriedly, but his eyes dim even more as he reads the newspaper in his hands.

"Trafalgar Law got defeated by Blackbeard," he says, his fingers wrinkling the paper in frustration. "I can't believe it."

Kid doesn't answer, and the other man feels his own rage growing. He understands the sorrow, but he can't understand this catatonic state after his sister's sacrifice.

"Three will kill me if you get hurt, Eustass," whispers the freckled man, turning the page. "You know that, right?"

"I don't care," answers Kid, barely audible. His deep voice is parched and hopeless as he is paralyzed by his losses.

"The others will all wake up for sure," sighs Ace, pressing his lips together for a moment as he scratches his nape. "Marco is not sure about Killer. He was in the worst state. But there is still a chance."

"You are not helping," growls the redhead, his face darkening again as he watches the peaceful face of his best friend.

"I'm telling you the facts because you can't think straight now," states Ace, his fist clenching. He hates everything that happened. "Marco doesn't mind your crew recovering here. Once you get stronger, you do what you want."

Kid looks up with a scowl as he hears the strange tone of the other's voice.

The raven-haired man takes a deep breath, his black eyes glowing like an ember.

"I'm setting sail," he says, looking out the window so his gaze can find the endless sea. "I won't leave my sister alone. She was fighting on her own long enough."

He turns back to the other, who freezes completely from these words.

"You do what you want, Eustass," continues Ace quietly. "Three set you free. Value it, and never toss it away again."

Kid casts down his eyes, his nails digging into the skin of his thighs until it almost starts bleeding.

As complete stillness falls over the room, the Pirate King's son throws down the newspaper and leaves the room without saying anything else.

The redhead shudders and huddles himself on the chair he brought, struggling to find enough air.

The world orbits around him at a crazy pace, and he can't decide whether it's from his injuries or his mental state.




His crimson lips open as he screams voicelessly from the pain, and Killer lours in his dream like he hears it.

Kid cries out and grabs his chest, clawing up the scars, hoping that the physical pain will hide everything else.

But he stops when a silent, gentle voice sounds from his left.

"Why are you crying, Master Kid?" asks Heat softly, sitting up, holding his head as he's still dizzy. His Captain turns there in complete denial, and his tears, which he didn't realize flowing.

Kid stands up, his legs barely carrying his weight. Heat leaves his bed even though he woke up seconds ago and catches the other in time before he falls to the ground. The redhead and Killer had the most serious wounds of all of them.

Gold and Red [Law × Reader, Kid × Reader]Where stories live. Discover now