Ten (Wreny) - first chapter to be published only here

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You sit beside Law as he watches the ocean silently, as the waves wash the pearl-like sand of the coast.

Your head rests on his shoulder as you follow the rhythm of his breath. A few minutes pass in entire silence, but his lips finally part, and he breaks the peace.

"The Pirate King's daughter is alive," he whispers. Your eyes open, and your whole body tenses. You sit back and look at him with doubt, but the man keeps his golden eyes on the sea. "The one whose sword you carry."

"What are you talking about?" you ask, taken aback by the sudden statement.

"I met her in Wano," answers Law, reaching down to set one of the bandages of his arm. You scowl and gently push his hand away to do it yourself. The man's features soften as you carefully treat him. "She was raised by one of Kaido's men and didn't know about her parents almost her whole life. She fell in love with Eustass Kid. Lives with the name Three, that he gave her. Ace joined them to watch over her, and they all left Wano when we did."

You finish covering up his injury and sit back, touching your katana that's tied around your waist as almost always. It grew to be part of you, but you know it was never meant to be yours.

"So I suppose I should get this to her one day," you murmur a little sadly, but then, a faint smile spreads on your lips. "Even though I'm glad she is alive."

Law nods slowly.

"I healed her after Onigashima and helped Eustass give her a new prosthetic arm because she lost her hand earlier," he says. "But I don't think she would take your sword if she saw how much it means to you, Wreny. She has a kind heart."

The man sees your scowl and touches your face, stroking it with care.

"She has a Devil Fruit that can see into the past," he continues. "It's an unpredictable and strange power, but that might be our best chance to find the Hades. We must know what we are looking for."

You take his hand and kiss his palm tenderly, and Trafalgar Law turns red from your touch. You smile at his reaction.

He used to blush often, but he got even more shy.

"First, I want your crew free," you say, playing with his long fingers, enjoying the warmth of his skin. "Anything else can wait."

His face darkens, and Law looks away again, freeing his hand.

"We can't do that yet," he states, and you shiver from the pain that shakes his voice. "At our current state we can't defeat Blackbeard's crew."

Your fists clench.

"I'm strong, Law," you say. "And I'll find help if we need it. But we can't let-"

"And if we lose?" he snaps, turning to you with eyes blazing vividly in the sunlight. "Wreny, they can steal Devil Fruits. And ours are too powerful to let those bastards have them."

You open your mouth to protest but stop when he continues.

"I hate myself for telling you this," whispers your love. "But your curse might be our best chance."

You recoil from him as you understand.

"You want to use the Hades?" you ask with disbelief.

"No," he answers silently. "We need to destroy it, but before that, we can use it as a threat to get my crew back."

Law tilts his head as he sees how pale you turned. He cups your face and kisses you deeply.

You thrill when you meet his smooth lips and move closer to hug him, melting into his embrace.

Gold and Red [Law × Reader, Kid × Reader]Where stories live. Discover now