Thirteen (Three)

144 11 16

Kid's side

The redhead is sitting at the end of Ace's ship, watching the stars in silence. It's a peaceful midnight, with a cool waft and warm air, almost no clouds in the sky.

The Moon shines brightly on the western half of the black canvas, fleeing from the dawn that will rise in a few hours.

The only thing disturbed and hurt is his mind, which can't find solace for many days now.

He sees her eyes in the glowing pearls of the heaven above and hears her laughter in the rumbling of the sea.

He wonders what is awaiting them from now on.

Portgas D. Ace is sleeping opposite him, snoring quietly. His limbs are stretched in all directions so he can take the shape of a starfish, and he squelches his dream, mumbling something about a large bowl of spaghetti.

Kid rolls his eyes.

One second later, Ace snorts and turns around, knocking his head into the barrier of the ship.

The redhead freezes from the loud noise, and his amber eyes widen with worry as he listens frightenedly to hear if the other is still breathing.

But he calms down and exhales when Ace rolls again.

And it only lasts for a second, as the freckled man starts crawling towards Kid in his sleep, mumbling almost inaudibly in a high voice.

"C'mere baby, lemme just-"

The redhead grimaces and lifts his leg, and Ace bumps his head into his foot without waking up, flailing with his arm in the air.

"What the fuck," whispers Eustass disgustedly, reaching down to turn the young man away so he can continue his unconscious journey.

But when Ace's back lights up with fire, and he hugs his leg passionately, Kid yelps in terror and kicks his boot away, then crawls back as much as he can.

The other satisfiedly recoils and curls up around his new loot. Yet it only takes one second before he yeets it to its owner and starts moving again.

The redhead shouts in surprise and barely catches his shoe before it falls into the water.

As Ace starts snoring again while sleep-crawling as a fucked-up zombie, Kid doesn't dare to wake him up as half his body is still sizzling with flames, somehow avoiding the wood of the boat.

And as the sleeping visitation of god turns in his direction again, Eustass does the only thing that was always effective against the other of the Portgas siblings.

He takes off his crimson coat and throws it as a sacrifice.

When Ace settles and cuddles the fluffy pile of feathers, his cheeks puffy as he hides half his face, Kid scoffs in displease. He pinches his boot and lifts it in the air.

"Why couldn't you just take this?" he grumbles, then leans down a little.

He sniffs the piece of leather and turns pale, then coughs once.

"It's not even that bad," he whispers with a suffocated voice, taking it on again.

[A/N]: It was bad.

But even after the scene, he can't help the soft smile spreading on his painted lips.

Ace reminds her of Three in many ways, and it helps a lot. They both live in the present and find joy in the most simple things.

He is worried for his sister but not afraid. He does what he believes is right, and only that, just as Three always did.

The son and daughter of Portgas D. Rouge and Gol D. Roger, both living their lives without regrets.

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