Three (Three)

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Kid's side

She is laughing excitedly and running around the ship over and over again, followed by the shocked eyes of the Kid Pirates.

The Victoria Punk has seen many scenes through their years together, but a young, cheerful woman rushing over its deck with a child's happiness is new and brings a unique warmth to the rigid wood and steel.

"What the fuck has gotten into her?" asks Killer worriedly, stepping next to his Captain, who leans on the barrier, watching over her, his eyes calm and peaceful from the sight.

Ace runs after her with a chaotic swaying of his arms in the air, shouting at her to take on some shoes before she catches a cold.

Three seems to ignore everything from the outside world.

Her smile is so pure and vast, brightening more and more each second as she gets closer to the island.

"She's perfect," whispers Kid, more to himself than to the other.

Killer sighs despite the smile under his mask and grabs his shoulder.

The redhead shivers, turning his head with displease for being interrupted.

"What is she doing, fafafa?" asks the blonde again, right when Ace finally catches his sister, making her shriek in surprise as they crash into the ground together.

Kid's left eye twitches, and small, purple bolts of lightning play in the air as his power awakes.


Killer tsk-s and elbows his side, to which the other bites off the end of the sentence and looks away piquedly.

"Don't ruin this for her," says the blonde, letting his friend go. He crosses his arms and nods in acknowledgment when she frees herself and bounds Ace instead, turning the tables. "She can protect herself anyway. Three is the strongest woman I know. You should stop being so protective of her."

Kid keeps his gaze on her figure for a few more seconds before turning to his Vice Captain.

"I already lost her twice, Killer," he says, his face suddenly serious, a shadow hiding in his stare. "Once in the prison, and once in Onigashima."

He looks back, and the muscles of his arm tense as his fist clenches. For a moment, Killer is grateful that he can't see his expression anymore.

"A third time, I would not survive," whispers Kid, raising the amber eyes on her as he looks for solace.

Killer's blue ones light up with understanding as he sees the other's doubt, care, and slight nervousness.

"Does she know what that place is?" he asks, poking at the island with his chin. The darkness fades from Kid's face. He smiles and shakes his head.

"Not yet. But I'll tell her soon," states the Captain, stepping back, stretching his spine with arms to the sky, but still watching her with adoration so resonant he never thought he could feel. "For now, Three is just happy to be free."




A few hours later

You feel Killer's soft, blond hair by your thighs as he holds you over his shoulders.

You giggle and accept the arm that he offers for more support as you reach for the water with your other hand.

Your childhood dream is complete. You touched the sea like the woman in your oldest memory did.

Your mother you never knew then, who sat by the shore each day and each night, falling in love with the ocean and the gifts it has brought for her. The love it met by its will.

Gold and Red [Law × Reader, Kid × Reader]Where stories live. Discover now