The Plan 🤔

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(3rd POV....)

Hal, his sister, and his friends all entered Maleficent's castle where they separated and went to their parents, "Mal, Hal," Their mom called for them to get their attention. "You two will go. You will find the fairy godmother's wand and you will bring me back her magic wand, easy peasy." Maleficent shrugged while filing her nails. "What's in it for us?" Hal asked with an eyebrow raise. Mal's nods in agreement. "Matching thrones, Hers-and-hers crowns." Mom replies, excluding Hal as always. Hal rolled his eyes. 

"Um, I....I think he meant us," Carlos points out with his hand raised. "It's all about you and me, baby," Maleficent says to Mal, completely ignoring Carlos and throwing her nail file away. Hal scoffed because he can't believe this woman, his own mother, just excluding him out of everything with her plans. She doesn't care about him. Gosh, he wish he could be with Dad instead of her. "Do you enjoy watching innocent people suffer?" She asked her daughter.

"Well, yeah, I mean, who doesn't." Mal shrugs. "Well, then get me the magic wand," Maleficent exclaims. "Then, you and I can see all that and much more. And with that wand and my scepter, I will be able to bend both good and evil to my will!" Maleficent explains her plan, putting her hands up in the air with a evil grin. "Our will." Evil Queen corrects her. "Our will, our will." Maleficent corrects herself.

Maleficent looks at her son first to see him with a 'I don't really give a crap about anything' face before looking at her daughter, seeing the unsure look on her face, "And if you refuse, you're grounded for the rest of life, missy." She winks at her daughter. "What... mom...." Mal stammered. Maleficent shuts her up and started to glow her eyes, green to her daughter who did the same thing. 

They did this for a few second, neither of them giving up before eventually Mal gives up, "Fine. Whatever." Mal groans with an eye roll. "I win." Maleficent declares. "Evie," Evil Queen calls out for her daughter. Evie walks towards her mother. "My little Evil-ette in training, you just find yourself a prince with a big castle with a mother-in-law wing," Evil Queen started saying to Evie. "And lots and lots of mirrors." Evie and Evil Queen finished in unison.

Evie starts laughing, "No laughing. Wrinkles." Evil Queen warns which made Evie gasp. "Well, they're not taking my Carlos. I'd miss them too much." Cruella pouts. "Really, mom?" Carlos asked, happy to see that his mom cares. "Yes, who would touch up my roots, fluff my fur, and scrape the bunions off my feet?" Cruella shrugged. "Yeah, maybe a new school wouldn't be the worst thing." Carlos sighs. "Oh, Carlos, they have dogs in Auradon." Cruella reminds him. "Oh, no! I'm not going!" Carlos exclaims in fear.

"Well, Jay isn't going either. I need him to stock the shelves in my store." Jafar reminds the group. Hal scoffs with an eye roll. "What did you score?" Jafar asked his son. Jay pulls out a gold teapot to his father, "Oh, ooh, a lamp." Jafar gasps as he snatches the teapot in his hands and starts rubbing it. "Dad. Dad!" Jay stops his dad. "I already tried." He shrugs. Jafar grumbled in disappointment and slams the teapot in Jay's chest. 

"Evie's not going anywhere until we get rid of this unibrow, hmm?" Evil Queen points out as she picked up some tweezers. Evie gasps when her mother pointed out her brows and touched them. "What is wrong with you?!" Maleficent shouts out. "People used to cower at the mention of our names! For 20 years, I have searched for a way off this island. For 20 years, they have robbed us from our revenge," Maleficent reminded the villains.

"Revenge on snow white and her horrible little men." Maleficent points out to the Evil Queen who angrily plucks out Evie's eyebrow, "Ow!" Evie cries out in pain. "Revenge on Aladdin and his bloated genie." Maleficent points out to Jafar. "I will..." Jafar starts getting angry but Jay holds him back. "Revenge on every sneaky Dalmatian that escaped your clutches." Maleficent points out to Cruella.  "Oh but they didn't get my baby. They didn't get my.... They didn't get my baby!" Cruella reassures herself while petting her stuffed dog. 

"And I, Maleficent... The evilest of them all," Maleficent smirks. 'Dad is actually the evilest and all powerful as well...' Hal thought to himself. "Will finally have my revenge sleeping beauty and her relentless little prince." Maleficent finishes her sentence before calling out to the others, "Villains!". "Yes?" The villains said in unison. "Our day has come," Maleficent points out. "E.Q, give her the magic mirror." She instructed Evil Queen who pulled out her old magic mirror and hands to Evie.

"This is your magic mirror?" Evie asked, excitedly. "Yeah, well, it ain't what it used to be but then again, neither are we!" Evil Queen joked while her and Maleficent share a laugh together. "It will help you find things.". "Like a prince?" Evie asked, hopefully. "Like my waistline." Evil Queen said, sarcastically. "Like the magic wand, hello!" Maleficent reminds them. "My spell book. My book. I need my.... that book." Maleficent walks around to find her spell book. 

"Oh, ah! The safe. The safe." Maleficent realized where the book was and walks towards it, trying to get it opened. "Queen, help me! I never can figure this thing." Maleficent grumbled while asking Evil Queen for help. Evil Queen opens it right up. "Come darling, come." Maleficent waves Mal over and she walks over. Hal doesn't need it since he has the ember that his Dad gave him. "It doesn't work here but it will in Auradon." Maleficent hands the book to Mal. 

"Remember? When we were spreading evil and ruining lives. Like it was yesterday." Maleficent smiled at the memories that played in her head. Evil Queen nods in agreement. "And now, you will be making your own memories by doing exactly as I told you." Maleficent reminds her daughter. The villains hear the limo honking. "Whoo! Let's get this party started." Jay cheers in excitement. All of the kids grab their stuff that they packed.

"Carlos! Come." Cruella calls out to her son. "Who's the fairest of them all?" Evil Queen asked her daughter. "Me!" Evie smiled. "Ah!" Evil Queen scolds. "You." Evie corrects with her smile dropping. "Yes! Let's go." Evil Queen nods and they head to the door. "Now, recited our mantra." Jafar points out. "There's no team in 'I'." Jay recites. "Oh, run along. You're making me tear up." Jafar waves his son away and they head to the door. 

Hal picks up his stuff, secretly putting his ember in his pocket before heading out the door. "The future of the free world rests on your shoulders," Maleficent tells her daughter as they walk on the balcony. "Don't blow it and don't let your brother blow it." Maleficent reminds Mal. Evie is first in the limo then Jay. Mal walks out to the limo. "Come back here, now!" Cruella shouted at her son who run towards the limo and got in. "Brat." Cruella grumbles about her son. 

Hal gets in the limo before Mal. Mal looks back at her mother to see her eyes glow green at her while making the sign that she's watching. Mal nods and gets in. The limo starts driving away, "Bring home the gold!" "Bring home a puppy!" "Bring home a prince!" The villains said as they waved at the limo.


Hope you enjoy!!!

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