Love Spell Cookies ❤🍪

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(3rd POV.....)

Once it was nighttime, Hal, Mal, Evie, Carlos, and Jay sneak into the kitchen to make the love spell which is actually a potion in the form of cookies. Hal is mixing and helping Mal with the cookie mix with Evie standing on his left side, "All right, it says that we still need one tear and I never cry." Mal reads the ingredient from her spell book with a sigh. 

"Lets just chop up some onions." Carlos says as he grabs an onion. "No." Mal whines in annoyance. "It says that we need one tear of human sadness," Hal sighs. "And this love potion gets the best reviews, so we have to follow it exactly." Mal said. "A tears a tear." Jay shrugs. "That's not true, Jay. They both have antibodies and enzymes but an emotional tear has more protein- based hormones than a reflex tear." Evie explains the scientific facts about tears to Jay. 

"Listen to you." Hal compliments Evie with a grin as Mal looks at her with a smile. Evie takes the compliment with a smile. "Yeah, I knew that." Jay lied. "Did not." Carlos argues, hitting Jay's arm lightly. "Yeah, I did." Jay argues back. Lonnie enters the kitchen, "There you are, Mal!" Lonnie smiles. Mal puts a cloth over her spell book as fast as she can. "I was looking for you. You know, all the girls want you to do their hair!" Lonnie explains to her as she walks further into the kitchen.

"Midnight snack huh?" Lonnie sees the cookie mixture. "What are you guys making?" She asked them, curiously. "Nothing special, just cookies." Mal replies, shrugging. Lonnie dips her finger into bowl, getting dough on it before putting it in her mouth, "Oh, no, no!" Mal call out to stop Lonnie but she already tasted it. Hal sighs in annoyance. 

"What? I'm not gonna double dip." Lonnie laughs a little. "Feel anything?" Evie asks Lonnie, cautiously. "Yeah, like it might be missing something?" Mal adds on.  Jay walks up to her, leaning on some metal bars, "Hey there." He greets with flirty grin. Hal rolls his eyes as Lonnie looks at him, confused, "It could use some chips." Lonnie replies as she walks to the fridge to get a bowl of chocolate chips.

Hal knows exactly what she's talking about. His Dad would, secretly, send him a box of chocolate chip cookies when he was a kid, that he would never share with his sister. He eat the whole entire box in 3 days but stopped one day and he doesn't even know why he did stop.

"Chips?" Jay asked, confused. "And those are..." Mal trails off, looking for an answer from Lonnie. "Chocolate chips. Just the most important food group." Lonnie replies as she get the bowl of chocolate chips from the fridge and pours some in the bowl. It puts a secret smile on Hal's face.

 "Wait, didn't your mom's ever make you guys, like  chocolate chip cookies?" Lonnie asked them. "Like when you're feeling sad, and they're fresh from the oven with a big old glass of milk and she just makes you laugh and puts everything into perspective and..." She trails off as she looks at Mal, Evie, Carlos, and Jay sad faces but sees Hal's face has a smile. "Why are you all looking at me like that?" Lonnie asked, confused, ignoring Hal's smiling face. 

"It's just different where we're from." Mal replies, sadly. "Yeah, I know. I just, you know, I thought even villains love their kids." Lonnie shrugs. Mal, Evie, Carlos, and Jay shook their heads 'No'. "Oh... how awful." She said in sympathy while holding Mal's hand in comfort. Hal notices a tear going down Lonnie's face and nudges his sister. Mal looks up and sees the tear as well and wipes on her finger then, flicking it into the cookie dough.

"Yeah, well, big bummer but we have to get these into the oven, so thank you so much for coming by." Mal said as she mixes the tear into the cookie dough. "Really, really have a goodnight. I'll see you tomorrow, evil dreams." Evie lightly pushes Lonnie towards the door. "Good night, see you tomorrow." Lonnie says before leaving out the door. Hal sighs.

"Ok, Jay, Carlos, cookie sheet." Mal orders them with a snap of her fingers. "Evie, oven." Hal orders her as he and Mal stir the dough. We finish the cookies before heading to bed. 

(The Next Day)

Mal and Hal are by their lockers, opened, waiting for Ben and Beck. Their friends weren't that far behind them. Jay talking to girls over the railing. Jay walks up to Mal, "Are you feeling kind of weird about this? I mean, it's not so bad here, you know?" He asked Mal, shrugging. Hal couldn't help but agree because it's not really that bad here.  "Are you insane? Long live evil! You're mean! You're awful! You're bad news!" Mal encourages. "Snap out of it!" She snaps her fingers in front Jay's face which made Hal scoffed, quitely. 

"Thanks Mal, I needed that." Jay thanked her before walking back to the railing to flirts with more girls. "Do you think they actually paid for those?" Avery complains as she, her sister, Beck, and Ben walked out of their classroom. Jay greets some girls and asking them about if they're going to be at the tourney game. "She did it to Jane's hair too and Fairy Godmother's not happy about it." Audrey adds on.

 "What's the harm?" Beck asked with an eyebrow raise. "It's gateway magic!" Audrey exclaims. "Sure, it starts with the hair, next thing you know, it's the lips and the legs and the clothes and then, everybody looks good." Avery complains again. "And then, where will we be?" Audrey pouts. "Listen, Avery-" Beck starts to say. "We will see you two at the game after our dress fittings for the coronation, okay?" Avery smiles. 

"Okay." Beck smiles back, tiredly. "Bye, Becky babe." Avery waves and walked away. "Bye, Bennyboo." Audrey waves as well before following her sister. Mal and Hal take the opportunity to get Ben and Beck's attention, "Hey, Bennyboo!" Mal greets Ben as she closes her locker. "Hey, Becky babe!" Hal greets Beck as he closes his locker. "Hey." Ben and Beck turns to them with a smile. 

"Hal and I just made a batch of cookies, double chocolate chip. Do you want one?" Mal asked them while showing them the bag of cookies. "Oh, we, uh, we've got a big game." Ben replies. "Yeah, we don't eat before a big game but thank you so, so much. Thank you. Next time, next time." Beck replies before he and Ben start walking away. 

"No, yeah, we completely understand, 'Be careful of treats offered by kids of villains.'" Hal shrugs. "No, no, no." Beck tries to deny. "No, I'm sure every kid in Auradon knows that." Mal shrugs as well, taking both of the cookies out of the bag. "No, that's not it. No, no, no, I.. I really do..." Ben tries to help Beck. "No, we get it. You're cautious, that's smart. Oh, well more of us, I guess, sis." Hal takes a cookie from her sister's hand and they go to eat it but Ben and Beck grab the cookies.

"No, no. Hey!" Ben and Beck take a bite of the cookie while Ben stares at Mal and Beck stares at Hal. "See that? Totally trust you two. Totally." Ben and Beck slowly chews on it. "How are they?" Mal asked. "They're good. They're great! They're amazing!" Ben compliments. "They're, uh... I mean, they're chewy and, and you know, they... is that walnuts?" Beck says like he's in a trance. Hal nods.

 "I love walnuts. I mean, uh, you know, the... the chocolate... the... the chocolate... the chocolate chips are... I'm sorry. Um... uh, they're... they're warm and soft and sweet..." Ben said, like he's in a trance, the same way his brother is. Ben is still staring at Mal and Beck is still staring at Hal. "Mal, have you always had those little golden flecks in your eyes?" Ben asked which surprised Mal. "Hal, have you always had those silver flares in your eyes?" Beck asked which made Hal blink in surprise. 

Evie walked behind Mal and Hal as Carlos and Jay walked behind Ben and Beck. "How you two feeling, bros?" Jay asked them. "We feel... we feel... we feel like... like singing your names." Ben replies as he and Beck are still staring Hal and Mal eyes. "🎶Hal🎶" Beck starts singing. "🎶Mal🎶" Ben starts singing. Hal and Mal covers their mouths with a small laugh before Ben and Beck continue singing.

Jay and Carlos drags them away to get to the tourney game and Evie drags Hal and Mal to the field so, they could watch it.


Hope you enjoy!!!

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