The Tour🛡

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(3rd POV....)

"It is so, so, so good to finally me-" Ben goes to shake Jay's hand but Jay just punches Ben's chest. Beck saw this and just nodded at Jay when Ben moves to the next kid. Jay nods back. "meet you all." Ben finishes his sentence as he shake Hal's hand before moving to the next kid. Beck shakes Hal's hand and Ben shakes Mal's hand. Ben and Beck stare into Mal and Hal's eyes. Hal and Mal take their hands back which made Ben and Beck snap out of it. 

"This is a momentous occasion," Beck says as he shakes Mal's hand. "And one that I hope will go down in history." Beck says as Ben shakes Carlos' hand. "Is that chocolate?" Ben asked, licks off the chocolate on his hand. Carlos sucks the chocolate off his thumb. Beck hand Carlos a handkerchief. "As the day, our two peoples began to heal." Beck finishes as he and Ben finish shaking Carlos and Evie's hand.

"Or the day that you showed five peoples where the bathrooms are." Hal says, jokingly. Hal and Mal high five each other. "A little bit over the top?" Beck asked Hal. "A little more than a little bit." Hal replied with a grin. "Well, so much for our first impression." Beck grins back. Avery and Audrey noticed Beck's look and decided to step in, "Hey, you're Maleficent's daughter and son, aren't you?" Avery asked Hal and Mal. "Yeah, you know what? I totally do not blame you for your mother trying to kill our parents and stuff." Audrey said with an fake smile.

Hal and Mal look at her, confused. "Oh, our mom's Aurora, Sleeping-" Avery started saying before she got cut off by Mal, "Beauty! Yeah, we've heard the name. You know, I totally do not blame your grandparents for inviting everyone in the whole world but our mother to their stupid christening." Mal said, sarcastically. "Water under the bridge, right?" Avery and Audrey said in unison. "Totes!" Mal agrees before they all three faked laugh. 

"Okay! So, how about a tour, yeah?" Ben claps his hands before turning towards the school and starts walking towards it, along with Beck, Avery, and Audrey. Hal sighs and Vk's starts following Ben and Beck to the school. 

"Auradon Prep, originally built over 300 years ago and converted into a high school by my father when he became king," Ben says as he and Beck clap at the statue of their father which transformed into beast after the claps finished. Carlos screams and jumps into Jay's arms. Jay looks annoyed as Carlos lands in his arms. "Carlos, it's okay. Our father wanted his statue to morph from from beast to man to remind us that anything is possible." Beck reassures Carlos. 

"Does he shed much?" Hal asks. "Yeah, mom won't let him on the couch." Beck replies with a smirk which makes Hal smirk back. Jay sets Carlos down and shoved him. The group continues walking towards the school. Carlos claps at the statue to change it but it doesn't change and Carlos just ran away towards the group. "So you guys have a lot of magic here in Auradon, like wands and things like that?" Mal asks. 

"Yeah, it exists of curse but it's pretty much retired. Most of us here are ordinary mortals." Ben replied. "Who happen to be kings and queens." Mal states. "That's true. Our royal blood goes back hundreds of years." Audrey smiles and Hal rolls his eyes. 'Greek Gods are more royalty than your mother...' Hal thought. "Doug! Doug, come down." Beck calls out for his and Ben's friend to break the tension in the room. 

"This is Doug. He's going to help with your class schedules and show you the rest of the dorms." Ben introduced the band kid who walked down the stairs and towards the group. "I'll see you later, okay? And if there is anything you need, feel free to-" Beck mainly tells Hal. "Ask Doug." Avery interrupts. Hal fakes a smile to Avery which she did back. Ben, Beck, Audrey, and Avery left. 

"Hi guys. I'm Dopey's son as in Dopey, Doc, Bashful, Happy, Grumpy, Sleepy, and Heigh-ho..." Doug introduced himself before trailing off, seeing Evie step up towards him. "Evie, Evil Queen's daughter." Evie introduced herself to Doug. "Okay, so about your classes, I, uh, put in the requirements already," Doug hands the Vk's the schedule which they take. "History of woodsmen and pirates, safety rules for the internet, and, uh, remedial goodness 101." Doug explains the classes.

"Let me guess, new class?" Mal asked as she unwraps a piece of gum and throwing the candy wrapper on the floor. Doug nodded. "Come on guys, lets go find our dorms." Mal then, heads up the stairs along with Jay, Carlos, and Evie but Hal stays because he had a feeling the dorms weren't that way and he was right. "Oh, uh, yeah, your dorms are this way, guys." Doug points towards the direction of the dorm. Hal walks that way and the rest of the group follows with Mal muttering under her breath, "I knew that.". 

"Dopey, Doc, Bashful, Happy, Grumpy, Sleepy, and..." Doug tries to think of the last dwarf from Snow White. "Sneezy." Carlos helps him as he passes by Doug. Doug shows the girl's their dorm and then, the boy's dorm, "Actually, you get your own dorm." Doug tells Hal. "Really?" Hal asked, confused. "Yeah. Special request from Prince Beck actually." Doug nods. Hal raised an eyebrow in surprise. "I was surprised myself. Here, I'll show you to your dorm." Doug says to Hal and he nods. 

They walk down another hall to a big door. Doug opens the door to see it's exactly like the other dorms Hal saw but with the room painted dark and light blue and black. The bed sheets were black along the pillows with light and dark blue swirl pattern covers with an gold headboard. a gold metal bar thats holding up the dark blue curtain on the window. Hal looked at the room in awe. 

"Wow. All my favorite colors too. Loving the gold touch." Hal compliments. "Well, the Prince chose the colors and where to place them." Doug said with a smile. "Hmm. He definitely has taste." Hal hummed. "Yes, he does. Anyway I will let get settle down and unpack." Doug said his goodbye and left the room, closing the door behind him. 

Hal puts his stuff down on the bed and starts unpacking. Once he finished unpacking everything, he takes a deep breath as he feels the ember in his pocket, "These feelings I have for Beck is confusing and I don't know what to do." Hal mutters under his breath. 'Let's get the magic wand and get out of this place before it's too late....' Hal thought with a sigh before he leaves his room and walk to the boy's room.


Hope you enjoy!!!

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