Arriving At Auradon Prep 🏰

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(Cindy Sampson as Avery Rose) (A/N: Beck is Bi)

(3rd POV....)

Hal is sitting next to his sister in the limo, looking out the window while fidgeting with his ember in his pocket, his sister, Mal, is plotting a plan in her plan, and Jay and Carlos going through the candy/snack compartment. Evie notices Mal's face, "You're looking a little washed out. Here, let me help out." Evie said to Mal, going to put on some makeup on her face, which Hal turn his attention to them and snorted in amusement, noticing Mal's face too.

"Ew, stop, I'm plotting." Mal waves Evie's hands away. "Well, it's not very attractive." Evie sighs. "She's right, it's not." Hal smirks, playfully at his sister. Mal rolls my eyes, "You should help me with my plan, you know?" She raised an eyebrow. "Why? Mom isn't gonna include me in her plans. Why should I care?" Hal scoffed at Mal. "Why not? Don't you want to make Mom proud?" Mal asked her brother. 

"1) you're Mom's favorite and 2) anything I do for Mom doesn't make her proud but anything you do for her does make her proud, so, really no I don't." Hal explains with a shrug. Mal just shakes her head with another eye roll. Hal looks back out the window. "Oh!" Carlos exclaims as he starts eating a chocolate candy. "These things, it's like salty like nuts but it's sweet like I don't know what!" He explained, excited about the delicious flavors in his mouth. 

"Let me see." Jay demanded Carlos. Carlos opens his mouth, showing the chewed up chocolate, "Ew!" Jay hits Carlos' shoulder. "Ow!" Carlos rubs his shoulder as Jay snatches the rest of the chocolate and starting eating it. Evie notices, out the window, is the bridge is still broken and thought the worse, "Look!" She calls out in fear and the others looked towards where Evie was looking, seeing the bridge. "It's a trap!" Carlos shouts in terror. 

Mal, Evie, Jay, and Carlos starts screaming and holding each other while Hal just stares at them in boredom. Once they realized that they weren't falling, they stopped screaming and looked outside to see a golden bridge appear out of nowhere, filling out the broken bridge. "What just happened?" Carlos asked, confused. "It must be magic." Evie smiles. "I knew that already, wimps..." Hal mutters under his breath. 

"Hey," Mal turns towards the driver of the limo. "Did this little button just made the magic bridge appear?" She asks the driver, holding up a small remote. "No, this one made the bridge appear. That one opens my garage," The driver explains while holding up another remote and pointing at the remote in Mal. "And this button...." The driver trails off while pressing another button and the visor comes up between him and the Vk's. 

"Okay..." Hal mumbles under his breath. "Nasty, I like that guy." Mal commented. We arrive in Auradon, passing a sign that says 'Welcome To Auradon Prep. Goodness doesn't get any better.' which makes Hal roll his eyes. The limo pulls up to the front, seeing a marching band playing and waving their flags to welcome the Vk's.

 The driver gets out and opens the door, which Carlos and Jay fall out of because they were fighting, "Oh! Ah! Ow! Stop!" Carlos cries out in pain with Jay putting his foot on Carlos' chest. Mal, Hal, and Evie get out of the car. "You got everything else! Why do you want whatever this is?" Carlos asked Jay while pulling a dark blue fabric towards himself. "Cause you want it!" Jay taunted him, pulling the fabric to himself. "No!" Carlos pulls the fabric back. "Give it to me!" Jay demanded. "Ow! Let go!" Carlos resisted. 

"Guys, guys, guys! we have an audience." Hal gritted his teeth at friends. Carlos and Jay stop and look around to see an older lady and four kids, two girls and two boys, who stepped in front of the band who stopped playing. "Just cleaning up," Jay smiles, nervously. "Get up." Carlos stands up. "Leave it like you found it," The older lady orders. "And by that, I mean just leave it." Jay puts everything back into the limo before seeing a beautiful girl in pink. 

"Hello, foxy. The name's Jay." Jay flirts with a smirk. The girl fake laughs. "Welcome to Auradon Prep," The lady greets with a smile as she pops her head in between them. "I'm Fairy Godmother, headmistress." Mal brightens up when she heard her name. "The Fairy Godmother, as in Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo?" Mal asked with a smile, waving her hand like a wand would. "Bibbidi-bobbidi, you know it." Fairy Godmother replies. 

"Yeah, I always wondered what it felt for Cinderella, when you just appeared out of nowhere with that sparkly wand and warm smile and that sparkly wand." Mal grins at Fairy Godmother. 'Real subtle...' Hal thought, sarcastically. "Well, that was a long time ago and as I always say, 'don't focus on the past or you'll miss the future.'" Fairy Godmother recites. 

"It's so good to finally meet you all." One of the boys greeted them as he, the another boy, and the girls stepped up in front of Fairy Godmother. "I'm Ben." One boy introduced. "I'm Beck." The other boy introduced. "Prince Benjamin and Beck. Soon to be kings." One of the girls said, excitedly. "You had me at Prince," Evie said as she steps up. "My Mom's a queen which makes me a princess." Evie bows her head. "The Evil Queen has no royal status here and neither do you." The other girl said to her, rudely. Hal sent her a mean glare which Beck notices. 

"This is Audrey." Ben introduced his girlfriend. "And this is Avery." Beck introduced his girlfriend, who Jay flirted with earlier. "Princess Audrey and Avery," Audrey corrects. "They're girlfriends, right Becky babe?" Avery asked as she grabs Beck's hand and Audrey does the same to Ben. "Ben, Audrey, Beck, and Avery are going to show you all around and I'll see you all tomorrow," The Fairy Godmother smiles as she holds onto Audrey and Ben's hands. 

"The doors of wisdom are never shut." She breaks apart Audrey and Ben's hands. "But the library hours are from 8:00 to 11:00 and as you may have heard, I have a little thing about curfew." Fairy Godmother said, sternly before she walks off with the band.


Hope you enjoy!!!

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