The Museum🏛

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(3rd POV.....)

Hal arrived at Carlos and Jay's dorms and just walked in the room. Hal sees Carlos playing a video games and Jay by his bed with his stolen items, "What did you steal this time?" Hal asked Jay who looked up at him with a grin. Jay starts gloating about what he stole as Hal looks at the items in interest. "Nice stuff." Hal complimented. "Thanks." Jay smirk, cocky. 

"Hal, look how awesome this game is!" Carlos calls to Hal in pure excitement. Hal walks over to Carlos to watch him play. After a few minutes, Mal and Evie walk into Carlos and Jay's room, "Jay, what are you doing?" Mal asked as she walks over to Jay and his stolen items. "It's called stealing." Jay replied with a grin. "Okay, what's the point?" Mal asked, blankly. "Well, Mal, it's like buying whatever I want, except it's free." Jay said with an eyebrow raise. 

"Okay. So, you could do that or you could leave all of this here and pick it up when we take over the world." Mal demands, sounding just like Maleficent. "Sound exactly like Mom, sis." Hal points out with an eye roll. "Thank you." Mal took that as a compliment. Hal shook his head in annoyance. "Die, suckers! Jay, come check this thing out." Carlos calls out to Jay who walks over there. 

Hal jumps on Carlos' bed with his head on the pillow. Hal was resting his eyes until his sister started yelling, "This is our one chance to prove ourselves to our parents! To prove that we are evil and vicious and ruthless and cruel, yeah?!" to her friends. Hal rolled his eyes because he didn't really care about his mother's plans but he still decided to help his sister and friends. 

"Yeah." Jay, Carlos, and Evie agrees, nodding their heads. "Evie, mirror me." Mal claps for Evie and she and Evie sat at the table with Carlos and Jay behind them. "Mirror, mirror on the..." Evie beings but realizes her mistake. "in my hand, where is Fairy Godmother's wand..... stand?" Evie asked her mirror, trying to figure out her rhyming. "Really?" Mal asked, deadpan. "What? My mom always does it." Evie shrugs. Mal just rolls her eyes. "There it is!" Jay points out, seeing the wand on the mirror. Hal gets off the bed and towards the rest of the group.

"Zoom out." Carlos told Evie, so he could see where the wand is placed at. "Magic mirror, not so close." Evie orders the mirror. The mirror zooms, seeing the planet Earth on it, "Well, yea, duh, it's on Earth." Hal scoffed. "Closer," Evie orders and the mirror zooms in. "closer," She orders again and the mirror zooms in, more. "closer," She orders again and the mirror zooms in, more. "Can I go back to game now? I'm on level three." Carlos asked, pointing to his game. 

"Stop!" Mal exclaimed when she saw a sign. "It's in a museum." She points out. "Do we know where that is?" Jay asked and Carlos goes on his laptop and starts typing. "2.3 miles from here." Carlos tells his friends. Mal opens the door to see if the coast is clear. Once Mal confirms it's clear, she calls out to her friends and brother, "Come on!" and starts following her. When Hal didn't see Carlos following, he yelled for him, "Carlos, you can play your game later, come on!" Hal calls out and Carlos starts following them.

"Come on." Mal rushes her friends and brother once they got closer to the museum. Hal, Carlos, and Jay runs behind them, looking around the place. "Check your mirror." Mal demands. "Is my mascara smudged?" Evie gasped. "Yeah and while you're at it, why don't you see if you can find us the wand?" Mal asked, sarcastically. "Sure," Evie nods. Evie looks into her magic mirror. "This way." Evie points out the direction, leading to a pair of big doors. 

They look inside to see a guard that is looking through the security cameras. He turns towards their direction and they ducked just in time. They look back inside and noticed Maleficent's spinning wheel. "That's your mother's spinning wheel?" Jay asked with a snort. "Yeah, it looks kinda dorky." Carlos snickers. "Right. Since she so smart enough, she could of used a needle or knife or something." Hal scoffed.

Mal glares at Jay, Carlos, and Hal. "It's magic. It doesn't have to look scary." Mal explained as she pulls out her spell book and finds a spell. "Magic spindle, do not linger. Make my victim prick a finger." Mal says the spell and nothing happens. "Impressive." Jay mocks. "I got chills." Carlos mocks as well. "Okay, you know what," Mal flips through her spell book for another spell. "Prick the finger, prick it deep. Send my enemy off to sleep." Mal says the spell. 

The guard gets up and walks to the spinning wheel, pricks his finger before laying down on the stand, falling asleep. "Not so dorky now, huh?" Mal grins, smugly. Mal tries opening the door but it's locked. "Stand back." Jay smirks and backs away. "I got this." Hal mutters to his sister. Hal sees Jay start running towards the door, flying into the air but Hal lifts his hand at the doors which made them open. Jay lifts his leg to kick the door but falls to floor hard. 

Mal laughs at him, "Coming?" She teasingly asked with a light kick to his side as she walks pasted him. Evie and Hal pasted him as well. Carlos helps Jay up but Jay just pushes him away. They walk around the guard, quitely. "So close. Upstairs." Evie told her friends. They went upstairs and came across a room with statues of their parents (A/N: except Hades, of course). "Mommy?" Evie looks at her mother's statue in confusion. 

"Killer." Jay looks at his father's statue with a deep frown. "I will never forget mother's day again." Carlos shudders as he looks at his mother's statue. "Oh come on, can we forget about this and get the wand?" Hal, rudely, interrupts. Evie, Jay, and Carlos just nod and follow Hal while Mal still stares at her mother's statue. Hal, Evie, Jay, and Carlos start walking to find the wand but they came across another room. 

A room filled with Olympus Greek Gods and Goddesses. They stopped, seeing the statues but Hal is staring at his father's, Hades, statue. "The wand's not here. Let's bounce. Let's go." Jay directs his friends but Hal stays behind. Hal stares at his father in deep concentration, "Jeez. I wish I could see you right now because I really would like some advice right now." Hal says with a sigh to his father's statue. 

Hal just turns around and starts walking but a voice stops him, "I miss you too, kid." The voice said. Hal turns around with his eyes widened, seeing the statue come to life, "Dad?!" Hal asked in confusion. "Hello, son." Hades waves, lazily. "How are you..." Hal trails off. "Never mind that. You want some advice?" Hades asked his son who nods. "Well here it is:  Don't follow your mother's plan and do whatever you want while protecting your sister and friends, alright?" Hades adviced.

"Alright." Hal nods. "Good, now go to friends and sister and protected them." Hades said before turning back into a statue. Hal sighs. "Hey!" Hal heard Carlos' voice behind which he turned to. "We found the wand, come on." Carlos waves Hal over. Hal nods and walks with Carlos to the room where the wand is as Evie and Mal come in the room as well.

"Whoo!" Jay yells in excitement as he circles the wand. Hal notices some magic around it and seeing Jay almost touch it, "Jay, don't!" Hal warned but Jay didn't listen with a smirk and touches it. Jay gets thrown back by the magic field as a loud alarm system goes off. Everybody covered their ears except Hal. "A force field and a siren?" Carlos complains. "That's just a little excessive." Jay complains as well while getting up. "Let's just go!" Hal yelled as he turns and runs towards the entrance.

"Hurry!" Mal exclaims to her friends. Carlos dismisses the alarm to the people on the phone and the alarm goes off. "Carlos!" Mal yells for him. "You're welcome." Carlos sassed. "Way to go, Jay. Now, we have to go to school tomorrow." Mal complains. "Oh gosh!" Hal complains, loudly. The Vk's get to their rooms, got ready for bed and went to sleep with Hal having Hades' words echoing in his head


Hope you enjoy!!!

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