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(Ishan's dialogues will be in italics.
Shubman's dialogues will be in bold.)

Ishan's pov

The doorbell rang, I was confused as to who it was as it was 11 pm.
I opened the door a little cautiously, "Surprise!!" yelled Shubman.
Huh, to say I was shocked was an understatement.
"What are you doing here?"
Shubman just entered the house and hugged me tight. He closed the door with his foot still not breaking the hug. We had met after more than a month, maybe that's why he wasn't willing to let go.

"I missed you Ish"
"What do you mean why? Am I not allowed to miss my bestfriend?"
"No, I meant why are you- you know what nevermind, go freshen up Shub, I'm tired, you must be aswell, let's sleep we'll talk tomorrow."
Shubman looked like he wanted to say more but he didn't and replied with a short "Okayy" and went to freshen up.

We both woke up with me almost on top of Shub, with my head on his chest and my left leg and arm on his body aswell. He had his hand around my waist holding me tightly, I was blushing furiously and tried to get out of his grip but gave up soon. I looked at his peaceful sleeping figure and the questions from last night arose within me again.
'Why was he actually here? Is it because he actually missed me? No that couldn't have been. I mean sure he must've missed me but it couldn't have been the main reason as to why he was here. Was he here to meet Sara?'

I hadn't even realised that he had woken up. "What are you thinking so hard about in that little brain of yours?"
Ugh seriously that's the first thing that comes out of his mouth after just waking up?
"Shut up, you're the one with the little brain"
ugh man why could I not come up with a better reply, seriously is my brain still asleep?

I had gotten up to make breakfast for the both of us after freshening up and he came and sat in front of me watching me make an omelette.
"Wow you can cook"
"Shut up Shub, making an omelette is the most basic life skill, it does not mean that I can cook"
"It's fine, I'll do the cooking then."
I just ignored his comment not asking him to elaborate on what he meant by that.

We were having breakfast when I thought it was time, "So Shub there is one rule that you have to follow if you want to live in my house"
"oh wait, so here you go here are the keys to my house" I told him handing him the keys.
"You are not allowed to bring any woman home"
"Not even when you're not around?"
"Especially when I'm not around."
"Ok then that rule applies to you aswell right?"
huh? did he forget this is my house?
"Ok let me remind you of two things which you seem to have forgotten, first this is MY house I can do whatever I want and second I'm gay."
"Yeah no I meant you're not allowed to bring dates or hookups here either then"
"No let me make this clear, I can have sex here this is MY house, but you cannot have sex here."
"That is a dumb rule"
"You can do whatever you want outside my house but not in here"
"I can do whatever I want outside?"
I just nodded my head and went back to eating. I wanted to ask him why he was here but didn't know how to.

He must've sensed my hesitation because he said "Do you want to say something?"
I kept quiet, "Just say it" he said.
"Why are you really here?"
"I already told you I'm here because I missed you Ish"
"Are you here to meet Sara?"
"What!? Noooo Ishan if I was here to meet her, don't you think I would've done it by now?"
hmm he does have a point, but I don't have any more hope left inside me, I'm tired of hoping that he'd reciprocate my feelings, that he'd love me back.
"You have a week off before you go for the England test series Shub, you should've been at home spending time with your family."
"You're my family aswell Ish."
Hope, Ugh hope is a deadly feeling, but it always blooms even if you don't want it to.

After a while I suddenly heard Shubman call me from somewhere.
"Where are you Shub?"
"I'm at the front door Ish"
huh what's he doing there? weird. he's weird.
I went there and he suddenly pulled me outside and shut the door and pushed me against it.
And then he kissed me. he kissed me. HE KISSED ME. It took me some time to get out of the shock and kiss him back.
We pulled away when we were both out of breath and I just I couldn't really say anything, I was unable to comprehend shit. And not to mention I was blushing like a crazy person.

He smirked and said, "You said I could do anything I wanted outside your house baby"
"Oh and also if I can't have sex in this house then you can't either, so I think that rule needs to go"
I was probably as red as a tomato at this point.
"Ugh keys" I put my palm forward.
"What keys?"
"The keys to my house Shub, you locked the door"
"..... I don't have my keys with me"
and with that Shubman took off with Ishan running behind him with his slipper in his hand.

The End.


If I decide to publish this, I hope atleast 2 people read it and give me their honest feedback.
I'm still not sure about my writing style and idk I just think it gets boring.
Oh and ik that the titles might be misleading and make it seem like the story is connected but as you can see it isn't.

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