Just friends? pt1

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(Ishan's dialogues will be in italics.
Shubman's dialogues will be in bold.)

Ishan's pov

"I'm tired Shub, I'll talk to you later."
"Ofcourse, you're always tired, especially when it comes to speaking to me, nowadays."
"Shub you're taking it all wrong, I didn't mean it-"
"You aren't tired hanging out with Hardik bhai all day."
"Shub, I don't hang out with him, we just practice together-"

I was getting frustrated with his accusations of me not wanting to speak to him on purpose.
"No. Just tell me straight up if you're tired of me. I'm getting tired of all of these bullshit excuses."
"FINE. You know what, I am tired of you. Heard what you wanted to? Happy now?"
I cut the phone call abruptly after that. I know I shouldn't have said that, but what else was I supposed to do, I didn't have the energy to talk to him and especially since he was fighting with me.


We were at a club, enjoying ourselves. We had just tied the T20 series with South Africa and we had decided it was time to hit the club, before some players made their ways back to India. Shub had arrived just yesterday. I sat there at the bar alone drinking and watching the others dancing around and having fun, more like watching Shub. I didn't join them feeling a little fatigued and mentally drained, so I opted to sit here and have a drink instead.

I forced myself to turn my gaze away from Shub and focused on the drink in my hand instead, to not be too obvious since I didn't want anyone to notice. I felt someone sit next to me but I was too tired to look.
"Are you here alone?"
I looked up to see a guy around my age, he was fairly good looking. He was the one that had sat next to me just now and was trying to speak to me.
"Uhh no, I'm here with some friends."

He nodded looking a little disappointed. "Why?"
I asked raising my eyebrow at him suspiciously.
"I was just thinking a guy like you was too pretty to be here at the club alone. Unfortunately, I was right. You aren't alone."
For some reason, maybe it was the cheesy flirting or maybe it was the alcohol in my system but I found it hilarious and so I laughed in his face.

He smiled at that, not realizing I was laughing at his hilarious attempts at flirting and he said,
"You're pretty drunk, but you laugh prettily. It's cute."
I kept giggling at the flirting man in front of me, finding it all funny instead of taking it seriously.
"I can't believe your friends left you here alone though. They should value a boy like you."
I kept giggling and didn't respond to any of his advances.

I felt someone standing behind me and then two arms made their way around me and were placed on the counter on either side of me, caging me in between. I was facing the counter so I couldn't see the face of the person but I still recognized the hands and the perfume right away. I stopped giggling but didn't turn around. "The person he actually needs to be left alone from is you and he doesn't need lessons of being valued from a stranger like you."

I could hear the annoyance in Shub's voice. He sounded jealous. Extremely jealous and it was possible he heard most of the flirting and my giggling wouldn't have done anything to reduce his jealousy.
"And who are you?"
"I'm his boyfriend."
I looked back at him at that, shocked that he had let that out. I can't believe he had just told a stranger we were boyfriends.

I knew he could see my expressions from the corner of his eyes but he ignored my glances and continued,
"The main question is, who are you?"
I turned to look at the boy who had now realized his mistake.
"I'm sorry mate, I didn't know he had a boyfriend."
The guy said raising his hands up in surrender before leaving.

I turned around the spinning chair completely and looked up at him. He finally looked down at me, his hands still on the counter around me. He must be mad. Ofcourse he would be. I mean if some guy or girl flirted with him and he just kept laughing and giggling in response, not telling them off, I'd be pretty mad too.
"Shub I didn't mean to-"
"It's okay Ish."
"I was only laughing because-"

Shub removed his hands from the counter and put them on my shoulders shaking me a little.
I stopped speaking and looked him in the eyes. He put his hands on my face and looked at me softly.
"I'm not mad at you Ish. You don't need to explain yourself. I trust you."
"You aren't mad?"

I looked at him in disbelief.
"Yes baby. I was only annoyed at him because he was flirting with my boyfriend."
"Why did you tell him Shub? What if-"
"I couldn't just let him flirt with my boyfriend could I? I had to claim you."
"But what if he-"
"No one is going to believe him even if he tells someone baby, he was drunk and he is South African, he doesn't even know us. So don't overthink it."

I looked at him still surprised on how he managed to always know what's on my mind. He knew both of us weren't ready to come out, especially since India was a severely homophobic country. He had also trusted me and knew the actual reason for my laughing and didn't even try to question me.

He looked at me with a huge smile on his face and then let go off my face when he was sure that I had been satisfied with his answer and wouldn't over think this further. He then raised one of his hands, asking for mine.
"Would you like to dance with me, my love?"
I looked at him with a small smile on my face.
"There are people watching, Shub."

"If the whole world was watching,
I'd still dance with you."

Touched by that statement since I knew he meant every single word, I gave in. I put my hand on top of his and stopped caring about the world even if just for a while.

~flashback ended~

We danced in each other's embrace that night without a single care of the world. That night brought back a lot of happy memories but right now it served as reminder of everything I didn't have anymore. Back then Shub and I would always spend most of our time together. We would always understand each other without having to actually say a word. Our eyes were enough.

But now... everything had somehow changed. We went from not needing words for understanding each other to not even being able to understand each other's words. Back then we could even read each other's silences but not anymore. We were falling apart and neither of us knew how to fix us.


I wanted to update this yesterday, but RCB lost and I was sad :)

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