The new guy

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(Ishan's dialogues will be in italics.
Shubman's dialogues will be in bold.)

Ishan's pov

Another boring day in my boring work life..... ugh why doesn't anything good ever happen in this place!?
And as if God was listening to my prayers someone walked in. We all looked around at each other with a 'but everyone's already here look' and turned towards the door to see who had walked into our department, and the sight had me lose my breath.

A creature who looked like he had been intricately carved by God himself had just walked in with our manager Virat bhaiya. All I could do was stare, while trying not to drool over his tall and lean figure, keyword trying. When I had finally stopped shamelessly staring at his body I had looked back at his face to admire it a bit more when I realised he had caught me staring. Oops. I quickly looked away when Virat bhaiya called me out,
"Oye Ishu, are you even listening to me?"
Oops 2.0, I hadn't even realised he was speaking. But I just gave him an innocent smile which I knew would get me out of this,
"Ofcourse bhaiya, when do I ever not listen to you?" I said not so innocently, to which he just snorted but didn't argue further. HAH I guess my smile had worked.

"Anyways, just make him feel at home."
And Virat bhaiya went back to his office saying that. The handsome guy just came and sat at the empty desk in front of me and I looked over at my friend next to me and asked "What did Virat bhaiya say earlier Rishu?"
Rishabh just shook his head,
"So you weren't listening?"
I just gave him an innocent smile,
"He just introduced the new guy while you were busy drooling over him, nothing else."
I just rolled my eyes and smacked his head with a fake smile "very funny."

Surya Bhai our senior most co-worker suddenly looked at me and said
"Ishan, give Shubman a tour of our lovely office won't you?"
"It would be my pleasure bhaiya."
Surya bhai just winked at me and I turned tomato red. So everyone had noticed my not so subtle stares....

"Let's go" I said standing near his desk while smiling at him and he just quietly stood up and followed me, I showed him around the other departments and the cafeteria, I wanted to show him the terrace as well but I don't think he was the least bit interested in this tour or me so I just dropped the plan, besides the view from the terrace was beautiful and if he had given me the same blank look seeing that aswell I would've probably lost it.
I didn't know if he was extremely shy or just rude but let's just hope for the best.


Shubman's pov

He's so pretty gosh. While Virat sir had introduced everyone to me, I could feel someone's gaze on me and I couldn't take my eyes off of him since the time I caught him staring at me. When he had smiled at me I had lost all my senses, how could anyone's smile be so pretty? His smile had literally lit up the room.

I hadn't listened to a word he said since the past few minutes. He had been giving me a tour of the office building while I just stared at him like an idiot. I should probably say something, but what would I even say when I had just been staring at him while he spoke animatedly with so much excitement, without actually listening to a single word he had uttered. I did not want to say something stupid out of the blue and make an even bigger fool of myself so I had just kept my mouth shut.

I could tell that he was everyone's clear favourite by their interactions earlier and I didn't blame them. He was literally a ball of sunshine, you could tell right away he was someone you would want to protect forever.

When we reached our department again, our senior asked me,
"How was the tour?"
"It was nice Surya sir."
"Don't call me sir, it makes me feel old, just call me bhaiya." He said chuckling.
"Bhaiya...? but aren't you our superior."
"yes technically, but I don't really have the power to fire you so..." he said full on laughing now, while everyone else chuckled or had smiles on their faces.
I just nodded and sat back down.

I had been constantly stealing glances at Ishan, and before I realised it was lunch time. I just sat there feeling a bit awkward while everyone started leaving for lunch until Ishan came up to me and cutely said "Aren't you coming for lunch?"
I just nodded and followed him again like a lost puppy.

~At the cafeteria~

Shreyas pointed at someone looking really mad,
"He is staring again."
"Ugh I'm going to murder that as*hole someday." someone said while sitting next to Ishan.
"Relax Ro, you can't just go around murdering people." said Virat sir.
I had still been trying to figure out who it was that had walked in and sat next to Ishan. He noticed me staring and said, "oh, uhh hello Shubman, my name is Rohit Sharma and I am the head of our department. I was busy when you arrived so I couldn't visit you myself."
"It's fine sir."
"yaar don't call us sir, bhaiya is fine." said Rohit si- bhaiya.

I had noticed that the guy they had been talking about murdering was constantly staring at Ishan, but I didn't ask what that was about.

Ishan's pov

I was pretty annoyed, as that douche Naman kept staring at me until Rohit bhai had glared at him. Also mainly because apparently the new hot guy had been replying to everyone except me. Like he didn't even nod when I had been talking to him while giving him a tour and now look at him talking to Shrey and Virat bhai like he had known them since forever.

I had excused myself, after having my lunch to go to the bathroom. I hadn't noticed Naman following me and just when I exited the bathroom he had   suddenly dragged me to a nearby empty meeting room and before I could process what was happening he had pinned me to the wall.
"Leave me you Chaman."
"My name is Naman sweetheart and no I don't think I will."
I tried to free myself from him but the idiot was much stronger than me, I seriously needed to work out more.
I kicked him in the nuts and was about to run away but he grabbed me again as he was much faster than me.

"This won't be good for you, my friends will kill you."
"I would love to see them try sweetheart."
Famous last words. Ugh focus Ishan, he started coming closer to me in an attempt to kiss me and he almost even did but before his filthy lips could touch mine he had been harshly pulled away and thrown off from me. He had been thrown off with so much force that his body had slammed the wall.
"Stay away from my boyfriend."
I could see the anger in his eyes but before I could process anything or dwell over the fact that he had just called me his boyfriend, I was pulled out of the room by him.

He took me back to our department which was still empty as the others hadn't returned yet.
"Thank you....uhhhh"
Shit shit shit I never paid attention when Virat bhai had introduced him. I hadn't even asked someone else as it had completely slipped my mind. How was I so utterly stupid like seriously? I was attracted to the guy and I didn't even remember his name? I'm sure someone must have mentioned it while talking to him but nothing came to my mind. It had gone blank.

"My name is Shubman, Shubman Gill." He raised his hand and I took it while blushing out of embarrassment.
"I'm Ishan"
"I am aware darling"
And I was blushing yet again but this time it wasn't just because of embarrassment.

"I want to take you somewhere, come."
"Where darling?"
"You'll see, there is a place that you haven't visited yet."

I took him to the terrace and the smile he had on his face while looking at the sky and the view had made my knees go weak. He. had. dimples. This is unfair, how was he so freaking handsome?
He had been so freaking good looking already before he even pulled out the dimples like? Could anyone get any more perfect?

We had spent the rest of our lunch time there in front of the beautiful view and yet we couldn't take our eyes off of each other.
"Do you want to hang out after work?"
"Like a date?" I asked boldly.
"Exactly like a date."

Also not so surprisingly, Naman hadn't bothered me after that day. In fact I hadn't even seen him around the office.

The End.


I wanted to try something different I guess...
And I'm aware I changed the povs alot in this, I had thought of just writing it in third persons pov but I felt that it wouldn't have worked.

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