Grindr pt3

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(Ishan's dialogues will be in italics.
Shubman's dialogues will be in bold.)

Ishan's pov

"Why are you here Ish?"
"Uhh just here to meet a friend."
"Well sit with me for a while."
"No it's fine, I don't wanna disturb your date."
"Shut up and sit down Sunshine, you're not disturbing anyone."
And there he goes again with that nickname. It never failed to make my heart flutter and my stomach storm with butterflies. I sat down, not being able to argue anymore after he called me with that nickname.

"So who are you meeting exactly?"
"You don't know him."
"Nonsense. I know and have met all your friends."
"Not this one."
He narrowed his eyes at me suspiciously, before nodding and letting it go.
"So where is this 'friend' of yours? Didn't show up?"
"He'll be here soon."

He would be here soon right? I mean he was the one that wanted to meet me in the first place, so it wouldn't make any sense if he didn't show up.
But what if he would get here and not spot me at our table and leave?
Or what if he did spot me with my blue shirt but saw me with Shub and obviously thought I wasn't 'Sunshine', cause I was supposed to be here alone.
Or the worst, what if he came upto me and asked me if I was 'Sunshine' in front of Shub? What would I tell him?

No no no, I'm overthinking again. I pinched myself really hard to stop the thoughts.
"What are you doing? Why are you pinching yourself so hard? You'll bleed, stop it."
Shub looked panicked and concerned as he took ahold of my hands to stop me from pinching myself.
"Why were you doing that?
He asked me in a soft gentle tone. His voice so hypnotic, he easily coaxed me into telling the truth.

"The pain helps me, stop my thoughts. Whenever I feel panicked or have too many thoughts all at once, I pinch myself to stop my brain from going haywire from the overthinking."
"I've seen you doing it before but I never knew the reason. I never asked because I thought you just did it out of habit. Plus you never pinched yourself so hard in front of me."
"My thoughts were never too over the place when I was with you."
"Then what happened right now?"
"I don't know."

"If being with me helps calm you down, then I'm willing to stay besides you forever. The next time something like this happens, just come and give me a hug okay?"
He said still holding both my hands in his delicately, as if holding them any tighter would hurt me. He looked at me with gentle eyes and I couldn't help but just melt and give into him. I nodded my head to let him know I wouldn't pinch myself anymore and run to him if needed.

"Do you want to eat something?"
He was trying to distract me since he understood I felt a little gloomy and overwhelmed with my spiraling.
"No, it's ok, I'll eat later when my friend arrives."
"Are you sure your friend is coming?"
I removed hands from his, to which he pouted and picked up my phone to text Eiffel a few times to ask him why he was late and when he would arrive over the span of a few minutes. Shub started ordering food for two people and I just assumed it was for him and his date. Shub did look a little annoyed everytime I picked up my phone to check whether Eiffel replied, but he didn't say anything. I didn't get a reply from Eiffel for a while and I just chatted with Shub until the food arrived.

"Eat. I know how much you love pasta."
"No it's fine, it must be for your date."
"It is."
I faked a smile at that, I knew he was here on a date but just for a while everything seemed normal. I had forgotten about his date and Eiffel for awhile as we just chatted. But the food arriving for Shub and his date, had served as a painful reminder that I had to leave soon, whether or not Eiffel showed up.

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