Can't say for sure pt1

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(Ishan's dialogues will be in italics.
Shubman's dialogues will be in bold.)

Shubman's pov

Monday- 3 a.m.

As I sat here, looking emotionless, feeling numb, I couldn't comprehend my surroundings. I think I had seen Rohit bhai around here somewhere and I remember someone having there hand over my shoulder comforting me, or more like trying their best to comfort me. But in this moment no one could comfort me, no one except him, but he was the only one who couldn't be here to comfort me. He was the one, because of whom I needed comfort in the first place.

I had a lot of thoughts earlier, good and bad ones but after having all of those thoughts, all at the same time, after all of the overthinking and the hyperventilating, I had been led to this stage, numbness. And as the doctors came out, I had suddenly snapped out of it and rushed towards them, clinging to the last bit of hope I had.

"The surgery was successful, but it's too soon, we still can't say for sure yet. The next few hours are critical. He's currently stable but we don't know if he'll gain consciousness." said the doctor.
"What do you mean by 'we don't know if he'll gain consciousness'? Who else is supposed to know?"
"He had lost a lot of blood when he was brought in, and there were also some complications during the surgery. We will do an EEG tomorrow and can only tell you then for sure. He could be brain dead. If his brain activities seem to be normal, he should gain consciousness."
the doctor explained.

I didn't know how to respond to that so the doctor just gave me a pat on the back and said, "Be positive, we are hoping for the best."
The doctor had said I could see him now, and I had ran inside the room and then instantly collapsed on the chair besides his bed. The tears had finally started flowing, the sorrow, the hope, the pain, the regrets, the guilt and the love had all represented itself in the form of my tears.

As I had seen him, all bandaged up, face pale and so many tubes attached to his body, along with his mouth covered with a ventilator, I couldn't help but feel guilty and blame myself.


Sunday- 11 p.m. (Basically 4 hours prior)

"How long will you take Ishan?"
I said pretty annoyed.
"I'll be home soon Shub."
"It's 11 Ishan, you left around 1."
"I'm about to get it in the car Shubman, I said I'll be there soon."
"Why are you annoyed? I should be the one annoyed and mad at you."
"I'm not annoyed."
"You know what if you dislike coming home so much, then maybe you shouldn't."

Saying that I hung up on him but as soon as I hung up I had regretted my words. I would apologize after he reached home, I thought. But after 10 minutes, I had an eerie feeling, so I called him and he didn't answer and I kept calling him as more time passed, I knew something was definitely wrong now as his friend's house was only 20 minutes away and it had been more than 30 minutes already. I called his friend and he said that Ishan had already left. I started panicking and decided to leave the house to go find him myself, but as I was about to enter my car, I got a call.

I quickly checked my phone as I thought Ishan had finally called me back, but it was an unknown number.
That call. That dreadful call. That call that I would've done anything to never receive. It had been the hospital calling me to inform that my love had been in an accident.

~End of flashback~

Tuesday- 3 p.m.

I had now panicked as Ishan still hadn't gained consciousness.
"Why is he still not awake yet?"
"The doctor said it will take time Shub, we have to be a bit patient." said Rohit bhai patting my shoulder and trying to comfort me, but he himself looked like he himself didn't believe it.
Ishan was soon taken for the EEG and when the doctors returned with good news, my shoulders had slumped due to relief.
It felt as if I was carrying the weight of the world on my shoulders, but I had to be strong for my Ishan.

Ishan's family had walked in soon after, with tears in their eyes seeing him in this condition. They had just flied in apparently, after Rohit bhaiya had informed them. I remember Rohit and Virat bhaiya excusing themselves, leaving me alone with Ishan and his family, I think bhaiya had tried to take me out with him but I was so out of it I didn't realise. I remember Ishan's dad telling bhaiya to let me stay though, which I was grateful for because I was not willing to leave.

And about Virat bhaiya I didn't even know Virat bhaiya was here, maybe because he hadn't spoken much...but apparently he had been there comforting me since last night and apparently I was the one that had called him informing him about the accident, I didn't remember doing so myself but I had taken his word for it.

The doctor walked in for a check up and I instantly asked him,
"The EEG came back normal right? So why isn't he waking up?"
"He could be in a coma, but we can't be too sure, we will just have to wait and see when he wakes up."
Was he serious? I wanted to break his face. Was he sure about anything in his life? First, with the 'he might not ever wake up' and then with the 'we don't know when he will wake up'.

As if sensing my anger, before I could do anything Raj bhaiya had taken the doctor out of the room. And I went back to being emotionless, setting myself next to Ishan on the chair once again. While his parents were sitting there on the sofa.

Wednesday- 9 a.m.

I was in the room alone as his parents had went to a hotel to get some rest, I had just woken up in my awkward position on the chair, because I had felt Ishan's hand, that was in my grasp, lightly move. I thought it had been my dream until it moved again, slightly more noticeable this time. And then he slowly opened his eyes. He took time to adjust his eyes, to the light shining through the window, but when he did he looked at me and slightly smiled. The relief flooded through me as tears made their way through my eyes again and I just held his hand tighter in my grasp resisting the urge to jump on him and give him a tight hug and hold him close to me, as I didn't want to hurt him.

I called the doctor, informing him that Ishan had gained consciousness and the doctor came in for the check up.
The doctor checked up on him and then was about to leave informing us that Ishan was ok now, when Ishan moved the ventilator away from his mouth and asked the doctor about his legs that were both completely bandaged up.

The doctor looked at him hesistantly and then turned to look at me and I nodded urging him to go on, because I knew Ishan was strong, he could take it, plus it was best to be straight up to him, instead of hiding it and face his wrath later. Besides I knew he would be ok, he had to be.
"Both of your legs are badly injured, we can't say for sure if they are ever going to heal completely."


Ok this story was supposed to be completely different like the main plot isn't even here yet, I got carried away writing it and wrote the whole accident in too much detail. Idk if I'll be able to portray it well.

I, myself don't know if this is interesting or not, so if it isn't, forgive me. 🙏🏻

Also my exams are starting from tomorrow and I haven't even started studying, pray for me

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