Can't say for sure pt3

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(Ishan's dialogues will be in italics.
Shubman's dialogues will be in bold.)

Shubman's pov

~two months after the accident~

Ishan was going through his final check up today before the bandages would be removed and he would start his physiotherapy sessions from tomorrow.
I had booked the best physiotherapist in Mumbai for Ishan and she would visit Ishan daily at our house. I had informed Ishan about the same arrangement as well.

After Ishan had his bandages removed and we left the hospital and reached home, I picked him up bridal style and carried him to our house, and this time he didn't protest about how he didn't need my help or that he could do it himself. Or some Crap about him being independent and wheeling his wheelchair on his own...... hmm why didn't he do it? I looked at him suspiciously wanting to know what was going inside that little head of his.

"Why are you looking at me like I'm about to commit a crime?"
"I don't know, are you though?"
I didn't believe him but trying to argue with him was not going to get me anywhere. He was intensely stubborn and if he didn't want to share his thoughts with me he wouldn't, no matter how much I pestered him.

Later that night as I got into bed with Ishan already asleep next to me....or so I thought until I heard him sniffling. I made Ishan turn around and face me and saw that he had tears running down his face. When I pulled him into my chest, I had also started panicking thinking that he was hurt or in pain.

"What's wrong baby? Are you hurt somewhere? Is it because you are off the painkillers? Did something happen? I will talk to the doctor-"
I started rambling, while panicking about the possibilities of the situation. Trying to get my phone to call the doctor. He was supposed to be starting physiotherapy tomorrow this could not happen, not right now, not again. Just when I thought he could finally take the first step towards getting better. Just when-

"I'm scared Shub."
huh? I stopped trying to wiggle out of his grasp to grab my phone and wrapped my arms around him again.
"Why are you scared meri jaan?"
"What if- what if I don't get better-"
"Shhh don't say stuff like that, you will get better jaan, and I will be with you every step of the way."
"But what if I don't?"
He just sobbed harder in my arms and all I could do was pull him closer to my body.

I wanted to snatch away all his worries.
I wanted to take away all his pain.
I wanted to protect him from the entire world.
I wanted to just run away with him somewhere and be with him without a worry about the world or our careers.
I wanted to magically heal him.
I wanted the roles to be reversed.
I wanted it to be me instead of him.
But I couldn't do all of those things, they weren't in my hand. So I did the one thing I knew was in my hands. I promised to stay.

"You will still have me, wheeling your wheelchair if you doesn't get better at all, helping you with your crutches if you get a little better, holding your hand if you have a limp because you only got almost healed but not completely.
I promise to carry you everywhere if you let me.
But most importantly I promise to be with you and love you no matter what, always."
This seemed to comfort him a bit and he relaxed a little.

"I don't wanna lose my career Shub. I still want to play."
"And you will Ish."
He fell asleep after that, still in my arms as I wondered what tomorrow would bring.

The next day, it was 11 in the morning when the physiotherapist had arrived.
I could tell Ishan looked nervous and honestly I was too, but I had hid it very well as I held his hand just like I promised to, throughout the session.
By the end of the session Ishan was exhausted but the physiotherapist had made a positive remark saying that Ishan had done really well.

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