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(Ishan's dialogues will be in italics.
Shubman's dialogues will be in bold.)

Ishan's pov

I was getting dressed up for diwali as we were going to a party, just Shubman and I with some of our friends excluding the ICT. Suddenly Shubman barged out of the bathroom, startling me a little. I looked at him through the mirror, he looked extremely hot in his traditional attire making me almost lose control, wanting to kiss him. Ugh stop Ishan, you can't be having all of these thoughts about your bestfriend for gods sake. I focused my attention back to myself in the mirror and went back to setting my hair.

 I focused my attention back to myself in the mirror and went back to setting my hair

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(Shubman's outfit)

I looked back at him through the mirror when I noticed he was pacing around the room and he had a really determined look on his face, like he was about to make a declaration or something. He looked at me all of a sudden and he stopped pacing around. He stood there frozen looking at me through the mirror.
Uhh is he ok? He's looking at me weirdly.

 Uhh is he ok? He's looking at me weirdly

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(Ishan's outfit 🛐)

"What's wrong?"
"Be my boyfriend."
I stopped breathing and the comb dropped out of my hand. After a whole minute I took a deep breath, and turned around to look at him.
"What?" I asked trying to sound calm and not stutter or squeak.
"What I mean is, I want you to pretend to be my boyfriend."
"oh. Wait why would I do that?"
"My crush will be at the party later and I want to make her jealous."

Oh, ofcourse he wanted to use me to make his crush jealous. What else did I even expect? That he would have suddenly confessed his undying love for me?
Whatever, I was pretty annoyed by his last statement. I did not want to be used, by him to make his crush jealous and get her to notice him at my own expense.

"That's a stupid idea, so no."
"Pleaseee Ishan, it's not stupid, please just help me with this."
"Just ask someone else man, like one of your girl friends or some other teammate I don't know, or just hire an actor or something."
"Ishh, I don't have any girl friends and hiring an actor at this last moment isn't possible nor is it practical. If I hired an actor I would have to make a whole back story and it would take time for them to know personal things about me. And another teammate, well I don't want anyone else, plus no one knows me better than you. Who else will help me if not my roommate, my bestfriend?"

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