How could anyone not love you? pt2

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(Ishan's dialogues will be in italics.
Shubman's dialogues will be in bold.)

Shubman's pov

I had noticed Ishan distancing himself from me, maybe he thought I hadn't, but how could I not?
How could one not notice when their bestfriend had started creating these boundaries? Started creating these barriers between them that were never present before?

Shubman didn't care though, atleast he acted like he didn't. Because he knew, he knew the reason for it, and he knew it was best for both of them to maintain this newfound distance.

I had noticed the slight change in his demeanor when I had asked him if he had ever been in love. He looked as if he was hiding something.

I had always noticed his blushing and flustered state when I would jokingly flirt with him or we would be too close to each other, but I had brushed it off thinking it was just me overthinking, that it was just me imagining it all.

But this. The lack of eye contact when I had asked him if had been in love, had made me question it. The way he proceeded to avoid my question about who he had loved had further increased my doubts.
I didn't push him to answer though, it was best if he didn't answer had I been correct about my doubts. It was best if he avoided the question and I stayed in my blissful ignorance. So I didn't ask again.

He thought I wouldn't notice his stares at the party that I had thrown to introduce my girlfriend to my friends and family. He thought I wouldn't notice the hurt in his eyes when he looked at us. The envy in his eyes that clearly indicated that he wished it was him instead of her standing next to me, he wished it was him that I was holding so close to my body, him who I touched, him who I kissed. But it wasn't, it would never be. And he had to get that straight in his head.

To show him, that it would never be him, I pulled her closer to myself and he looked away hurt focusing on his drink instead. He thought I wouldn't notice him drinking way past his limit. He thought I wouldn't notice him quietly slipping out in the middle of the party.

But I had noticed and I had also realised that it was me. I was the one he loved. All the doubts that I had, had been proven right, I hoped he hadn't looked at us like that, I hoped he hadn't quietly slipped out with just a low "congrats." when I went to introduce my girlfriend to him.
I hoped I had stayed in my blissful ignorance, despite being almost sure that it was me whom he loved. I just wished he hadn't proved me right.

Because it was wrong. He shouldn't love me like that. We were bestfriends. We are bestfriends, well I'm not sure anymore. Would the slight distance in our friendship gradually increase? Or would it fade after he had moved on?

Here I was contemplating all of these things while I sat watching him laughing and dancing with some guy.
I wished I hadn't agreed to come to the club, ugh but not like I would have had a choice, we had just won the T20 match against South Africa, we were celebrating I guess.

More like I was here sulking at the bar alone with my drinks while watching Ishan dance with some random guy.
Oh how the tables had turned.
Ugh I wish I atleast had my girlfriend with me to distract me, but I was in South Africa she couldn't be here atleast not without creating a scandal, she was THE Sara Tendulkar after all.

Was Ishan sure he was in love with me? It sure didn't look like it right now, watching him laughing so much with some random guy. Was the guy really that funny? Whatever I don't care.

I saw the guy holding Ishan by his waist while they danced close to each other. So close. Too close.
I looked away downing my drink. I didn't wanna look, not again, I realised I had been staring for quite a while.
But my eyes had yet again betrayed me as I found myself looking back at them. Ishan seemed pretty drunk, lost in his own world and the guy had seemed to be taking advantage of that as he had slowly pulled Ishan closer, their bodies touching as he trailed his hands down Ishan's body further.

I had had enough I realised. I slammed my glass on the table and strode towards them. I could not let my drunk bestfriend get taken advantage of.

I grabbed Ishan's wrist and pulled him back towards my body,
"Learn to keep your hands to yourself, will you."
I had burst out and with that I had started dragging Ishan away from him.
I had gone straight to Surya Bhai, informing him that Ishan was drunk and that we were going back to the hotel to which he had just nodded.

While I dragged Ishan away from the club, I could hear him whining.
"Leave me alone, I wanna go back to the party. I was having so much fun."
But I had ignored him and continued to drag him back to our room.

Once in our room, he had snatched his wrist out of my grasp.
"YOU. You are my problem. Are you blind? Couldn't you see he was trying to take advantage of you in your drunk state?"
"He wasn't trying to take advantage of me, I was very well aware of what was happening. I'm not as drunk as you think I am. Hell, you seem more drunk than me!!"

My brain could not come up with a reply, I think the alcohol was finally kicking in. It must be the same with him. He was too drunk and was probably just covering up for the stranger, out of embarrassment. Or maybe it was just me who couldn't  accept the fact that he was okay with it. Okay with the stranger touching him like that.

"Why do you care anyways?" His voice so soft I almost missed it.
"Ofcourse I care, you're my bestfriend."
"I don't think bestfriends are supposed to cockblock each other."
Ouch that hurt. But it also made me realise I had my hands and jaw clenched in anger since the moment I had seen them together, Ishan with some random stranger, my Ishan.

A part of me tired to reason out that it was wrong. That this attraction, this love or whatever it was, it was wrong. But the other part of me couldn't seem to care anymore. The other part of me just wanted to kiss the man in front of me.
The man whose hair was disheveled, the man who had bags under his eyes, the man who looked utterly heartbroken. Yet he looked perfect. So pretty and so perfect in Shubman's eyes.

Shubman had listened to the latter part of his heart and had walked closer to Ishan. He was standing close enough to have Ishan's breath fanning his face.
Ishan was close to him, so close, too close. He couldn't resist anymore.

Shubman leaned forward and their lips met. Ishan immediately kissed back.
Shubman started it off slow but deepened the kiss further by taking Ishan's bottom lip between his teeth tugging gently. Ishan had opened his mouth and Shubman had slipped his tongue inside exploring every part of Ishan's pretty mouth. His mouth tasted like alcohol but it was somehow sweet.
Alcohol wasn't supposed to taste sweet though was it? But it was probably just Ishan, he concluded. He had pushed Ishan, making him fall on the bed, with Shubman hovering above him without breaking the kiss.

The kiss felt good, so good that he had forgotten why he had ever stopped himself from doing it. He had forgotten why he had ever thought it was wrong. He had forgotten everything except Ishan right here, right now kissing him.
And it felt blissful. And that's when he had realised that the ignorance he was in was not actually blissful, because this was.

The ignorance had made him drift away from his Ishan and that had automatically made it painful, he was just too blind to realise it.
But he wouldn't be anymore. He had finally seen. He had finally realised, it had always been Ishan.

And when they broke apart from the kiss, Ishan had instantly fallen asleep and Shubman just cuddled his baby pulling him closer, while staring at his beautiful, peaceful sleeping figure.

Shubman planted a kiss
On his soft messy hair as he ran his fingers through it. On his forehead which was creased as he looked like he was concentrating on something in his sleep. On his eyes that always looked so beautiful, the eyes that held Shubman's entire world in them, that had been fluttered shut. On his cute button nose that was tinted red due to the alcohol. On his flushed cheeks that looked so adorable that he wanted to squeeze them. And finally on his pretty pink lips that looked so kissable, forming a cute little pout in his sleep. 


I wrote a part 2 and it's LONG.
Let me know if you like this or if you preferred the sad one sided love of Ishan.
Ps- there might be one more part of this coming...

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