Grindr pt2

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(Ishan's dialogues will be in italics.
Shubman's dialogues will be in bold.)

Ishan's pov

Eiffel <for you>


Hello :)

Why don't you have
any pictures on your

I could ask you the
same question.

Well because I don't
want people to only
like me for my looks.

Oh wow, you think
you're that good looking?

Well I am ;)
Also people here only
search for good looking
guys to get f*cked.

I didn't know that.
I just joined grindr.

Well beware-
the guys here are
really cheap.

Doesn't that include
you too?

Ofcourse not 'Sunshine'.

Then why are you still
here if you know the
guys here aren't nice?

Because I was
trying my luck, I guess.
I couldn't get a guy,
in real life.
So I thought, why not
try here?

What about you?

Similar reason.

But not the same.
Come on. Spill.

I was trying to move
on and this seemed
like a good distraction.

Ohh from who?

Just a guy.

Okayy well you still
haven't told me why
you don't have any

Just because.

Um okay wow
that's pretty

So why is your
name Eiffel?

Well because it's a
good pick up line
and I'm tall. ;)

That's cheesy.

Well I happen to
like me some

So what's your name?

You gotta tell me
your's first.

Um I can't.

Ok then, why did
you keep your profile
name 'Sunshine'?

Someone calls me
by this name and
I couldn't think of
anything else.

Well the only thing
I'll tell you about my
name is that it starts with 'S'.

Oh God.

What's wrong?

Nothing just I guess
the 'S's really can't
leave me alone.

Haha I guess
you're like a magnet
for the 'S's.

What about you?

What about me?

Don't I get a hint?


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