Mr 15 pt3

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(Ishan's dialogues will be in italics.
Shubman's dialogues will be in bold.)

Ishan's pov

It had been two months since I was rescued by Shub. True to his words he had come to meet my parents with me and everything had gone well. Soon after I had also taken up the job offered to me by the Indian Intelligence, and joined the ICT.
It had been a month since my joining, I had hacked a few people's locations and helped with a few missions, but I had never been allowed to accompany them on the field.

This time though it was different. I had to go with them on this mission, I obviously didn't know how to fight or use any sorts of weapons so I wouldn't be doing any of the fighting or the confronting or the arresting or killing.
The job was to catch the drug dealers. They had been supplying drugs to teenagers who had been selling them. They had converted teenagers into drug dealers and they were dangerous, plus they did all of that on a large scale.

My job was with the computer and I would obviously stick to that, the only issue this time was that, I had already found out their location, obviously. But the problem was that the place was huge and it was like a maze and if our members wanted to have any chance of getting out of there alive, we had to have eyes inside the warehouse, which meant I had to hack their CCTV's which again obviously was an easy job for me, but I had to hack their wifi as well and connect to it, to access their CCTV's which meant I had to go with them.

Which meant that Shubman was against including me in this mission.
Obviously nobody listened to him though, because honestly speaking my role in this mission was much more important than his, to wbsure everyone's safety.

"We cannot include him in this mission bhaiya, he doesn't even know how to fight."
Okay that's offensive.
"That is why he'll just be staying in the van giving us directions and keeping an eye out." said Virat bhai, I could tell he was getting annoyed but Shubman aswell.
"But bhaiya what if something happens to him-"
"Do you want to be dropped from the mission Shub?" said Rohit bhai, now being done with his constant whining.
"No. Who will ensure Ishan's safety then?"
"All of us are here for that Shub."
said Rishu.
"I don't trust him with any of you."
"Wah benstokes, ye sahi hai bhai."
said Shrey.
~End of flashback~

So here we were outside the warehouse sitting in our mini vans, preparing to go out.
"Just give me 2 minutes, I'll hack them and figure out which gate will be the safest to enter from."
"Do your thing" said Rishu giving me a thumbs up.
"okayy, so you all are ten people, five of you enter from the gate near the west and the other five enter from the back entrance."

"But there is no gate near the back entrance?" asked Harry bhai confused.
"As per the CCTV footage there is a small hidden door which isn't guarded because well nobody knows it's there."
"Wow a hidden gate? you really are a genius baby." said Shrey with a big smile on his face.
"Koi shak?" I replied smiling and winking at Shrey.
"Focus on the mission guys." uh-oh he looked mad.
"You five entering from the back gate be careful, there are two men guarding it and you need to eliminate them quietly as to not alert the others."
Shreyas- "Aye aye captain"
Rishabh- "Got it boss"

And they all saluted me while Rohit bhai just gave them a 'are you serious' look, or was it the 'do you wanna die' look? Whatever it was, the glare looked murderous. They just started making their way to the gates quietly.
"Do not get out of the van, no matter what happens. Do you understand? And lock the door."
"I'll be okay Shub, I promise."
I smiled at him and he kissed me forehead before I ushered him to follow our teammates.

As they all entered,
"Rish, on your left. And no gunshots please."
I said through the earpiece.
"I said left, Rishu LEFT. You are going to the right. Oh my god"
"How did you know I went the wrong way?"
"I hacked the CCTV cameras you idiot, I can see you all."
What is wrong with this dude? seriously? I know he's my friend but how did he even get a place in this squad with that brain of his?

"Thank you Shub." I said as I saw him eliminating the guy that Rish was supposed to.
"Anytime meri jaan."
"Eww can you guys stop flirting in my ear?"
"No can't do Rishu."
"Focus on the mission if you both don't wanna get killed."
"Easy for you to say sitting in the van."
"Shut up and keep it down Rishu. There is a guard right around the corner he might hear you."

"Exactly, he is more helpful than both you and Shub combined, so don't even."
said Surya bhaiya and I just smiled, he really has become like an elder brother to me.
As I gave them a few more instructions, as to where to go and who to eliminate suddenly someone tried to open the door to the van. It was shut and I instantly looked at him and said
"Uh oh." I should've paid attention to the guy that was near Rishabh, so the guard had heard him after all.
"What happened? What's wrong?"
Asked Shubman, with alertness and worry evident in his voice.

*Loud crash*
"What was that noise?"
"Someone broke the window of our van."
"Ishan RUN."
"Too late."
I was dragged towards the warehouse with a gun pointed at my forehead.
"If you want to see him alive, you all better come to the main hall right now."
He said in my ear, ugh he knew we had earpieces.

"Don't be stupid, he's bluffing guys. Keep doing your thing."
"Shut up, if you want to live."
He screamed at me and then he kicked me.
"What happened? Are you ok?"
Shub choked out damn, he's really lost his composure.
"I am okay Shubman, DO NOT come for me."
"Didn't I tell you to shut up?"
Boy he was really getting on my nerves.

I was about to retort when suddenly I found Shubman standing in front of us.
Oh god. Well atleast he wasn't stupid enough to come to the main hall and had found us before we had reached there.
"Please don't hurt him."
As much as I wanted to slap the boy for being so stupid and following me when I clearly told him not to, I also melted at the desperation in his voice.
"Drop your weapon."
Shubman slowly lowered his gun.

The others hadn't reacted or said anything regarding the situation. Good.
That means they were staying focused on the mission. It's best that they didn't say anything, as the guard could hear them, because he was very close to me.
"Do not make any sudden movements or I won't hesitate to shoot your friend here."
"please don't."



Cliffhanger hihi
This ones for sakshidessai6
I know this ain't that good, I'll try to make the next one better but let's see, I hadn't planned on writing this.

Also I know I had said this would take time to write but I had an idea so I wrote one and decided to continue posting it while it was still fresh in your brains, despite having like 2 different stories fully written, already lined up.

Also 2 more parts coming for this.
This might be a bit boring but the next ones good I swear.

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