Unavailable pt2

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Ishan's pov


Oh my god!
Adi just requested to
follow me on
I'm gonna cry😭

Are you doing this
on purpose?

huh doing what?

This is Shubman.

Oh...shit sorry
I accidentally texted
you instead of Mayank.

So..he finally acknowledged
you after seven months huh?

No. He finally
found me.

Why did he lose
you in the first
place though?

He didn't lose me

What excuse did
he give?

I haven't accepted
his request yet.

What are you waiting
for? I thought you
were dying to talk
to him.

You're right.
Why am I here
wasting my time,
when I should be
there talking to him.


Ishan's pov

Something felt off with Shubman, obviously anyone would notice.
He hadn't flirted with me since last night and he sounded mad. Ugh whatever I can't be bothered right now.
Let me focus on Aditya. Wait I mean my Adi, I never call him Aditya.

You have accepted @Aditya.Kashyap 's follow request and have requested to follow him back.

I'm nervous, I'm so nervous, it's been seven months since I last talked to him.
But I couldn't help but think about Shubman in this moment.
It's been a month since he had been using that number now. My bestfriend's number.
And I'd be lying if I said that I hadn't started being super attached to him.
Ofcourse, we were friends now, it was normal right?

Just then I got a notification, I picked up the phone hoping it would be Shubman.

@Aditya.Kashyap has accepted your friend request.

I was disappointed. Wait what? Why was I disappointed? Just then I got another notification.

@Aditya.Kashyap has sent you a message.


Hii ishuuu

Hii Adi

I'm sorry I changed
my number and I
forgot to transfer the contacts
so I lost everyone's number,
including yours.

It's okayy

Ishan's pov
I wanted to reply with, "Did I ask?" when he started giving me an explanation but instantly snapped out of it.
Ugh Shubman has really influenced me for the worse.


Are you mad?


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