Pari pt2

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(Ishan's dialogues will be in italics.
Shubman's dialogues will be in bold.)

Shubman's pov

Sitting there just waiting, I started reminiscing about the past. As I glanced at Ishan I remembered the first time I had met him, it was truly one of my most cherished memories. My life changed completely after that day. I still remember...

Eight years ago
I was at my friend's art gallery for the exhibition of my photographs, there were obviously other art pieces alongside mine. I saw this one particular male, standing near a photograph I clicked, staring at it for a long time. After a while I decided to gather the courage and approached him.
"I noticed you've been staring at it for a long time, do you like it?"
"I do but it feels like something is missing."
"Something missing?"
"Yeah, the realism, the perspective, the beauty, everything is present, but there's this emotion lacking. I can't quite pinpoint what it is."
"Are you a photographer aswell, by any chance?"
"umm no I'm- uhh actually I paint."

He paints huh? Does that mean he's an artist? Does he paint professionally or..? He seems to know a lot about art, but that could maybe just be because he paints as a hobby?
Too many questions but before I could ask, he spoke up.
"Do you want to look around at the art pieces with me?"
"I'd love to." I said giving him a big grin. As we looked around, we came across a painting that looked absolutely ethereal. It was painted to perfection so much so that I had almost mistaken it to be a photograph, until I looked closely to find the brush strokes.

I looked at the painting absolutely amazed and then looked at him. He had a thing or two to say about every single art piece in the gallery, whether it be good or bad things. I expected him to say something about this one aswell. I was waiting to hear something good about this one, due to it's flawlessness but nothing ever came. He just started walking off trying to move on to the next one. I stopped him by holding his wrist and pulling him back.
"Got nothing to say about this one?"
"Oh come on, the painting is so good, can't you atleast say something nice about it?"
"It's okay I guess."

"Just OKAY?" I looked back at the painting reading the name of the artist and then looked back at him and said,
"Well Ishan here, who must've worked for days or probably weeks on this painting and given it his all, would be pretty disappointed by that reaction."
He just gave me a big smile and said,
"I'm sure he won't mind."
And then he laughed and I looked at him confused,
"Do you know the artist by any chance?"
"hmm maybe... hi I'm Ishan."
He held out his hand for me to shake with a big smile on his face.

"You painted this?"
I asked taking his hand in mine also giving him a big smile and he just nodded I'm response. We stood there hands still in each other's, looking in each other's eyes with a smile still intact on both our faces. After a while he spoke up breaking me out of my trance.
"Won't you tell me your name?"
"Oh right, I'm Shubman."
"hmm don't tell me you're the photographer of the photograph we saw earlier."
He said laughing at the possibility.
"Uhh I actually am."

His smile instantly dropped as he looked at me with wide eyes and an open mouth. I just laughed at his reaction as he started panicking and apologizing.
"I am so sorry, I had no idea, oh my god, I didn't mean to- uhh I just- the photograph is really nice!"
I just laughed even harder at that and took his shoulders in my hand trying to calm him down.
"It's okay, honestly even I felt I could've done better. Your feedback was really appreciated."

A couple months after the meeting
After that day my photographs had never lacked emotions. If anything it sometimes lacked everything else but never emotions. Ishan had already been a famous painter when I had met him, I had realised a little later that he was just trying to be modest. And just like that I had slowly started gaining success aswell.

Five years ago
I had asked Ishan to be my boyfriend after a couple months of meeting and he had happily agreed. I proposed to him on the same date we had met three years later and we got married. I proposed to him in Paris, when we were there for one of my shoots. The proposal was perfect on top of the Eiffel tower, I got on one knee and even though I was nervous as hell, I knew he would never reject me. Proposing and kissing on top of the Eiffel tower was one of my other most cherished memories.

Three years ago
We lived happily together for two years as a married couple. On our second marriage anniversary, it had officially been five years since we had met.
We had decided that it was time to expand our family and had gone to the adoption centre, but on our anniversary as a surprise I had finalized everything and we would be choosing our little sunshine. We would be choosing a baby to adopt.

We went to the adoption house and a cute little baby came running towards Ishan and hugged his legs. Ishan picked her up and the first thing we noticed was that she was breathing really heavily and her skin looked pale and a little blue. But none the less she looked absolutely adorable as she looked at Ishan with a big smile on her face.
"She has a complex congenital heart disease."
The manager had answered our unasked question.

"She will need a heart transplant after a couple years."
"How old is she?"
"She just turned two a few days ago."
Ishan and I looked at each other feeling pitiful that such a young girl who should have lived a long healthy life instead had to face such problems at such a young age.
"What about her parents?"
"Her mother passed away giving birth to her and her father passed in an accident just a couple months ago. We just got her."

"What's her name?"
That is when Ishan turned around to look at me and said,
"I want her."
"Are you sure baby? It will be really difficult."
"Look at her Shub. She doesn't deserve all of this."
I turned towards Pari to look at her and she looked at me with a big smile. That is when I knew she was it for us. We were adopting her.
~flashback ends~


Guys criticism is welcomed, I want to know how I can improve 🙏🏻

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