Part 17 - SEMI-FINALS?

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I was getting ready for my quarter-final match. I had woken up feeling fresh and ready to play some good tennis today. I was up against Sabalenka, again. I wasn't getting myself to hyped because I know how she plays, shes tough but if I can rattle her early on I could have a chance. But it wasn't going to be easy in any way possible.

We were now waiting for our names to be called over the stadium, so we could walk out on court.




Fist set Aryna Sabalenka 7-5

Not to bad but not to good. It was a better start than I thought I would have against her. i had found my rhythm pretty quick so thats why I had kept up with her.


Second set Anna Kyrgios 6-4

Well that was...greatly unexpected but I'll take it.

Just gotta keep that up. Whatever the hell I did there, do it again.

Game, set match...

Anna Kyrgios

5-7 6-4 6-4

Oh my god i did it. I fucking did it. I just bet Sabalenka! The world number 2, the Australian open champion.


"Anna, you have just beaten the number two seed Aryna Sabalenka. How are you feeling after that?" I was now doing my post match interview on the court. As much as I wanted to walk off it I was here fora bit longer.

"ahh, well. I don't know. How am I supposed to feel?"

The crowd cheered and laughed as i gave my not very good reply.

"No uhm, I am very surprised in my self, you know we played each other just last week. I lost in 3 and i was happy with that result, i didn't think I could do any better but here I am. It's not easy playing her, shes just so strong on these ground strokes its crazy. Uhm Aryna if you can teach me to hit a ball that hard I will give you anything you want, please"

Again the crowd laughed at my reply. I was just having fun with it. Of course being serious but adding laughter to it is a good way to end a match day.

"Now your into your first ever grand slam semi-final" The interviewer stopped because of the cheered erupting. "Do you know who you have to play next?"

"No, i don't. Enlighten me" I say with a smile.

"You have to play last years Wimbledon champion, Markéta Vondroušavá."

"Hmm, good match then."

"It certainly will be. We will let you go to celebrate with your team. Congratulations Anna Kyrgios!"

The crowd let out its last cheers as i waved before walking off court to my team.


Nick was the first to congratulate me.

"Ay congrats, thats a crazy win" He said, giving me a fist pump.


"Alright, you go do what you have to do yeah. Are you staying in for dinner tonight or do you want to go somewhere?"

"I don't mind. What are you doing?"

I was planning on dinner with you and the others if you wanted to come"

"yeah sure, what time"

"7, I'll knock on your door. We'll just go down the road or something"

"Okay, cool. Cya later then" I said, patting his shoulder on my way past him.

Kimi and Arthur were hanging out at the moment. They did watch my match but left after to go do whatever they planned. They also did send a text to congratulate me.

I was now doing the last of my stretching with my team before I could go. Already being in the gym for about an hour, I could not wait to throw myself on the floor when i get back to my room.

"Alright your good to go, congrats out there again." My trainer said, giving me a high-five.

"thanks. I'll see you guys... soon?"

He laughed at me before packing the rest of the gear away.

"Cya Anna"


As soon as I walked into my room I fell down to the floor. My back on the laying on the carpet flooring, and all my limbs spread out.

"What the fuck..."

Oh yeah I keep forgetting Kimi and I share a room. Dang.


"I have so many questions but you know what. Im not gonna ask" He said, moving to lay at the front of the bed on his stomach with his hands supporting his head. He looked down at me weirdly.



"Kimi. Why are you looking at me like that?"

"No reason"

"The fuck" I mumbled to myself.

"Your going to dinner later right?"


"You stink"

"Fuck off I just played at 3 hour match, bet the number 2 in the world and got into my first ever grand slam semi-final. So shut you mouth"

"Jeez, then go shower"

"Oh my god...I've literally only been in this room for less than 5 minutes and your already attacking me"

I stood up, walked to my suitcase grabbed my clothes before walking in the bathroom to have a shower. Because according to Kimi 'You stink'.

Authors note
Shit chapter I know :(
Ive been so tired these past few days, waking up early to watch my brother play tennis so thats why this chapter is bad.
I will try and make it up to you guys
Any errors will tried to be fixed, although im so tired I might miss some so let me know if i do

Any criticism on my writing for it to improve, let me know!

Side note
I got the McLean f1 lego car for Christmas and at the start of the year i started to build it.
I was going well with timing i did almost half of it in 2 busy days,
But I haven't done anything since so I started today and im close to finishing bag 3 but I quit soooo yeah 😭

1007 Words
Buongiorno o buonanotte

IT'ᔕ ᗯᕼO YOᑌ ᗰEET, Kimi Antonelli Where stories live. Discover now