Part 19 - BREATH

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Nick had just got off court from his quarter-final match. He had played Stefanos Tsisipas. and Nick had won In 4 sets. Of course there was drama, there always is between the two but thats what makes tennis so much more intriguing. And obviously there were broken racquets but not just from Nick, Stefanos had broken one to. Even more entertainment than I had hoped.

We weren't going to do anything for the rest of the day and it was only 2.30pm so Arthur, Kimi and I had planed to go down to the hotels pool.

I threw on a two piece that was easiest to grab from my suitcase, I really couldn't be bothered going a hunt for a specific one. Putting an over side shirt over the top, grabbing my towel and phone Kimi and I headed to Arthur's room to get him. His girlfriend decided not to show her face at all while we were in France and I totally respected that. We made a promise with each other that we would hang soon though.

"Alrighty gang, you prepared for the water to be cold?" I asked, stepping into the lift.

I heard a 'no' come from bother of them.

"But dont you guys take ice baths, you should be used to the cold. Im not I will still put a jumper on in 30 degree weather"

The two boys looked at me strangely after hearing my confession but looked away as the lift opened.

Once we got to the pool we put our belongings down on a chair before I went to go sit on the side with my legs dangling in the not to cold water. I knew it was probably going to be cold when my whole body was in though. Once your waist is in the water is suddenly freezing.

"Who's going all the way in first?" Arthur asked.

"Not me!" I was quick to say.

"Im not going in first!" Kimi said after me

"Fine since you guys are scared little children I will do it"

"Ok! Have fun with that Arthur"

He stood on the paving of the pool staring a the water.

"He's taking so long, so much for us being scared" I whispered in Kimi's ear. He snickered before whispering in my ear.

"You should push his legs forward"

Arthur was still looking at the water like it was going to go warm. So that was my chance to push the back of his legs so he fell forward. He practically belly flopped.

"What the fuck Anna"

"It was Kimi's idea" I say, pointing to Kimi.

"How's the water" Kimi asked him.

"You know what. It's not to bad"

"Is that in ice bath comparing terms or in general?"

"Hmm general"

"Yeah so that means it cold"

"But I said general. How is that cold"

"I get cold easy, remember I said i wear jumpers in 30 degrees?"



I eventually did go in. But not in a normal way. Kimi had thrown me over his shoulders and jumped in the water. It actually wasn't to cold so that was good.

"We should play Marco Polo!"

"Arthur we aren't 5"

"I bet you want to play Anna. Don't lie"

"Fine, but Im not starting as Polo"

"That's okay I'll be Polo"

Kimi and I had quickly swam away from Arthur who was Polo. We were sitting on the shallow steps of the pool. Way down the far end.


"Polo" Me and Kimi said at the same time, as well as in the same tone.

It made us laugh which definitely gave away where we were but oh well. I slowly moved down the side of the pool away from Kimi who was still sitting in the same spot.


"Polo" To trick him where I was I whispered.

"Polo" Kimi hadn't thought of the same Idea so Arthur was now on his way towards him.

I was now chilling down at the deep end, back against the walls of the pool, arms rested on the paving. Kimi was now Polo and was not doing so well at it. Arthur was floating about 2 meters away from him yet still not tagged.

"Come on guys i suck at this!"

"Yeah you suck bad. I quit I'm out" Arthur replied

"Arthur you weren't even tagged?"

"He made it boring so I'm leaving" He said, getting out the pool and wrapping himself into his towel.

The rest of us followed suite and were now chatting under the veranda seating.


Kimi and I had gotten back to our hotel room not long ago. It's now 5.30pm and we got bored pretty quickly so I pulled out Uno. And to say Kimi was mad was very much correct.

"There is no way you just pick up two +4's in a row! Your cheating!"

"Kimi! I'm not cheating!"

"Well your clearly the opposite of Charles! In fact I feel like Charles!"

I burst out laughing at Kimi's comment. He was referring to how unlucky Charles is and how I must be super lucky.

He wasn't laughing he was sat there with a blank expression, staring at me.

"I hate you"

"You cant hate on me! Hate on Uno!'

"Anna Rose Kyrgios you are a cheater"

"Ohh my the full name, its getting serious in here."

I knew he was mad but I didn't expect him to pull a Paul. Which was throw his cards at me. Then he stood up and threw he self onto the bed.

I packed away Uno, put it away in my backpack the laid down next to Kimi.

"No, go away. I don't like you"

He pushed me away from him, I was now on the edge of the bed. Slowly falling off.

"Im falling! Help"

A thud echoed throw the room. I heard Kimi laughing before I saw his head pop over the side of the bed. He looked very amused.

He put his hand out for me to grab like that was going to help me get up. I grabbed it but instead of him pulling me up I pulled him down. His body practically crushed me with how hard he fell down.

his arms were beside my head, holing his body up. Our faces close.

I saw his eyes move from my eyes to my lips. And I did the same.

I could see him slowly lowering himself down so our faces were even closer. Our noses now touching.

I think I stopped breathing. I don't even know if I am breathing at this point.

One of his hands were taken off the floor. I was to busy looking at his eyes that the hand the took off the floor was now on my check. His thumb softly gliding across my bottom lip.

Authors note
Hope you liked this chapter.
I dont rlly know how to write those sort of scenes so i hope it wasn't to bad.
Any errors will tried to be fixed before published if not than let me know!


Any criticism on my writing for it to improve, let me know!

Side note
Tennis training term stared today, so hopefully it doesn't effect the publishing schedule of this story!

1221 Words
Buongiorno o buonanotte

IT'ᔕ ᗯᕼO YOᑌ ᗰEET, Kimi Antonelli Where stories live. Discover now