Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

"Today wasn't bad." Xander spoke after we all finished our rounds on the mats. Easy for him to say. He isn't the one that got punched multiple times. "Head out to the flight field and get your laps done."

"Are you going to tell me what happened last night?" Sam whispers to me when she got to my side.

"When we're alone." I promise her. I had been waiting all day for the opportunity to get her alone without Xander around. I usually tell Sam everything right away so it's killing me having to wait so long.

Cyrus walks up to me with an apologetic look on his face. His ice blue eyes filled round with guilt. "I'm really sorry." He grabs my face gently and caresses my cheek where he had punched me. I'm sure it was swollen now, it felt like it. The throbbing only getting worse as more time goes by.

I go to say something but Sam beats me to it. "Yeah you should be sorry." She snaps. "I may not be able to do anything to you right now. But wait." She walks up to him, causing him to look down at her. "I'll get paired with you for the mats again. I'm going to murder you."

"Sam relax." I grab her arm. "It's okay." He was only doing what were suppose to be doing. He also didn't knock me out like he had knocked lucky out, which means he was still holding back.

"I'll race you guys." Lucky spoke up, getting all our attention. "It'll make it seem fun." He adds when no one says anything.

"Alright, but you're going to lose." Sam smiles at him, she's never been the one to back down from a challenge. "Coming?" She asks me.

I shake my head, giving her a smile, "No, go ahead."

"I'll give you a head start." Lucky smiles at her, holding his arm towards the door.

Sam smiles at him and takes off running. Lucky let her get out the door before he was chasing after her.

Leaving me alone with Cyrus, Leon and Xander.

"How did I do today boss?" Leon asks Xander, a smile covering his face like he was proud of himself.

"Pathetic." Xander responds, earning a chuckle from both Cyrus and me.

Cyrus reaches down to grab my hand and starts to lead me towards the hallway. I don't question why he's holding my hand. He probably just wants to get me away from Leon. I don't argue, wanting to get away too.

"I wouldn't laugh, puppy." Leons eyes narrow at me causing Cyrus to pull me into his other side. "I'll see you on the flight field." His threat sends a chill though my bones.

Xander steps forward, grabbing Leon by the collar of his shirt and lifting him in the air with ease earning a small gasp from me. "You didn't learn your lesson about hurting squad mates?" His voice low and ice cold.

"I was just playing sir." Leon rushes out, his face turning red. "Wasn't going to hurt her."

"Good." Xander drops him, causing Leon to stumble back a few steps.

"Come on." Cyrus whispers to me, pulling me into the hallway.

"Are you okay?" He askes me once we were alone, squeezing my hand softly.

"Yes." I assure him, giving him the best smile I could. My cheek throbbing from the movement. I can't tell him I was in any pain, he only did what he was supposed to do. He still went easy on me, I've seen how rough he can be when he fought everyone else.

"Your arm?" He frowns referring to earlier when Caleb punched me, getting the muscle with one good hit.

"It's fine." I assure him. My arm was still throbbing from the pain but I ignored it. I have a feeling I'm going to get used to being in pain most the time.

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