Chapter Five

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Chapter Five


One week later

"Today is going to be fun." Lucinda smiles at me, excitement radiating off of her as she walks up to stand next to me. We both had to be in the dinning hall during breakfast and dinner to keep an eye on everyone. She insisted on helping me keep watch over them no matter how many times I tried to tell her she wasn't needed. She has always been oddly obsessed with me since we went though training together a couple years ago.

Getting Lucinda away from me has been harder to do as the days go by recently. Every moment she can she clings to my side, following me like she's a lost puppy.

"Why do you say that?" I ask her, watching as the first group of students start making their way in. My eyes only searching for one person.

"It's my squad against yours." She smiles up at me. "Which means you're stuck with me until lunch."

My heart stops, I wasn't aware that the squad challenges were starting. Sage isn't ready to go against another team. My mind starts racing, thinking of ways to stop Sage from training today. Knowing her she probably won't back out of it. For someone so tiny she really has no fear when it came to standing up to people.

I debate for a moment if I should just go tell Sage not to join us today. My squad hasn't arrived yet so I had time before Lucinda sees her.

"Great." I give her a sarcastic smile. "I'll be back." I walk off before she could say anything. Forcing her to stay behind, being the only one in charge of making sure no one kills each other.

I rush up the stairs, hoping I didn't miss them at some point. I round the corner to the hallway and sigh with relief when I saw Sam, Cyrus, and Caleb standing outside her room door.

"Good morning." I get their attention, "Sage will not be participating in training today."

"Why? Is she okay?" Sam's anxiously asks, her eyes going wide.

"She's okay." I assure her. "Training took a lot out of her. I want her to take today off, catch up on some sleep."

"Oh." Sam frowns, "She definitely does need the sleep."

"She does, I'll make sure she makes it to lunch." I assure them. "But let's let her sleep."

Sam nods in agreement, grabbing Caleb's hand. "Well let's go, I hope I didn't wake her already." Sam spoke quieter.

"She'll fall back to sleep." Caleb assures her, leading her around me. "Coming?" Caleb called out to Cyrus when he never followed them.

"Yeah, I'll meet you there." Cyrus eyes never left mine. His arms stayed crossed over his chest. His feelings hitting me like a brick. Anger mixed with concern.

I sigh, this should be good. "Is there a problem?" I ask him, my tone cold. I didn't like this kid, and I refuse to believe he has good intentions.

His brother and I took this course together, but there's a reason he isn't here anymore.

"Yes." Cyrus answers sternly. "I don't believe this whole she needs rest shit."

"Well she does." I simply answer.

"Did you hurt her?" He questions, stepping up to me as if he was about to throw a punch.

My eyes narrow down at him, "Back up." I warn him. He watches me for a second, before he took a step back. Smart move.

"No I didn't hurt her." I nearly growl at him. "If you wake her up she's going to get hurt."

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