Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

The first ride

"It doesn't make sense." Sam whispers, shaking her head. My heart shattered for her. I've seen how close they have gotten over the last few weeks. Lucky was suppose to bond with a dragon today. Leon of all people bonded with one. It didn't make any sense. I thought dragons were suppose to choose their riders based on how we are on the inside. That's what my father told me countless times. Leon is a cold hearted killer, he doesn't deserve to be bonded to a dragon.

"I know." I whisper, rubbing her arm. I wasn't sure how to comfort her. Not only did we just lose a member of our squad but she lost someone she's grown really close to. Seeing her upset is killing me.

"Come on, little one." Constance voice filled my head, scaring me for a second. "You'll get used to it." She comments.

"Let's just get this ride over with." I tell Sam softly.  She nodded in agreement, turning to go get on her dragon.

I turn to face Constance, anxiety taking over. I haven't successfully been able to get on a dragon on my own. Constance was also way bigger than Octavia, which makes it even harder for me.

"Just run and jump." Constance tells me, laying down so her body was closer to the ground for me.

"That's easier said than done." I mumble, backing up a couple feet.

I run towards her, jumping up and reaching as far as I can to get some grip. I grab nothing though, and slid down her side. My feet thumped on the ground, a shock wave spreading through-out my ankles.

"What about this?" Constance stuck out her front leg. I felt a blush covering my cheeks. I know everyone is watching and can clearly see that I can't get on my own dragon. This is so embarrassing.

"I think embarrassing would be not bonding to a dragon." Constance points out.

"Everyone is watching." I refused to let my eyes roam. I could feel everyone's gaze on me, digging a hole in my back. Why didn't I practice this part more? Obviously I can't ride a dragon if I can't even get on one.

I step to her leg and jumped up. Throwing my arms across her to pull my body up. I stood up, putting my arms out to keep my balance. I walk up her leg, making it to her shoulder. Swinging my leg over, I grab the back of her neck and slide down to sit against her. I did it.

"We'll practice." Constance tells me. I didn't reply because she was right about that. I can't believe everyone just watched me struggle to get on my own dragon. I felt a blush cover my cheeks, and I kept my eyes on the scales in front of me. I still got up here though, I reminded myself. Because I did get up here on my own. There was no one on the ground this time pushing me up.

"Okay, our flight will be half an hour." Xander spoke loudly, from his spot on his dragon. Everyone had already mounted on their dragon and had been waiting on me.

"Hold on tight." He tells us as Octavia pushes him off into the air. I get memorized for a moment. Xander looks so calm and at ease. No fear filled him. His body stays relaxed, the wind never affecting him. Everything in me wanted to be sitting in front of him up there, to feel his arms holding me safe to his chest. Erasing any fear that dares to eat at me.

My stomach falls to the ground, the air being ripped from my lungs as Constance opened her wings and pushed us up into the air with more force than I was used to with Octavia.

"Some warning would've been nice!" My thighs tighten around her, my hands gripping the scales on the back of her neck. My knuckles turning white from the pressure.

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