Chapter Twenty-one

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Chapter Twenty-one

The sunlight beat against my eyelids as I fought against consciousness. I wasn't ready to wake up yet. I felt so weightless and peaceful. I pull the blanket up to my chin and shift to get comfortable against the pillow. Then, I felt something... A heavy arm laying over my waist.

I'm not alone.

My entire body goes still.

I dare to peak open my eyes and... I'm in Xander's room?

Oh god. What happened? Why was I in here?

I look down and I was wearing one of his black t-shirts. I lift the blanket and I was also wearing his grey sweats. His arm tightens around me and I stop breathing as he pulls me closer to him. My back was pressed against his warm body. If I wasn't going crazy trying to figure out what happened I would happily go back to sleep. But I can't. I need to know what happened.

"You got pretty drunk last night." Constance says with a light chuckle.

"No..." I have no memory of it. I slowly- very slowly, slide his arm from around me and sit up. Being extremally careful not to wake him. Maybe I can sneak out and we can both act like nothing happened. I can't even remember what happened. God, did I do something? Did We do something?

Dark eyes blink up at me and I freeze. I wasn't ready to face what happened. My worries ease a little as a smile spreads across his face, "Good morning princess." His soft words cause me to melt.

I don't say anything. Too lost in his eyes. I wish I could remember something. Anything. I don't know how I act when I'm drunk. I've never blacked out before. God I wish I could just hide and never see anyone again. How did I even end up in his clothes? How am I here?

"Say something." He whispers after a few moments.

"I can't remember what happened." I admit to him, still trying to search my memory for anything.

"So... you're not about to walk out that door right?" He asks me quietly, as worry swirls in his eyes.

My heart shatters. He's so used to me running from him. "No." I answer softly. I did consider leaving before he woke up but now I'm glad I didn't. He would've been devastated if he woke up alone. The thought of hurting him twist my heart. I've been running from him for so long.

He sighs, his body visibly relaxing. "Good." He pushes himself up, a smile never leaving his lips as he leans over to kiss my cheek. "You got really drunk last night."


He chuckles, I swear my heart skips a beat. I could listen to that sound all day. "I had brought you a glass of wine with dinner and you liked it."

"One glass wouldn't make me not remember." I shake my head still trying to figure it out. One glass isn't enough to make me black out drunk.

"You're right. But you had four."

"Four!" I cover my face with my hands as my cheeks flush, "Why didn't you stop me?"

"It didn't effect you, that I noticed." He shrugs, his smile still pulling at the corner of his lips. "Until the fourth one. It hit you hard too."

"That's so embarrassing." I whisper to myself. "But why am I in here?"

"I didn't feel comfortable leaving you drunk in your room. I knew no one would come to my door." He answers softly. "I had to leave you here while I went with Octavia."

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